Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 487 Jojo And Baijin Star Died And Became Ghosts?

【Ding! Ghost couple...? ? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +100]

Facing Zhang Wei's words, the ghost couple was stunned. Although they had never watched the anime he was talking about, let alone Jotaro Kujo and the star of Baijin, they were sure that the plastic surgery Daxia talked about must have something to do with it.

At this moment.

Zhang Wei's voice continued:

"Then which one of you wants to have plastic surgery first, or should women come first?"

As soon as his words came out.

The ghost couple's scalps are numb, especially the girlfriend ghost, who is the most horrified, looking at the boyfriend ghost helplessly, trying to break free from Zhang Wei's hand:

"Ya Die, don't, let me go, Zhu Jian, Daskei (help me)!"

The boyfriend Gui also had his eyes tearing open, and was held down by Zhang Wei and couldn't move. He could only watch Zhang Wei reach out to his girlfriend Gui with a smile, and shouted there:

"Yamai leak (don't)!"

To this.

Zhang Wei just replied:

"You two don't call it that, it's like the plot in the movie, call it... I will be excited."

in words.

Under the terrified gaze of his girlfriend ghost, Zhang Wei spread his five fingers and covered his eyes.

"Ya Butterfly!!"

"Yamai Leak!!"

for a while.

Heart-piercing male and female ghost screams came from the alley.


the other side.

Alley entrance.

At this time, several young onmyojis appeared here. After talking with the manager of the maid shop, they confirmed that there were ghosts in this alley. For this reason, they hurried over for fear of being robbed of their business.

"Look at Brother Abe's yin and yang instrument, it's great, the ghost is still inside, let's go in and arrest it."

can be seen.

As the onmyoji said, other onmyojis noticed that the onmyoji was swinging left and right in the hands of the onmyoji who was revered as Brother Abe.

All the onmyojis nodded, took out their magic weapons, and approached the alley cautiously.

Not long.

Following the guidance of the yin and yang instrument, they quickly determined the location of the ghost.


Abe Onmyoji made a booing gesture, pointed to the corner ahead, and continued in a low voice:

"Round the corner, the ghost is there, get ready."


They all walked into the corner, and as soon as they entered, they saw ghosts at a glance.

Young onmyojis: "????"

As if seeing something unbelievable, the four of them rubbed their eyes at the same time, waiting to make sure that they were not dazzled, and they were all stunned.

"My Cao? Jojo?!"

"Am I dazzled, is that ghost spying on Jotaro Kujo?"

"I, Cao, seem to even imitate my voice."

They covered their mouths in a low voice, one after another surprised.


There are two ghosts standing around the corner. Although they exude a ghostly aura, their appearance is completely different from the previous ghosts, and they don't look like monsters or ghosts at all.

They are tall and have a strong body. The one on the left is wearing a white leather trench coat and has a star-shaped mole on the back of the neck, while the one on the left is covered in blue and purple intersecting skin, with shoulder armor on his shoulders, like a strong The patron saint, protecting the man in the white trench coat beside him.

at the same time.

Among the two ghosts, the man in the white windbreaker covered his forehead with his hand, posed in a classic jojo style, and roared over there:

"Ah!! How did it become like this!!"

for a while.

The roar full of masculine charm echoed in this alley, stunned the young onmyojis. I don't know if the voice of the shocking ghost is not scary, or the voice of the shocking ghost is similar to Jotaro Kujo!

Immediately afterwards.

Seeing this scene, the young onmyoji who was stunned earlier came back to his senses, all excited, without concealing his admiration:

"Like, it's so similar! It's exactly the same as jojo."

"If it weren't for their ghostly aura, I almost thought they were the stars of Jojo and Baijin."

"Indeed, the real image of their s, you can see that the star-shaped mole on the back of Jojo's neck has been reproduced."

In their opinion, this is the ghost of two jojo fans.

Think here.

One of the onmyojis hid aside and laughed:

"Actually, I'm also a jojo fan. Now that I see their Baijin stars and jojo, I can't bear to catch them. I really want to see what kind of ghosts they are, and they also like jojo."

"Haha, me too, but for the sake of performance, I still have to catch it."

"I want to make friends with them more than arresting them, but let's catch them. Performance is more important."

After a brief discussion.

They decide to capture 'Kujo Jotaro' and 'Baijin Star'.

"Then act quickly, Brother Abe, please use the Yin-Yang instrument to see what kind of ghosts they are. I really can't see what kind of ghosts they are like now."

Although they like ghost spies, they did not let their guard down, out of the caution of ghost exorcists.

Like exorcising ghosts in the past, they prepared to determine the type of ghosts before arresting them. After all, the possibility that they were monsters could not be ruled out. You must know that there are many monsters in Sakura Country, and different monsters have different abilities.

To this.

Abe Onmyoji nodded, pointed at the ghost couple, and began to manipulate the Onmyoji in his hands.

The yin and yang instrument in his hand can not only detect the location of the ghost, but also determine the real body of the ghost. Just point the yin and yang instrument at the ghost, and the mirror on the yin and yang instrument will show the ghost's real body, so as to determine whether it is a ghost or a monster. After all, each monster and ghost in Sakura Country has distinct appearance characteristics.

next second.

All the onmyojis approached the onmyoji, wanting to see what monsters or ghosts the 'Kujo Jotaro' and 'Baijin Star' in front of them are.

But it is this look.

They were all dumbfounded, and each of them looked dazed.

I see.

Two figures appeared in the mirror of the onmyoji. They were muscular, one was wearing a large white trench coat, and the other had blue and purple skin. Aren’t they Jotaro Kujo and Star Baijin? They clearly appeared in the mirror.


"The onmyoji is broken?"

Seeing the real appearance of the ghost in the mirror, the young onmyojis were stunned, thinking that the onmyoji was broken.

"Impossible. Before I went out, I asked my father to test the Yin-Yang instrument. It is absolutely impossible for it to be broken. My father is the next head of the Yin-Yang office. He can't check the Yin-Yang instrument and make mistakes, right?"

Abe Onmyoji shook his head firmly and responded.

As soon as his words came out.

Along with Abe Onmyoji himself, all young Onmyoji were silent.

If the yin and yang instrument is not broken, doesn't that mean that the appearance of the ghost floating in the mirror is indeed the real appearance of the ghost?

Think about it.

They couldn't help looking at Jojo and Baijin Star on the glasses, and then at Jojo and Baijin Star not far in front of them, recalling Jojo's roar just now.

"Isn't it a spy? Is it real jojo and Baijin star?"

"Are you kidding, is that true?!"

"Jojo and Baijin Star died and turned into ghosts? Standing in front of me?"


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