Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 479 Trigger Special Rewards, Permanent Ability——Do Whatever You Want

Sakura Country Airport, departure gate.

After several hours of flying, Zhang Wei arrived in the country of cherry blossoms.

"Brother Wei, Meizi is over there."

Yu Xiaoqi looked around, swept across the waiting crowd at the attack port ahead, saw his girlfriend Feng Hemeizi at a glance, and happily waved at each other.

Immediately afterwards.

Yu Xiaoqi pulls Zhang Wei to meet Feng and Meizi.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, nice to see you again. Last time you left in a hurry and didn't have time to thank you. You must stay a few more days this time. Let Xiao Qi and I thank you very much."

Dressed in a kimono, Kaze and Miko bowed and thanked her as soon as she came up.

Zhang Wei smiled and waved his hands:

"You're welcome. Xiao Qi is my friend. He should help. By the way, who is this?"

in words.

Zhang Wei looked towards Feng and Miko, there was a child there, about eleven or twelve years old, timidly pulling Feng and Miko's clothes, hiding behind him, sticking out his head to look at Zhang Wei and the two.

Feng and Miko hurriedly pulled the child out after hearing the words:

"This is my cousin Feng Hezhengren, who has been tested to have the potential of an onmyoji. Didn't you hear Xiao Qi say, Mr. Zhang Wei, you are very famous in Daxia, so bring him to see the world and see how powerful he is." What a ghost exorcist is like."

"So that's it. I thought your younger brother was infected with ghosts. You brought him here because you wanted me to help drive the ghosts away from him."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei's eyes also fell on Feng Hezhengren, to be precise, it was a pendant hanging around his neck. Although it was well hidden and no breath leaked out, Zhang Wei still felt that there was a monster in the pendant. , the strength is quite strong, top-level red-clothed ghost level.

Feng and Miko were stunned for a moment, then seemed to think of something, and quickly explained:

"No, that's the guardian shikigami that my family gave to my brother. After all, he is still young and has high potential, so he is easy to be targeted by other monsters. The monsters in the Sakura Kingdom like to eat onmyojis with potential, and they can be improved. strength."

A system prompt sounded in Zhang Wei's mind.

【Ding! The guardian shikigami was taken aback... Is it my illusion? Why does this young man in Daxia give me the feeling of a top ghost king? Is Daxia's development so terrible now? He is a top ghost king at such a young age? 】

[Host obtains system points +80]

[Trigger special rewards! 】

[Acquire permanent ability - do whatever you want]

[Do whatever you want: use this ability to transform the ghosts you see in front of you, whose strength is lower than that of the user, at will, please ask the host to try it yourself]

Zhang Wei wanted to laugh a little, I haven't squeezed the wool yet, you squeezed it yourself first? It's still a golden fleece, and it's a special reward, and it's a permanent ability.

"For the first time, the reward of permanent ability burst out."

Zhang Wei was surprised. The special rewards given in the past were all one-time skill cards or abilities. This time, a permanent ability finally exploded.

"The ability to transform the body is not bad, and it has great potential for development."

I thought about it.

On the surface, Zhang Wei responded to Feng and Miko with a smile:

"Where is it, I am not famous in Daxia, I am just a medium-level ghost exorcist, Miss Meizi, don't praise me too much."

【Ding! Guardian shikigami... Hiss! As far as your strength is concerned, it’s still average, is it true?]

[Host obtains system points +90]

at the same time.

I don't know if he sensed the emotion of his patron saint, or because Feng and Miko boasted about Zhang Wei before, Feng and Masato looked at Zhang Wei curiously, and finally plucked up the courage to say:

"You, hello, my name is Fenghe Zhengren, an onmyoji. I heard from my elders that Daxia's ghost exorcists are very powerful. Their occupations are different from those in Sakura Country. Daxia has many, many ghost exorcist professions. Is it true? .”

Zhang Wei nodded with a smile:

"I don't know if the Great Xia exorcist is good or not, but I think it is very powerful. There are many professions in exorcising ghosts, such as Taoist priest, Maoshan warlock, corpse stitcher, paper maker, credit swordman, etc."

Immediately afterwards.

With Zhang Wei's words, he is a child's style and gentleman, and he suddenly became interested. Out of curiosity about the unknown, he was not afraid of life. On the way back, he took the initiative to chat with Zhang Wei, all kinds of whys. ask a question.

To this.

Zhang Wei, while answering, did not forget to get down to business, and asked Feng and Miko at the side:

"Miss Miko, I heard that there have been a lot of supernatural events in Sakura Country recently, and there are so many Yinyang houses that they are too busy, and they specially invited foreign ghost exorcists to come to support them."

"It's true. The head of our Yinyang Liao passed away recently. His status in the Sakura Kingdom is similar to that of your Great Xia's True Dragon Guard. With his death and without his seat, monsters everywhere are eager to move. They all went to destroy some seals that seal ghost kings and big demons."

Feng and Miko said with a sigh:

"Many onmyojis like to seal the big monsters, and they want to gradually tame them into shikigami after they are sealed. However, many onmyojis have not yet tamed them, and they left first because they drove other monsters away. As a result, there are many sealed monsters in Sakura Country. Once he dies, those monsters are looking for seals, trying to increase their power and so on."

"Recently, the elders in my family have been dispatched. Even I am often sent out to exorcise ghosts. Today I finally asked for a leave to pick you up."

Speaking of which.

Feng Hemeizi glanced at Feng Hezheng Ren and said:

"According to the current situation, it is possible that decent people have to go to exorcise ghosts early. There is not enough manpower. Mr. Zhang Wei, you said that Yinyangliao hired foreign ghost exorcists. That should be true. Yinyangliao is not enough manpower now."

But at this time.

Feng Hezhengren raised his fist and said:

"Sister Meizi, I also want to drive out ghosts with you. I'm not afraid, and I can help."

Yu Xiaoqi listened to it, Feng and Meizi couldn't help looking at each other and laughing, then reached out and patted his little head:

"As for you, it's also helpful to exorcise ghosts. I think it's not bad for you to feed ghosts. You think you're Brother Wei, but I think Brother Wei can help you at your age."

Yu Xiaoqi once heard Feng and Meizi say that some powerful ghost exorcists have been very powerful since they were young. Those who are as powerful as Zhang Wei are probably powerful when they were young. There is a high probability that they will reach the level of ghosts in red at the age of eleven or twelve. All levels are possible, otherwise how could it be the top ghost king level now.

the other side.

Zhang Wei didn't know the situation of Feng and Meizi as normal exorcists, so he told Yu Xiaoqi about it.

He said truthfully:

"Come on, I'm at the age of a gentleman, any ghost can kill me, don't kill me with praise."

Yu Xiaoqi thought Zhang Wei was being modest:

"Brother Wei, don't be modest, I understand, but speaking of it, Brother Wei, are you going to visit the night market at night? Although we live in Meizi's house now, and her house has an enchantment, don't worry about monsters, but if you go to the night market, Be careful yourself, there are many monsters in Tokyo recently."

Feng Hezhengren also echoed:

"Yes, Zhang Wei big brother, you have to be careful. My mother said that there have been monsters appearing here recently, as well as the legendary Gap Girl and Sadako. My mother has not let me come out at night recently."

Are there many Yokai? That's good for you, come more.

Zhang Wei responded in his heart, but on the surface he nodded and said:

"Okay, Xiao Qi, don't worry, you can go with Meizi to see her parents and talk more, I am a ghost exorcist, so I know how to be careful."

in words.

Zhang Wei began to think, and after putting away his luggage, he began to go shopping to find ghosts.


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