Looking at the scene in front of him, the onmyoji and others who came to deal with Sadako were all stunned.

"That's... Sadako?"

The onmyoji holding the onmyoji murmured, not hiding the bewilderment in his eyes.

Didn't it mean that Sadako is terrifying, just looking at it can make people hairy, and the baby has to stop crying? Apart from being astringent, what's so scary about it?

Not only him.

The other onmyojis were the same, staring at the scary Sadako who was repeatedly told to be careful by the colleagues of Onmyolia when they came.

turn out to be……

Is this how scary Sadako is? Indeed, it was terrible, the pair of twin peaks were... so cruel! !

for a while.

They all had a feeling of blood rushing to their noses, and they finally understood what was said in the movie.

at the same time.

The maiden next to Onmyoji was also dazed. Seeing Sadako shyly shouting "Don't shoot, ya scorpion" over there, the corners of her mouth twitched. Take a look at your own smooth and immaculate airport.

Miko: "..."

She finally understood why Sadako deserved to die, just to attack those two shameless couples, Sadako deserved to be hacked into pieces.

Also this moment.

She finally understood why the elders in her shrine repeatedly told herself not to let Sadako go, even if she couldn't be killed, she must be sealed, yes! How could such an obscene ghost be allowed to wander in the world... It must be sealed! !


The witches and onmyojis all looked at Feng and Masato who were covering their eyes, no wonder this child wanted to cover his eyes, it was an attempt to prevent his pure heart from being impacted, what a powerful child.

Just as they were thinking so, suddenly, hearing Sadako yelling not to shoot, Feng Hezhengren covered his eyes and said (/w\):

"Zhang Wei big brother, you scare that sister. Is it possible that my sister's balloon is about to burst in your photo? I'm afraid, Zhang Wei big brother, please slow down, the balloon is very fragile, and it may burst when you touch it. Be careful touching it."

As soon as his words came out.

Both the witch and the onmyoji stared wide-eyed, subconsciously looking at Sadako.

Miko: "????"

Onmyoji: "????"

Is it because our hearts are impure, or is this child’s heart impure? What is he talking about? Is what he said what we think? At such a young age, do you just understand it?

at this time.

Zhang Wei's voice came:

"Okay, don't be afraid, gentlemen. I haven't taken pictures yet. I'm just taking pictures. I haven't taken pictures of balloons yet."

He turned sideways to Sadako and said:

"Sister Sadako, am I right?"

Feeling the threatening words inside and outside Zhang Wei's words, especially when she didn't forget to glance at her place while speaking, Sadako felt her body shiver and her heart beat.

【Ding! Sadako...he's definitely threatening me, feeling like if I don't go along, I'm going to get bigger, no, I don't want to! 】

[Host obtains system points +150]

Immediately afterwards.

Sadako nodded quickly:

"Yes, yes, he just took pictures. Seeing how big my balloon is, I took a few pictures. I'm not afraid, I just...you take pictures, shoot hard, my balloon is not broken or burst, it is very strong, You don't have to be afraid, kid."

His words speak out.

Witches and Onmyojis: "????"

Illusion, why is this scene so similar to the Tauren movie they have seen, as if Sadako is the heroine, the young man is the little yellow hair, and then the child is the hero, and the heroine is held hostage by the little yellow hair, under threat, He could only open his eyes and talk nonsense in front of the hero.

They were a little at a loss for a while, whether we came to exorcise ghosts, or what to do, but if we exorcise ghosts, what should they do now, it seems... they can't get their hands on it.

Can't help it.

The onmyoji holding the onmyoji asked:

"What should we do now? That young man seems to be in the same company. I mean, he is also a ghost exorcist. Is it not good for us to take action now?"

"Report the matter to Yinyang Liao first."

The leading onmyoji responded with a sentence, and when he signaled the onmyoji next to him to send the situation to Yinyang Liao, he also looked at Zhang Wei and said:

"My friend, may I ask which Yin-Yang family you belong to? We are from Yin-Yang Liao. May I ask which is...?"

