Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 484 Brother Wei, The Gentleman Is Still A Child

the other side.

Watching Zhang Wei leave, Onmyoji and the others were not idle, and called Yinyangliao to send someone to escort Sadako back to Yinyangliao Prison.

Wait until the phone call is over.

The leading onmyoji looked at Sadako who was still stuck on the TV in front of him, looked at the onmyoji next to him, then looked at the witch, and finally asked the witch to pull Sadako out of the TV. , I feel that after Yinyangliao arrived, the scene was seen, and I feel that I can't explain it clearly.


Until the people from Yinyangliao arrived, the witch tried her best, but still failed to pull Sadako out. Even though other women from Yinyangliao came to help, they finally stopped.

no way.

Sadako was stuck and pulled hard, and she screamed in pain. The scream matched her current figure, and the scene was too colorful.


After a while of deliberation, a strange scene appeared.

I saw a group of witches carrying a TV, and a female ghost showing half of her body was stuck on the TV. I don't know if it's because the TV is too heavy, or because I'm so jealous of the female ghost's figure that I'm gnashing my teeth.


Yin Yang Liao, Tokyo resident.

at this time.

In the hall leading to the temporary detention place, many onmyojis and witches gathered. Not long ago, they learned that the "urban legend" Sadako was captured, so they all rushed over to see The appearance of the legendary Sadako.

After a long wait, the large car escorting Sadako arrived.

With everyone watching, the car door opened, and a group of witches carried a female ghost stuck in the TV and walked down.


Onmyojis: "I am Cao!??"

Miko: "Uso da! (Are you kidding me?)"

this moment.

No matter who it is, even the high-level executives of Yinyang Liao who came to join in the fun are dumbfounded.

【Ding! was all harmed by that Zhang, ah~ So shameful, I really want to die now]

[Host obtains system points +150]

Also at this time.

The leading onmyoji went to the upper echelon of Yinyang Liao, and performed the etiquette of an onmyoji:

"Mr. Abe, I brought Sadako here."

Hearing the words, the Yinyangliao executives opened their mouths and finally spoke:

"Is this Sadako?"

"Yes, it's Sadako, the urban legend who killed many people. Although she may be a little older, other aspects are consistent with Sadako's information."

The leading onmyoji coughed.

As soon as his words came out.

The upper management of Yinyangliao didn't answer, and turned to look at several female onmyojis in the crowd. Their husbands were responsible for arresting Sadako, but they all died at Sadako's hands. Now that Sadako was arrested, they Naturally come and see.

at the same time.

Those female onmyojis seemed to have noticed the high-level gaze, and looked at each other, and then they spoke first, saying in unison:

"Mr. Abe, are you sure our Anada (husband) was killed in battle?"

in words.

They said, "We, Ananda, died in battle, or 'dead in battle'".

By such a question.

The corner of Yinyangliao senior's mouth twitched, he subconsciously glanced at Sadako, and then fell silent.

the other side.

The other onmyojis and witches present also heard what they said, and they also looked at Sadako, with the same thought in their minds... Maybe they died in battle from exhaustion.


at the same time.

Tokyo, Wind and Family Yard.

"Brother Wei, you are back, where did you go to play, and you are back so late."

Yu Xiaoqi opened the door with Feng and Meizi, he and Meizi have met other elders, and now they are going to have dinner together when Zhang Wei comes back.

His words come out.

Feng and Miko also looked at Zhang Wei apologetically, and then rubbed Feng and Masato's head:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, you are really serious. Mr. Zhang Wei is a guest, and you still play with him for a day. Mr. Zhang Wei is sorry to let you take care of Mr. Zhang for a day."

They learned from the servants at home that Zhang Wei was taken out by Feng and Zhengren when he went out, and they heard that the gentleman said that he would take Zhang Wei to play somewhere.

"No trouble."

Zhang Wei smiled and waved his hands:

"I was going to come to Sakura Country, so I have to thank Masato. He took me to many places, which was pretty good."

Feng and Miko smiled:

"Just don't bother Mr. Zhang Wei, my lord, where have you taken Mr. Zhang Wei to play, have fun today, you haven't done your homework yet."

The wind and the gentleman on the side nodded and said innocently:

"Happy, I took Mr. Zhang Wei to many places... But Mr. Zhang Wei also took me to play, he took me to the hotel to watch the fireworks, although I didn't see the fireworks, but Mr. Zhang Wei also protected a sister, it seems That sister was played a prank by a ghost, and almost blew her balloon."

"Fortunately, Zhang Wei big brother is here, not only didn't blow up my sister's balloon, but also let Zhang Wei big brother play with her balloon casually, really, Miss Meizi, I didn't say anything, you can ask Yinyangliao, they are here Watch Zhang Wei big brother play with his sister live."

Its immature and innocent voice echoed in everyone's ears and echoed in the courtyard corridor.

Kaze and Miko: "..."

Yu Xiaoqi: "..."

can be seen.

Yu Xiaoqi, Feng and Miko were all stunned, even Zhang Wei smiled and stared at each other, feeling that the air was dying at this moment, it was suffocating.

Going to the hotel to watch the fireworks?

My sister let Zhang Wei play with her own balloon, and let him play casually without fear of blowing it up? Are you sure it's a balloon, or that balloon?

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei clearly felt the gazes of Yu Xiaoqi, Feng and Miko. Even though they didn't speak, he could see their thoughts from that gaze. It was clearly a look of "Although I believe there is something wrong with what the gentleman said, but If it is true, brother Wei (Mr. Zhang Wei), the gentleman is still a child."


Zhang Wei coughed and was about to explain, but at this moment, Feng Hezhengren's voice continued:

"By the way, sister Meizi, brother-in-law Xiao Qi, Zhang Wei big brother, do you know that the ghost is Sadako, I heard that Yinyangliao will be there, and he went for Sadako, but was caught by Zhang Wei big brother Oh, haha, Yinyangliao will come to pay Zhang Wei big brother later."

His words speak out.

Yu Xiaoqi and Feng and Miko looked confused:


Feng and Masato nodded together:

"Yes, Sadako, those people from Yinyang Liao said it."

is talking.

Zhang Wei stretched out his hand to cover Feng Hezhengren's mouth:

"Let me explain the situation. I feel that if I continue to tell the gentleman, I feel that I will be chased and killed by the Fenghe family."

Yu Xiaoqi, Feng and Miko laughed out loud when they heard the words, nodded in agreement and said:

"Indeed, anyway, I've already thought about it."

"Me too, but I still believe in Mr. Zhang Wei's character. Compared with the balloon thing, I am more concerned about Mr. Zhang Wei, did you really meet Sadako?"


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