Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 486 Have You Seen Jojo? Can I Give You The Whole Volume?

Unexpected inquiry.

The maids froze for a moment, but when they saw that they were wearing suits, their eyes lit up:

"Are you looking for the store manager? Are you interested in the hell of the store manager? The store manager is entertaining guests in the store. Would you like to come and sit in our store?"

They didn't know the identities of the visitors, thinking that they were white-collar workers, and they must be making money.

To this.

How could the young onmyojis not know that, as locals, they are still in their twenties, they know about maid cafes, let alone go to them, but they don’t have time to go to maid cafes now, and their attention is all on Haunted Alley.

Recently, there have been a lot of supernatural events in Sakura Country, and Yin Yang Liao has started to order how many performances each member should complete, and they are worrying that today’s performance is not completed, and they are looking for supernatural events everywhere. Now that they find one, they naturally have to complete it quickly, so as not to be robbed achievement.

"No, let's go in and sit next time."

As he spoke, he took out some money, handed it to the maids and continued:

"But can the store manager come out for a moment, we are interested in the haunted alley, can the store manager come out and talk about it."

"Okay, master, let's call the store manager out."

Seeing that there was money to be made, the maids turned to look for the store manager without saying a word.


The young onmyojis looked at each other and smiled:

"You say this haunted is true?"

"There is a high probability that it is true. I took out the Yin-Yang instrument and tested it just now. There is indeed residual Yin Qi nearby, and looking at the direction, it is the direction of the alley."

"Then why ask, Brother Abe has your Yin-Yang instrument, so we can go directly to that alley. Yours is a high-level Yin-Yang instrument, even the ghost king can detect it."

"That's what I said, but to be on the safe side, I'd better ask first, in case the ghosts there are very strong. Recently, many powerful ghosts have appeared, so it's best to be careful."

"Brother Abe is right. Although Brother Abe has magic weapons, we have to be careful."

"Then let's hurry up and ask. After asking and solving the ghost there, hurry up and go home after completing the performance. Today I'm following the show, and the latest episode is airing."


the other side.

Zhang Wei didn't know the conversation of the maids, but even if he knew, it wouldn't be a big deal. When he came to the street, he also felt the aura of ghosts. Here, he wished so much, just happened to be on the way.

at this time.

Zhang Wei came to the entrance of the alley.

Look closely.

Because the alley is under construction, there is a road construction warning sign in front of it, and some iron plates are built to cover it. The line of sight can only see the alley road, except for the lights. , in sharp contrast to the feasting and feasting outside the alley.


Zhang Wei walked in without saying a word, and murmured in his heart:

"In the dead of night, you don't have to be afraid of being discovered when you move your hands. It's really good."

in words.

He had already walked into the alley, and in the absence of anyone, his footsteps echoed clearly in the alley.

Until I went deep into the alley, I saw half of the alley, and I couldn't see Zhang Wei's figure in the alley from the outside. At this moment, the footsteps echoing in the alley changed.

Da da da……

Obviously Zhang Wei was the only one in the alley, but Zhang Wei heard three footsteps, as if two people were coming behind him.

Immediately afterwards.

A voice came from behind Zhang Wei unexpectedly:

"Mr. in front, excuse me, can I ask you a favor."

Also accompanied by sound.

In the alley where there is only Zhang Wei, two figures appeared behind him. They seemed to appear out of thin air. When the sound of footsteps sounded, two pairs of feet appeared, and then gradually emerged.

Although they have the same body shape as human beings, they are definitely not human from the shattered heads and eyeballs that leaked out of their brains. If the maid manager is here, he will definitely be able to recognize the two people who appeared behind Zhang Wei's figure. Man', it was the ghost he met last night.


Unlike the store manager, Zhang Wei turned around straight after hearing the voice, stared at them, and said with a smile:

"Okay, what can I do for you?"


The eyes of the two sides met, Zhang Wei was smiling, and the two 'people' were in a daze.

【Ding! The ghost couple was stunned... what was the reaction? Why didn't this man scream or startle? Are we not scary enough? Shouldn't]

[Host obtains system points +80]


The ghost couple glanced at each other.

【Ding! Ghost couple... It's strange. My boyfriend (girlfriend) looks disgusting and scary. I'm a ghost and I'm scared to pee when I see it. Why doesn't he respond? Is he so scared that he doesn't even know how to react]

[Host obtains system points +90]

Just when they thought so.

Zhang Wei said:

"Excuse me, if you need my help, just ask the two ghost friends."

As soon as his words came out.

The ghost couple was stunned, and subconsciously wanted to ask if you were not afraid of us, did you think we were spies, but when Zhang Wei said the last sentence, their hearts trembled, obviously the other party knew they were ghosts, and they were not afraid of them.

For this situation, the ghost couple understood that the young man in front of them was either a bigot or an onmyoji!

【Ding! Ghost couple... run! 】

[Host obtains system points +100]

They believed that Zhang Wei was an Onmyoji more than they believed in Zhang Wei's nerve, just because Zhang Wei was too calm, and because they felt a trace of terror emanating from Zhang Wei.

But just turned around to escape.

Two clicks.

Zhang Wei put his hand on their shoulders, and they felt a mountain pressing down on them, and they couldn't break free no matter how hard they tried.

"Two ghost friends, what are you running, don't you need my help?"

"No need, we don't need your help."

The ghost couple shook their heads like waves and drums, and they felt like crying.

【Ding! Ghost couple... the top ghost king breath! My Emperor...]

[Host obtains system points +110]

this moment.

They knew they had hit the iron board, no, it wasn't the iron board anymore, it was the Adamantium metal.

"Master Onmyoji, we are really just asking for directions, if you haven't done any evil, please let us go."

The boyfriend ghost begged for mercy.

To this.

Zhang Wei smiled and said:

"Don't be afraid, I won't kill you, and don't call me an onmyoji, I'm not an onmyoji, I'm from Daxia."

"Don't kill us? Really? You are worthy of being an adult from Daxia, you are kind-hearted and merciful..."

But it was just halfway through.

Zhang Wei interrupted his words and said with a smile:

"I really don't want to kill you, don't be so polite, I just want you to ask me for a favor, in fact, I also want to ask you for a favor."

As soon as his words came out.

The ghost couple was stunned for a moment, and instinctively replied:

"What's busy?"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly when he heard the words, and said slowly:

"I want to find you, use your faces to practice my new 'plastic surgery' for me."


Seeing the ghost couple looking at him in bewilderment, Zhang Wei didn't show off, but smiled and said slowly:

"I don't know if you have watched the anime "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure". Do you know Jotaro Kujo and his stand-in Baijin Star?"


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