Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 489: Has Huahua Came To The Cherry Blossom Country?


Abe Onmyoji didn't notice the change in Uncle's eyes, he was still thinking about Jojo's ability carefully, and told what he knew, and he didn't forget to say to the Onmyoji around him:

"By the way, you also talk about what other characteristics of jojo, and tell the second uncle what I didn't say..."

I haven't finished talking about three words.

The second uncle reached out and interrupted Abe Onmyoji's words.

Also at this time.

Only then did Abe Onmyoji notice the expression of the second uncle, and then the second uncle was dumbfounded, swallowed and said:

"These are the abilities of that ghost?"

in words.

He screamed in his heart... Fuck, Xiao An, you don’t have the ability to detect ghosts. You’ve already scoured all his information. Forced, I'm sorry, I sent you to investigate the recent international sensational 'natural gas explosion', I'm afraid the murderer will not be found out all at once.


The second uncle was unabashedly shocked. He was sure that he would not be surprised even if Abe Onmyouji said, "And the second uncle, the underwear that ghost is wearing is floral pants".

Abe Onmyoji noticed the expression of the second uncle, coughed and said:

"It should be the ability of that ghost. Although the ghost didn't use it, but second uncle, I think it should have these abilities, really, because he looks a bit like an anime character I watched."

As soon as his words came out.

The second uncle didn't seem to care about his last sentence, his attention was all on the first half of it, and he couldn't listen to the second half.

"It means that the ability of ghosts is something you have observed, or guessed or predicted?"

"Er... so to speak."


The second uncle was silent, staring straight at Abe Onmyoji.

War day.

You can see the ability to pause time, the big brother seems to have arranged for Xiao An in the wrong way, this is an onmyoji, a prophet, a shaman, a fortune teller.

But shock is shock.

The second uncle is still a little dignified, frowning and watching the ghost couple:

"The ability to pause time, are you sure it might exist? It should be something similar to the ghost domain, but since it can freeze the ghost domain in space, this should be the immobilization technique. I have to find a way to deal with it."

The sound was not loud, although the ghost couple couldn't hear it, Abe Onmyoji and the others could hear it, so they couldn't help being excited.

They have seen the fight between jojo and dio.

I still remember the dio confrontation between the 'Ola Ola' jojo roar and the 'Damu Damu'.

But I haven't seen jojo and the top ghost king-level onmyoji yet.


the other side.

Zhang Wei didn't know what happened to the 'jojo' and 'Baijin Star' that he had plastic surgery. He didn't know that the second uncle shot them later. In order to take them down with the ability to suspend, he directly used a town-level method at the bottom of the box It is a one-time magic weapon that can only be used once.

At that time.

The ghost lovers are about to cry. I am just a red-clothed ghost. How come there are powerful top-level ghost king-level exorcists to deal with them one after another? You have to use the most powerful move, right?


Zhang Wei doesn't even know the follow-up...

Yinyangliao caught the ghost couple, and later learned the appearance of the ghost couple. Why does it look exactly like Jojo, the protagonist of the anime "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure"? In order to verify whether they hide their bodies, Yinyangliao found various Exorcism test.


He did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to invite many ghost exorcists with strong identification skills, such as ghost exorcisers who opened the three eyes of heaven, earth and man, or ghost exorcists who opened yin and yang eyes, etc. After unanimous identification, it was confirmed that they were their true faces.

this night.

Yinyangliao was a sensation.

this night.

Many older generations in the Sakura Country were alarmed, and they were summoned to Yinyang Liao one after another.


Yinyangliao held a rare meeting of the highest level in the Sakura Kingdom. The participants were all Taishan Beidou of the Sakura Kingdom, the giants among the giants. into the category of urban legends.

You must know that urban legends are nothing more than ghosts and ghosts that people follow after people's rumors and gossips for a long time. This is rare, but now even anime characters can be produced, and they are shocked.

This situation is destined to have a far-reaching impact. If the influence of anime can produce ghosts to a certain extent, then they can completely create terrifying and powerful monsters based on anime.

Think here.

The Taishan Beidou of Sakura Country are excited:

"This is an epic and epoch-making discovery, which may make our country's ghost exorcists become the top in the world."

"If these ghosts can be artificially created and used by our Onmyoji, haha, the strength of my Onmyoji will definitely stand at the forefront of all ghost exorcist professions in the world."

Immediately afterwards.

They decided to suppress this incident and not announce it to the public, and allocated funds to set up research on ghost couples.

at the same time.

Tokyo, a street next to the alley, in a handicraft shop.

After solving the ghost couple, Zhang Wei went all the way to the figure shop and asked if the figure shop sold out my Kamen Rider figure, but unfortunately, the store did not sell it.

"It seems that I have to go to Akihabara to buy it. Let's go to Akihabara tomorrow."

Zhang Wei walked out of the figure shop and muttered.

The voice just fell.

Just when Zhang Wei was about to go shopping and then go back to sleep, it was not 12 o'clock in the evening anyway, so it was still early.

Ding dong.

A WeChat notification sounded.

Zhang Wei stopped in his tracks, picked up his mobile phone and looked at it. His expression froze when he saw it:


He found out that it was not Fatty and the others who sent the WeChat message, but Huahua.

"Hey, why did Huahua send me a message at this time? I remember the day before yesterday, Brother Fat said that Huahua was taken by glasses to improve her strength."

Talking to himself.

Zhang Wei clicked on the message.

[Hua Hua]: Meow~ master master master master, are you there.

【Zhang Wei】: Here, Huahua, why are you looking for me at this time, aren't you afraid of being spotted by glasses?

[Huahua]: Meow~ Don't be afraid, because the glasses are waiting for the luggage to come out at the baggage claim area. I will pretend to use Douyin and won't be found.

【Zhang Wei】: Luggage office? These glasses are fine, this is where I took you for special training, and you actually went on a long trip.

[Huahua]: Meow~Master, I came to you just to tell you this, guess where I am now.

Its message is sent.

Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, thinking that Huahua came to find him suddenly, he hesitated and returned the message:

【Zhang Wei】: It can't be the country of cherry blossoms.

[Huahua]: Meow~ Yes, master, the glasses brought me to the Sakura Country to improve my strength. He said that Daxia is now keeping a close eye on us Senluosi, so improving our strength in Daxia is easy to be discovered. After all, I The strength is the ghost king, and it is easy to be exposed as soon as it is improved.

[Hua Hua]: Meow~ Then the glasses brought me to the Sakura Country. I can kill ghosts and people in the Sakura Country to increase my strength. I don’t have to be afraid of being discovered by the Department of Health, and I can increase my strength without any scruples.


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