Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 478 Hanako In The Toilet Cured My Constipation For Years, Scared Me

The photo is a group photo of the class. The old-fashioned wooden student benches and long wooden tables are arranged in a ladder shape, and the students stand on them, arranged in rows up and down.


Dad also took a screenshot of the photo, on which two students were marked with red circles, a man and a woman, the man was so similar to Zhang Wei, even if the father didn't say it, Zhang Wei could tell that it was the old man. dad.

Can't help it.

Zhang Wei looked at the girl marked by the red circle. She was a middle-class girl with long black hair and a straight shawl. You must know that there were not so many magical makeup techniques at that time, and the girls at that time were all without makeup. It is worthy of being called good-looking.

"It's a little worse than my mother, but now, if you dress up a little bit, you will definitely be a big beauty."

Looking at the girl in the photo, Zhang Wei commented. At the same time, he noticed that although the girl was taking a group photo, her eyes were not looking at the camera in front of her, but she happened to be caught looking at a boy. The direction is exactly the father when he was young.


Although he didn't believe his father's words, Zhang Wei could see that this woman was really interested in her father.

"Well, I didn't lie to you. The woman in the photo is the one I mentioned. Your mother also knew about it. It's a pity that the technology was not good at that time. Although plastic surgery was popular in Hong Kong and abroad, the technology was not mature. Her family is rich, so she accidentally left after doing this, and it is also because of this that I go to the grave every year."

Dad speaks out.

Zhang Wei was surprised and sighed a little:

"I can't see that Dad, you still have this kind of experience, let's not talk about it, Dad, are you sure you won't come back for the summer vacation?"

"Yes, go to the Maldives. Anyway, you don't know where you made so much money recently. I will retire early, let alone, your mother told me to take a sauna."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei's father didn't say much, hung up the phone, followed Zhang Wei's mother, and went to the sauna arm in arm.

Head on the road.

Mom did not forget to ask:

"What did you talk to your son about?"

"Talked about He Juan."

"Huh? He Juan? Why are you talking about her suddenly? Speaking of which, her death day is approaching. Are you going to pay homage to her this year?"

"Go, of course I have to go, she died more or less because of me."

"Then go to the Maldives, we'll go back to China and pay homage to He Juan."

in words.

Mom seemed to know He Juan too, and murmured:

"If she didn't die back then and could live to this day, then she must be very happy now. After all, the plastic surgery technology is much better than before."

"Indeed, she must really like the plastic surgery technique of stealing the country."


the other side.

Luxia City University, Zhang Wei Dormitory.

After talking on the phone with his dad, Zhang Wei was not idle. Thinking of going to the Cherry Blossom Country, he couldn't help but send a message to Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue. Anyway, Yu Xiaoqi said that board and lodging are all included, so he should bring some companions when he goes there. No problem.


After some inquiries, Qiu Xiaolin and the others did not plan to go to Sakura Country with Zhang Wei. Although there was Akihabara there, they wanted to go, but they still refused. After learning that Zhang Wei’s strength had reached the top ghost king, they were under great pressure and wanted to improve as soon as possible. strength.

【Zhang Wei】: Then you all need to be more careful, and remember to always bring the magic weapons I gave you.

Zhang Wei returned their messages.

Immediately afterwards.

He logged on to the Department of Defense Forum, and clicked on the international section to have a look. Since he decided to go to the Sakura Country, he also heard that there are many ghosts in the Country of Cherry Blossoms recently. Check out the International Ghostbusters Forum.

And as Yu Xiaoqi said, as expected, he clicked on the international forum, and the first post he entered was about Sakura Country.

[You may not believe it, I went to the cherry blossom country to travel and went to the red light district, but the lower body was still not feeling good, so I peed first, and I met a hundred ghosts at night]

Looking at the date of the post, it was published three days ago.


Zhang Wei said to himself:

"The school committee seems to be right. The situation seems to be even more pessimistic. The Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts can actually happen in Tokyo, the country of Sakura. All ghosts can happen at night."

Zhang Wei has known about the Night Walk of Hundred Ghosts before. The ghosts in the Sakura Kingdom advocate power and like to form cliques. Once they become powerful, they like to wander around with ghosts. This was the most popular in the ancient times of the Sakura Kingdom. The famous ones are Yatougui's Hyakki Yakō, Shuten Doji's Hyakki Yakō and so on.

And at the same time.

Being able to walk in the night with a hundred ghosts means that it has a powerful ghost, at least at the level of a ghost king, otherwise why would it lead a party of ghosts.


Zhang Wei logged into the international forum again and checked, and found that there were quite a few posts about the Sakura Kingdom, all of which were sent by ghost exorcists from abroad, some from the Sakura Kingdom, and ghost exorcists from other countries.

[Who said Sadako is weak, I went, originally planned to stage the content of "Sadako Passionate Battle of the Exorcist" in an Asian movie, but I almost didn't die in the end]

[When you meet Sadako, don't think about sealing the TV up and down, using the TV to trap Sadako, and then you can do whatever you want, it's not easy! Don't ask why, just ask yourself to test it yourself! 】

【No, I’m dying of laughter. It turns out that the Kappa in Sakura Country really has that kind of Mediterranean hair.】

[I went to the country of cherry blossoms, Hanako in the toilet cured my constipation for many years, it scared me to shit]


Looking at each post, all of which were posted recently, and even the last one was posted today, Zhang Wei's eyes lit up:

"It seems that there are a lot of ghosts in Sakura Country, and I really need to catch them."

in words.

Zhang Wei decided to go to Sakura Country with the school committee:

"While traveling in the cherry blossom country, you can earn system points at the same time. It seems that this summer vacation will not be boring."


Time flies.

In the next ten days, due to going to Sakura Country during the summer vacation, Zhang Wei spends most of his time with Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue, except preparing papers. Let him shine in Daxia's hotel.


Under the joyful time of not wanting to leave, Zhang Wei ushered in the arrival of the university summer vacation.


The morning of the fourth day of summer vacation.

At this time, at the security check entrance of Luxia City Airport, Zhang Wei pulled Lu Lianxue and Qiu Xiaolin to say goodbye.

"Xiao Weizi, I heard that there have been more and more supernatural incidents in the Sakura Kingdom recently. Don't patronize and play, and pay attention to safety at all times. You know, you can only be killed by us, not by others. Neither can female ghosts."

"Zhang Wei, your strength is very strong now, but there are also some powerful ghosts in the Sakura Kingdom, so don't take it lightly."

Facing the words of the two, Zhang Wei rubbed their heads:

"Okay, okay, don't worry, I am going to Sakura Country this time not only for tourism, but also for ghosts."

At this time, Li Junfei, who came to see off Zhang Wei, also said:

"Squad leader, Xiaolin, you don't have to worry about Brother Wei, just worry about Brother Wei's situation. I think you are worried about the ghosts in Sakura Country, haha."

in words.

Li Junfei gave Zhang Wei a look of "Brother Wei, you understand".


After talking for a few more words, Zhang Wei and Yu Xiaoqi went through the security check together, took the plane, and headed for the Sakura Country.


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