As soon as his words came out.

Before he could ask if the super-squeamish female ghost was Sadako, Feng Hezhengren couldn't help being stunned for a moment when he heard it, and opened his hands covering his eyes, looking at their onmyoji costumes, he couldn't help being surprised road:

"Ah! It's Yinyang Liao, Zhang Wei big brother. This is what I told you before. The Yinyang Liao in our Sakura Country is similar to your Daxia's Department of Health."

in words.

Feng Hezhengren said with a smile:

"This Onmyoji Uncle, you are wrong, Zhang Wei big brother is not from the Yinyang family, he is Daxia's ghost exorcist, and he is also the second on the list of Daxia's potential new stars."

Both the onmyoji and the witch were stunned, showing a hint of surprise.

Even though they are the exorcists of the Sakura Kingdom, how could they not know that when dealing with the country next door, in fact, the Great Xia potential new star list is not only concerned by the Great Xia, but also the ghost exorcists from all over the world, which represents the Great Xia. A pillar of the future.

But they didn't wait for them to speak.

Sadako next to Zhang Wei, when she saw the Onmyoji and others, she seemed to grasp the straw:

"Quick, save me, I am the Sadako you are going to arrest today, take me away, Hayaku! (Hurry up) Hayaku! (Hurry up)"

【Ding! Sadako... he is actually Daxia's exorcist, no wonder his methods are so terrible]

[Host obtains system points +150]

In fact.

Sadako knew the existence of Onmyoji and the others a long time ago. When she came to kill her colleagues, she sensed Onmyoji and them, and as the leading Onmyoji expected, she cut off their induction, but now she regrets it, she shouldn't Otherwise, he wouldn't have been transformed by this 'monster' into such a secluded body.

【Ding! Sadako...Compared to Da Xia exorcist, Onmyoji and Miko are so kind, ┭┮﹏┭┮Take me away quickly, I want my previous appearance, I don’t want to be so big, how can I kill people in the future]

[Host obtains system points +150]

Think here.

Sadako's mind was full of thoughts that when she killed someone in the future, she would bring those two lumps out of the TV. When the person she was going to kill saw this, there was no fear on her face, and some had the urge to drag her pants or clothes.


She struggled to get out of the TV and asked the onmyojis to take her away, thinking that the onmyojis, as ghost exorcists, would definitely help her change back to her original appearance.

To this.

Zhang Wei saw what Sadako was thinking, and said with a smile:

"It turned out to be from Yinyangliao. I'm Zhang Wei. Just like the gentleman said, I'm from Daxia. I just passed by by chance. I felt something was wrong here, so I came to help. Now that you're here, I'll leave it to you." .”

"Don't worry, although she is stronger than you, you should be able to feel it, but don't be afraid, she is trapped here by me now, if she can't get out, I will leave it to you."

"But let's say it first, I caught it for you, and the reward can't be less."

The leading onmyoji nodded when he heard the words, he naturally felt the strength of Sadako, nodded and said:

"Of course, we will pay you later, and please leave a contact information for Mr. Zhang Wei."

"No need, you just have to get revenge and make peace with your family when the time comes."

Zhang Wei didn't want to have any contact with Yinyangliao, so he replied casually.


He didn't stay long, anyway, the wool was almost gone, and it would get darker if he stayed any longer. He remembered Feng and Miko said that the family would not let Feng and Zhengren go out to play at night, for fear that the recent situation would put Feng and Masato in danger. Even if he was sure that Feng and Zhengren would not be in danger, Feng and his family didn't know.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei pulled Feng and Zhengren away.

before leaving.

Zhang Wei glanced at Sadako who was stuck in the TV, his eyes flickered, and he muttered in his heart:

"This 'do whatever you want' seems to be able to get me a lot of wool. I know how to use this ability. After sending the gentleman back, I will find the next target."


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