Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 481 Sadako Appears, Zhang Wei Makes A Move

Although a colleague died, this person didn't seem to feel too sad. He was talking and laughing over there, and even made fun of it.

that's it.

He chatted with his friend for a while, maybe he just took a shower, maybe he talked too much, he got up and went to the small refrigerator in the room to get some iced drinks, and said:

"I'm going to get a bottle of beer to drink. Except for Ryosuke's death here, there is really no disadvantage. It's very comfortable to travel here, and I also prepare free beer, haha, and I inquired, the school girls here only need 3000 at a time JPY."

in words.

The colleague excitedly said:

"It's really cheap. This is in Tokyo. Haha, yes, yes, you are right. The economy has been in a downturn recently. The one I took care of before told me whether it should be cheaper, saying that the economy is so bad recently. Many are laying off staff, fearing that I will spend too much."

"Why, you also want to make one, okay, when I go back from a business trip, I'll introduce to you... eh? The TV is broken?"

As the colleague was talking, he picked up the beer in the refrigerator and turned around to go back to the sofa, but when he turned around, there was a chichichi sound in his ears, like the noise of an electric microphone.

Can't help it.

He followed the sound, it was the TV in front of the sofa.

The TV screen that was still playing paid content before, the full screen snowflake screen seemed to be broken, not to mention the screen, the sound was gone.

The colleague frowned when he saw this, and said with some displeasure:


However, the complaint hadn't come out yet, and the sound stopped abruptly in the next second.

see you.

The TV screen restored the picture, but it was not the previous picture. Instead, a landscape picture with the quality of the 1980s appeared, a clearing of woods, and in that clearing there was a well made of stones. There was an inexplicable creepiness from the TV chirping sound coming from the side from time to time.


The beer in the colleague's hand fell to the ground in fright. Looking at the TV screen, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he shouted subconsciously:

"Who is playing a prank, damn it, what is going on in this hotel, and making such a prank."

Even though he said so, his colleague's face betrayed him. He was not as fearless as he appeared on the surface, just because he remembered the dead colleague who was calling him before he died. Having said that, there was a glitch in the TV, there was a well….

Immediately afterwards.

The colleague before he died started yelling in panic on the phone, and kept calling him that there was a ghost, saying that a ghost crawled out of the TV, help, etc., and then the colleague died.

At first, my colleague thought it was a prank by a dead colleague. After all, it sounded like Sadako in "Midnight Bell". He didn't know until his colleague died that maybe his colleague was not playing a prank. At the same hotel, he couldn't help but shudder.

Just when he was thinking wildly.

The TV picture changed.

In the eyes of that old well, a pale female hand suddenly stretched out from the dark mouth of the well. Just like Sadako in "Midnight Bell", a woman in white clothes with disheveled hair climbed out of the well mouth. Like a teleportation, he kept approaching the front, and blinked the entire TV screen, which was occupied by the figure of the woman in white.


A scene of horror appeared.

The woman in white on the TV stretched out her hand, just stretched out from the screen, even stretched out her head, trying to crawl straight out of the TV.


The colleague yelled in fright, where there was no chatting and laughing before, only a face full of horror remained.

it is true!

Ryosuke didn't lie to me, he was really killed by a ghost!

The colleague was so frightened that he fell to the ground and wanted to run away, but soon, he felt that his hands and feet didn't listen to him at all, and he couldn't move at all, so he could only watch Sadako crawl out.

"No, don't come here!!"

"Come someone!!"

"Who will help me, is there anyone outside, help!"

Seeing Sadako crawling out little by little, half of her body was already leaning out, the colleague let out a terrified cry.

at this time.

It exploded with a bang.

Whether it was a colleague or Sadako, they were all startled, instinctively looking in the direction of the sound, it was the door of the hotel room that made it.

This look.

Colleague surprise, someone! He saw the door was opened, and a young man was standing at the door with a child in his hand. Seeing this, he desperately called out:


But before the word save me was shouted out, when the young man standing at the door looked at himself and Sadako in the room, he stretched out his hands to cover the child's eyes, and then called out before him:

"Big big, make me bigger!!"

As Zhang Wei yelled, a system prompt sounded in his mind:

【Ding! Sadako... Heh, I was startled, I thought it was an onmyoji, but it turned out to be two children, huh? what happened? Why do I feel so heavy...]

[Host obtains system points +100]

Sadako had a strange feeling. For some reason, her upper body became very heavy, especially at the waist, so heavy that she suddenly bent over.


Sadako looked down subconsciously, and through the gap in her hair covering her face, she could see the pupils of her ghostly eyes shrank suddenly:

【Ding! Sadako... My Cao, my Nai...? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +120]


Sadako screamed out in fright.

And this is called.

The colleague was startled and almost peed, thinking that Sadako was coming towards him, so he quickly looked in Sadako's direction, and then...he was stunned.



Sadako has already crawled out half of her body. This should be a very scary scene, but my colleague is not afraid at all now, because he has seen that Sadako's twin peaks have become huge now. If it was a small hill before, That is Mount Everest now, from a to e, and even developing above g, the peaks visible to the naked eye are towering.

This... what's the situation?

Sadako is like this?

Colleagues looked at the appearance of Sadako bent over by her own mountain, panting there, struggling to get up, and continued to climb out. However, as she grew bigger, it seemed that the other half of her body also became bigger. The TV frame was missing, and it was stuck there, as if struggling to get out.

for a while.

The colleague inexplicably felt that he was not afraid anymore. On the contrary, inexplicably, some plots of movies he had watched before appeared in his mind. In the movie, the heroine got stuck on the wall, the elevator, etc.

The colleague couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

what's going on.

Am I crazy, why do I feel that Sadako is not scary at all, and is a bit restricted...


The painting style of Room 18003 has changed.

Sadako appeared.

It's just that when she climbed halfway, half of her body was stuck in the TV and couldn't get out. She struggled to make babbling sounds, tried to crawl out there, and even appeared at one point, looking up at Zhang Wei and colleagues. , that appearance is short of saying "Come and help me out, thank you".


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