
After waiting for a ride, we arrived at Feng Hemiko's home, a large Japanese-style courtyard covering an area of ​​hundreds of square meters.

Since Feng Hemeizi wants to take Yu Xiaoqi to greet the elders, Feng Hemeizi entrusts Fenghe Zhengren to entertain Zhang Wei and let him take Zhang Wei to stroll around the courtyard.

"it is good."

Feng Hezhengren is very enthusiastic. Although he is young, he still knows how to show people around the house.

"Zhang Wei big brother, you will sleep here tonight."

He brought Zhang Wei to a room with tatami mats on the floor. The room was not too small, about 20 square meters. There was no bed, only Japanese-style mattresses and quilts on the floor, and Japanese paintings hung on the walls. There is also a large LCD TV, and there is a small tea table next to it, with a cushion with a backrest.

Looking at the Japanese style room.

As he turned his attention to the TV, Zhang Wei remembered that before he came here, he chatted with Zhang Chao and said that he was going to visit the country of cherry blossoms. TV, maybe Sadako will come to you.

Think here.

Zhang Wei showed a smile:

"Not to mention, this room is somewhat similar to the room where Zhenzi appeared in the movie. If Zhang Chao is here, I probably have to say, don't open a closet, maybe there is a son of Kayako sitting in it. Do you remember what it's called Junxiong?"

"Zhang Wei big brother, what did you say?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I mean this room is really nice, I can have a good sleep tonight."

"As long as Zhang Wei big brother likes it."

Immediately afterwards.

After Feng Hezheng took Zhang Wei to visit the courtyard, Zhang Wei did not go back to the room to rest, but greeted Feng Hezheng, and planned to go out for a stroll. Although it was broad daylight, it did not prevent him from looking for ghosts.

Just before going out.

"Zhang Wei big brother, I want to go out and play too."

When Feng Hezhengren learned that Zhang Wei was going out for a stroll, he volunteered, saying that he was familiar with the place and could be a tour guide.

To this.

Feeling the anticipation of Feng Hezhengren's small eyes, and thinking that Fenghe Zhengren has a guardian shikigami, even if he can't find a ghost, he can still squeeze the opponent's wool, Zhang Wei agreed, and brought Feng Hezhengren go out.


time rush

Sakura Country, the busiest night market in Tokyo.

At this time, night had fallen. After a day of wandering, Feng Hezhengren took Zhang Wei to many commercial streets and tourist attractions in Tokyo with the most traffic.

"I don't believe that I can't even see a ghost. There are so many ghosts in the Sakura Country, and I haven't met a ghost yet."

Zhang Wei muttered something, then asked Feng and Zhengren next to me:

"My lord, besides these places, are there any other places where there are many people?"

"There's also a night market, Zhang Wei big brother, it's night now, I'll take you to Temple Street, there is an autumn festival right now, there are so many people there, and there are fireworks!"

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei immediately regained his spirits. Autumn festivals are a place with many people, so there must be ghosts. He remembered that in the ghost stories of Sakura Kingdom, ghosts often appeared during summer festivals and spring festivals.


Zhang Wei stopped the car and took Feng and Zhengren to Temple Street.

But on the way there, Feng Hezheng introduced the autumn festival to Zhang Wei. Suddenly, Zhang Wei seemed to feel something, and suddenly stopped the taxi, looking at a big hotel passing by:

"The driver stops, just go here."


The driver was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't know why the guest changed the location, he still stopped the car.

Not only the driver, but Feng Hezhengren was also puzzled. When he got off the car, he instinctively looked forward. When he saw that Zhang Wei was going to take him into the hotel, he was still young and he was a little confused, so:

"Zhang Wei big brother, are we not going to watch the fireworks? Why are we going to the hotel? Ah, I understand, Zhang Wei big brother, do you want to stand on the top of the hotel to watch the fireworks? Yes, this hotel is the tallest nearby , you can see the fireworks over Temple Street.”

As soon as his words came out.

A system prompt sounded in Zhang Wei's mind.

【Ding! Guardian shikigami... my little master, are you sure he is here to watch the fireworks? 】

[Host obtains system points +70]

The patron saint thought to himself, and looked through the pendant at Zhang Wei, who was holding the master Feng and Zhengren beside him, and he could see that Zhang Wei had excitement on his face, but that expression didn't look like he was about to watch fireworks. Happy, more like excited, it seemed that something excited him.

He subconsciously glanced at the hotel, then at Zhang Wei and the young master.

【Ding! Guardian shikigami... Take a child to the hotel to watch the fireworks? this……】

[Host obtains system points +80]

Just when the guardian shikigami was ready to sacrifice his life and defend the little master Chrysanthemum to the death, although Zhang Wei heard the system prompt, he didn't care. He only had the hotel in his eyes, or a room in the hotel to be precise.

"Finally found a ghost for me."

Zhang Wei's eyes were full of light, and he walked towards the hotel, looked up at the high-rise building of the hotel, and pointed directly at a room on the 18th floor. With his strong strength, he could feel the presence of ghosts there, not only powerful, but also very well concealed:

"It seems that there are other ghost exorcists, but they may not be able to kill the ghost, so let me do it."


the other side.

On the 18th floor of the hotel, in room number 18003.

at this time.

There are three men and one woman sitting in the room. It can be seen that they are staring at the front. Even though the TV is not turned on, they are still watching. It seems that they are not watching TV, but looking through the wall where the TV is located. Every move to the next wall room.

And it is.

They are three onmyojis and a witch. Yesterday they received news that someone died in this hotel. The death was miserable, bleeding from the seven orifices, and died on the bed, but the cause of death was drowning.

To this.

By looking at the death of the dead and the signs in the room, they judged that this may be the work of the legendary urban ghost "Sadako". The ghost formed by human death is very difficult to deal with. They are fully prepared for this and decided to capture Sadako tonight.

And now.

According to the previous information about Sadako, they knew that Sadako's next target was another colleague of the deceased. In order not to startle the enemy, they chose to stand by in the room next to their colleagues and monitor the situation next door. Once Sadako appeared, they would act immediately .

at the same time.

In the next room.

The colleague of the deceased did not know that he was being targeted, and was still holding a mobile phone to call his friends, while turning on the TV, preparing to watch the pay TV content in the hotel.

I saw him sitting on the sofa, picked up the remote control and pressed it to the TV, and said to his friend on the phone:

"Yeah, I didn't expect Ryosuke to die. It happened so suddenly, just like the death of our former prime minister not long ago. The death was unexpected. The key point is that no other leaders attended the funeral. It's really miserable, hahaha."


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