Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 477: Summer Plan, Call Sand Sculpture Dad

Zhang Wei was a little surprised.

He knows that many well-known universities nowadays will carry out exchange students for reasons such as mutual exchange and expansion of popularity, alias "inter-school student exchange program", which will provide several students with schools in different regions and countries for a period of time Exchange, allowing students to experience the other school, so as to gain exchange experience and so on.

Its school also has one, and this time it is an exchange with the most famous Seoul University in the country.

"Yes, Brother Wei, I didn't expect you to be selected. You ask for leave every now and then, but think about it. You ask for leave, but your performance in all subjects and the papers you wrote are so good. Those in the school The professor praised you a lot."

Li Junfei responded and said:

"Brother Wei, it's normal for you to be selected, and so is the class monitor. She is excellent in both character and learning, so the school committee has gone through the back door. Hehe, his father invested a lot in the school, so the school provided the school committee with an exchange student position."

Speaking of the school committee, Zhang Wei couldn't help asking:

"How is Yu Xiaoqi and his girlfriend, last time he helped him with the matter of the Sakura Kingdom, has the school committee come back now?"

I still remember.

Some time ago, Yu Xiaoqi, the school committee, took his parents to see his girlfriend in Sakura Country, a witch who exorcises ghosts in Sakura Country. Later, Yu Xiaoqi was targeted by suitors. The whole family will die.

"The school committee has been back for a few days. He and his girlfriend should be married, because yesterday I was having an affair with the school committee. He said that after graduation, he will send invitations to Brother Wei and me, asking us to attend at that time." He married."

Li Junfei thought back and continued:

"We're going to get married, so there must be no problem. I guess the parents of both parties have met. It's really cool, school committee. A girl who can live a good life at a young age is still a witch."

The words did not fall.

Suddenly a voice came from the door:

"Fuck, what you said, Junfei, you are not bad, young lady of the day."

When Zhang Wei and Li Junfei heard the words and looked around, they saw Yu Xiaoqi standing at the door, coming with a smile and cursing, and kicked Li Junfei.

Li Junfei didn't expect Yu Xiaoqi to be at the door, so he smiled:

"Old Yu, why are you here, aren't you talking on the phone with your sister?"

Yu Xiaoqi dragged the seat beside Zhang Wei, sat next to Zhang Wei and said:

"It's hot, it's hot in the morning. It's not that I just heard that Brother Wei and I selected exchange students together, and that Brother Wei also came back from leave, so I came over to have a look. Brother Wei, how are you doing recently, and now I want to find It’s hard for you, you’re not in school for half a semester.”

After hearing this, Zhang Wei replied:

"Haha, I've been a little busy recently, what's the matter? You have something to do with me, the school committee? Just give me a call."

"It's not a big deal. It's just that you helped me last time. My girlfriend was very happy. I wanted to have a chance to thank you, Brother Wei. You see, this semester is coming to an end soon, Brother Wei. It's going to be a holiday. Do you have any holidays?" What arrangement?"

Asked by Yu Xiaoqi, Zhang Wei pondered for a while:

"I haven't made any arrangements for the time being. My parents don't know if they will come back. If they come back, I will accompany them for a while, or I will go to exorcise ghosts to improve my strength."

"Brother Wei, if you don't make arrangements, haha, I will take you to visit the country of cherry blossoms. Last time you went to the country of cherry blossoms, you didn't have time to play. You just helped my family. I will take you there this time, just for a stroll. I will pay you all Packed."

Yu Xiaoqi said, as if thinking of something, he said:

"Brother Wei, you said that you want to exorcise ghosts and improve your strength. Then you can go to the Sakura Country. There are many ghosts there. There are urban legends circulating in the Sakura Country every now and then. They are basically ghosts. My girlfriend said, like Kayako, Sadako and Gap Girl are real."

"And my girlfriend also said that there are a lot of ghosts in Sakura Country recently."

I heard that there are many ghosts.

Zhang Wei's eyes lit up immediately:

"A lot of ghosts? Are they real or fake? How many are there?"

"Really, my girlfriend said that I'm too busy exorcising ghosts recently, and I've stopped talking to me on the phone because of this. If I didn't video from time to time every day and knew her location, I almost thought I was a tauren."

"If there are many ghosts, I can consider going to the country of cherry blossoms. It happens to be the country of cherry blossoms. I have many places I want to go to."

As soon as this word came out.

Li Junfei beside him immediately answered the call, with a smirk on his face and said:

“Kabukicho in Tokyo?”

Zhang Wei laughed and cursed when he heard this:

"Go, go, I'm talking about places like Akihabara and Mount Fuji."

"I don't believe it, I don't believe that there is no man who goes to Sakura Country and would not be curious about Kabukicho."

"Curiosity doesn't mean I want to go, but... if there are many ghosts over there, I don't mind going there."

Zhang Wei responded, and then chatted with Li Junfei and the others. He looked at the date in the lower right corner of the laptop in front of him:

"Summer vacation is coming soon, and it's time to make summer plans."

in words.

He picked up his mobile phone, clicked on the number marked as 'Sand Sculpture Dad' in the address book, and dialed it.

Zhang Wei intends to ask if his parents are still traveling and if the bookshelf will come back, so that he can visit them.

Not long.

With a beep, the phone was connected, and suddenly there was a voice full of masculine charm, but with a tone of sand sculpture:

"Hey, son thief, what kind of typhoon is blowing today, you actually called me, but yes, Beixi No. 2 was bombed, and the country in Baizhou actually said that it was made by the Big Bear Country, such a funny person who opened his eyes and told nonsense Things have happened, and it is normal for my son to call me."

"Dad, you're right. I'm so afraid that I will commit patricide, and my mind is full of pictures of grabbing your head and drowning in the water."

"Fuck, Nizi! Ah, it hurts, my wife, I'm just joking with my son, don't hit me, don't hit me."

Listening to the voice on the phone, Zhang Wei laughed out loud. Although he didn't see his father's situation, he could imagine the scene over there.

Not long.

The voice of Zhang Wei's father came from the phone:

"Son thief, do you have anything to do with your father? By the way, your mother wants me to tell you that we have received the gift you sent us."

"Just receive it, remember to wear it by your side at all times, I'm looking for dad to ask you, are you coming back next month? It's summer vacation next month."

"I originally planned to come back. I wanted to see our future wives. But a few days ago, your mother drew a lottery again. She won a luxurious trip to the Maldives, so she didn't plan to go back. Don't take advantage of the cheap bastards."

"I think Dad, you are not a bastard who doesn't take advantage of you, you are afraid of your mother, I understand."

"You know what a fart, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I have the final say at home."

"I don't believe it. I remember what you said at home doesn't count."

"That's in your memory. Let me put it this way. Your father and I want to find a second room now. Your mother will never dare to say no to me. It will be against her!"

"Hehe, look for it then."

"Fuck, son thief, you are a hammer. If I don't look for it, why should I look for it? Although your father was not to mention charming when I was young, he was chased by at least half of the girls in the school. Seventeen or eight There are four girlfriends, and even one who loves me to death, and even has plastic surgery to death, so that I can fall in love with her, but I only love your mother."

To this.

Zhang Wei rolled his eyes:

"Blow it, you can blow it vigorously, and you are still full of flair. There is also a plastic surgery for you to the death. I haven't seen you tell me, and my mother hasn't told me either."

"Damn, I can't tell you that. She's dead after all. If you don't believe me, I'll find a photo for you. I still have a photo of her as a student. I still go to worship her every year."

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei received a photo from his father.


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