at the same time.

The system prompt sounds:

【Ding! Sadako... What the hell is going on, why is my Nai like this, don't, don't grow up, ah! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +130]

Sadako was struggling to climb out of the TV, but soon, she found that her two pussies were changing, almost becoming the kind of perverted heroine with a painting style of oversized two pussies in Japanese comics.

at this time.

A voice came from Zhang Wei's side:

"Zhang Wei big brother, why are you covering my eyes, is there anything in it, I want to see."

It was Feng Hezhengren who spoke. He was brought to the hotel by Zhang Wei. He was already curious, but when he came up, Zhang Wei didn't take him to watch the fireworks. Instead, he saw Zhang Wei kicking the door, which made him even more curious. .

"Nothing, it's just that there are two balloons that are getting bigger like crazy."

in words.

Zhang Wei's eyes fell on Sadako's loose white clothes. The clothes grew bigger with the balloon, and the loose white clothes were stretched so tight that they were about to burst. He couldn't help adding:

"The balloon is about to burst. You should be afraid to see the balloon blowing up, sir."

As soon as his words came out.

Feng Hezhengren was taken aback, and quickly reached out to cover his ears:

"Huh? The balloon blows up, so I won't watch it."

It's not loud.

But colleagues not far away, Sadako heard it.

To this.

The colleague glanced at Sadako, then at Feng and Masato, and couldn't help muttering in a low voice:

"Sure enough, it's a child. You'll regret it if you don't look at it... Gulu... How big... Did Ryosuke die from fright, or how did he die... Shout out to Sadako, Mom, I'm hungry?"

At this moment, my colleagues don't have the slightest fear, and even have the urge to approach Sadako.

the other side.

Sadako breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what Feng He said:

【Ding! Sadako...fortunately she didn't look at me, no, why do I feel ashamed now, damn it]

[Host obtains system points +140]


Before she had time to think about this, Sadako raised her head and stared fixedly at Zhang Wei who was beside Feng and Masato:

"It's you, what did you do to me, untie it quickly."

There were only three people present, a middle-aged man who peed his pants, a child who didn't dare to look at his big balloon, and the rest was this young man. Recalling what he said just now, no matter how stupid Sadako is, she can be sure that her changes will definitely happen. Inseparable from this person.

Also at this time.

Regarding Sadako's words, Zhang Wei grinned:

"That can't be done. I finally saw the picture of Sadako's TV in the comics. How can this be solved."

He said, looked at Sadako and said:

"I now understand what happened to Sadako TV in the comics. Compared with the comics, the reality is too harsh."


Sadako covered her hands subconsciously, but soon let go of her hands, because she found that the shape of the two lumps squeezed into the shape of her hand covering her hands seemed more comical.


She recalled the Sadako comics she had read, and felt a little scared for no reason.

【Ding! Sadako...he won't take advantage of me being stuck on the TV, and then ask me to wear all kinds of clothes like in the comics, such as swimsuits or something]

[Host obtains system points +150]

As Sadako in the urban legend, she has many derivative movies, fandoms, comics, etc. This is her own work, how can she not be curious to see, facing the classic scene at this time, she can't help but appear in her mind Various comic scenes.

Just thinking about it.

There was movement from Zhang Wei:

"Gentleman, cover your eyes yourself, I'll go and deal with that balloon."

The innocent Feng and the gentleman nodded when they heard the words, stretched out their hands to cover their eyes and said:

"Zhang Wei big brother, hurry up, don't let the balloon burst."

As soon as his words came out.

Seeing Zhang Wei approaching, Sadako was terrified, and various comic scenes came to mind more and more:

"You, don't come here!!"

Zhang Wei was just about to speak when he heard the words, but Feng Hezheng, who was covering his eyes behind him, said:

"Sister, don't be afraid, and you don't have to be afraid that Zhang Wei big brother will be hurt if the balloon bursts. Zhang Wei big brother is very powerful. He will definitely touch the balloon carefully and slowly to prevent him from bursting."


the other side.

In room 18004 next door.

at this time.

The onmyoji and witches who were sent to deal with Sadako looked puzzled, and the onmyoji on the left looked at the time and said:

"Why is it this time, and Sadako hasn't appeared yet, isn't she killing people at this time? Could it be that she gave up killing this person?"

But it was the next second.

The leading onmyoji in the middle shook his head and said:

"It's impossible to give up. In the case of Sadako's murder, every time is a must."

The witch also echoed:

"I also checked the past files. Although Sadako has killed few people these years, every time she finds a target, she will definitely kill it. She never gives up. Do you think it's okay to put a stone on the mouth of the well? How is that possible. "

The words fell.

The onmyoji on the right said in a deep voice:

"If you don't give up, why is there no movement now? I don't see any response from the onmyoji, obviously Sadako is not here."

In his hand is a compass with a Yin-Yang pattern painted on it. It is an instrument for searching for ghosts imitated by Yin-Yang Liao after imitating the Eight Diagrams Instrument of the Maoshan School of Daxia.

"Is it possible that the Yin-Yang instrument is broken?"

"Impossible, I checked before I set off. Although mine is a defective product, I can't detect the ghost king, but it should not be detected by Sadako..."

Yet the words were not finished.

The leading onmyoji in the middle seemed to have thought of something, and his face changed suddenly:

"Is yours a defective product? Fuck, you didn't say it earlier, hurry up, let's go to that person's room, Sadako must have appeared."

at the same time.

The leading onmyoji didn't dare to delay, and rushed to the next room first:

"Damn it, I should have thought of it a long time ago. Suddenly there is no movement in the next room. It must be that Sadako has made a move. She should know that we are next door. Let's save someone!"

The other onmyojis and witches were stunned for a moment, but soon followed and rushed out the door.


When they went out to the next room, they were all stunned.


They saw that the door of the next room was open, and there was a cute child covering his eyes standing at the door.


Confused, they looked into the room.

next second.

Looking at the unforgettable scene in front of them, they all stared blankly.

I saw in the room...

A middle-aged man in a bathrobe urinated and sat there, and there was a terrifying white-clothed female ghost in front of him!


An extremely 'scary' female ghost in white, her body is so big that it looks like a cow, it's terrifying! How can it be so big, she is showing the appearance of crawling out of the TV halfway, but stuck, which makes the picture even more terrifying, too scary! How can it be so bitter.

And at the same time.

A handsome young man was half squatting, with his face sideways approaching the female ghost, making a V pose with one hand, and holding a mobile phone in the other hand, taking a photo of himself and the female ghost in the same frame. During the process, he did not forget to shout:

"Come on, Sadako, have a smile, eggplant~"

Faced with his actions, Sadako couldn't help saying elegantly:

"Ya Yudie, don't shoot, Ya Yudie, don't shoot."


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