Looking at the message from Huahua.

Zhang Wei was stunned:

"The glasses are quite thoughtful. They are indeed promoted in the Sakura Country, especially when supernatural events are happening frequently in the Sakura Country recently. They will never be discovered. Even if they are discovered, they will not think that Huahua belongs to Sen Luosi."

in words.

Huahua sent another message:

[Huahua]: Meow~ When I came to Sakura Country, I learned from the tailor that the master is also coming to Sakura Country, so I wanted to contact Master, haha, I heard from Fatty, Master, you like Sakura Country very much.

【Zhang Wei】: It's not that I like Sakura Country, but I like the animation of Sakura Country. There are many figures here.

[Huahua]: Meow~ figure? Does it mean that the fat man showed me the toy in his hand that looks like a grandma and her grandson?

【Zhang Wei】: It's called figurines, not toys, it's different.

[Zhang Wei]: Huahua, you happen to be in Sakura Country. When the time comes to improve your strength, you can also take this opportunity to learn about Sakura Country’s anime.

[Huahua]: Meow~Okay, master.

at the same time.

Huahua finished replying the message to Zhang Wei, and there were footsteps behind her. Huahua cut the screen of her phone to the Douyin interface, watched the cat video posted by the pet up in the video, and pretended to use Douyin again.

"Huahua, I got my luggage, let's go."

Glasses walked over with a smile, his eyes fell on Huahua's mobile phone Douyin video, pushed the presbyopic glasses and said with a smile:

"I'm watching cat videos again, Huahua needs to be restrained."

"It's a pity that you are a cat. Otherwise, in addition to improving your strength, you can also enjoy the service culture of Sakura Country. You may not know that many men come to Sakura Country for the service culture. Simply put, Whoring, of course it’s the same for women, but the kind they are looking for is called male public relations.”

He continued to push his presbyopic glasses while speaking, and said with a smile:

"It's rare to come to the Cherry Blossom Country, so I'll go and enjoy it later, ah~ It must be very refreshing to kill someone again at that time. Does this count as my duty as a citizen of Great Xia?"

Huahua tilted her head, somewhat puzzled:

"Meow~ It is the duty of the citizens of Daxia to kill the people of Sakura Country? What does this mean?"

The glasses patted his head:

"I almost forgot, Huahua, you don't know the history. The Sakura Kingdom invaded Daxia before, you can find out by looking up the information."

"Meow~ eh? Invasion? Forget it, I'll go to Baidu on my mobile phone later, what did you just say about male public relations?"

Ask about Huahua.

The glasses did not hide anything, and simply explained it to Huahua, and then said:

"How about it? Shall I find you a male PR, or a male PR cat, haha."

Huahua rolled her eyes when she heard that:

"Meow~ Don't slander me, I just swipe for fun, and all I swipe are videos of little female cats, not male cats. By the way, when will we start improving our strength?"

Huahua put away her phone and changed the subject.

The glasses also refrained from joking, and said slowly:

"You can improve your strength now."

The words did not fall.

He smiled and opened his arms, motioning Huahua to look around:

"Now this is not Daxia, it's in the country of cherry blossoms. You can do whatever you want. As long as you don't like it, you can kill it. If you like it, you can kill it. If you want to kill it, you can kill it. Let's go shopping first. See if there are any onmyojis or ghosts to practice for you, there have been a lot of supernatural events in Sakura Country recently, so it’s easy to find ghosts and onmyojis.”

"how about you?"

Huahua captured the key point in Glasses' words.

Glasses put it bluntly:

"Me? Of course I'm looking for a place to stay. I'll put down my luggage first, and then I'll go out and find a target for you to kill. Although there are many ghosts in Sakura Country recently, this place is not as strong as Daxia. There aren't many strong ghosts. I'll help you." If you ask around, see where there are many ghosts, where ghosts are strong, and where there are powerful onmyojis."

Immediately afterwards.

After chatting for a while, Glasses and Huahua agreed on a meeting place, and then left with their luggage to find information about Sakura Country for Huahua.

Watching the glasses go.

Huahua ran in a random direction, then picked up her phone and sent Zhang Wei a message:

[Huahua]: Meow~Master, just now I saw the message you sent after talking with me through glasses.

【Zhang Wei】: It's okay, what did the glasses talk to you about.

Huahua didn't hide anything, and told Zhang Wei about her plan to improve her strength with glasses.

Waiting for the news to be sent out.

Recalling the conversation between Glasses and herself, Huahua sent another message to Zhang Wei:

[Huahua]: Meow~Master, let me ask, is it true or not that the Sakura Kingdom invaded Daxia?

【Zhang Wei】: Huh? Huahua, you suddenly asked this.

[Huahua]: Meow~ It's nothing, I heard from glasses before that many people in Daxia hate the Sakura Kingdom because they once invaded it.

【Zhang Wei】: That's how it is. Yes, there is indeed such a history. I have to talk to Huahua about it.

Mention that history.

Zhang Wei suddenly regained his spirits. Although Huahua is a cat, as Daxia's cat, he felt that it was necessary for Huahua to know the history.


Zhang Wei told Huahua about the history, from the struggle of the martyrs, to the end of the war, and to the present era.

[Zhang Wei]: So the glasses are right and wrong. I can only say that as a citizen of Daxia, we must not forget the national humiliation and be grateful to the martyrs.

[Huahua]: Meow~ Got it, master, I will definitely remember this history and never forget it.

【Zhang Wei】: Haha, good.

【Zhang Wei】: Let's not talk about this, Huahua, you have come to the Sakura Country this time, and you know that there are many supernatural events. If you find that there are many ghosts, please let me know.

[Huahua]: Meow~Okay, master.

【Zhang Wei】: Well, it was late at that time, I went to my friend's house, let's not talk about it, Huahua, you rarely come to Sakura Country to improve your strength, come on and improve more.

the other side.

Sakura Country, downtown Tokyo, on a building.

After replying to Zhang Wei's message at this time, Huahua held her phone in one hand and squatted on the edge of the building, looking at the bustling scene below. Although it's 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, there are still some vehicles coming and going, and there are still many drinking people going to work on the street Clan and so on, very lively.

To this.

Huahua had a panoramic view of all this, her cat eyes moved, and she just quietly looked around the place.

For a long time.

She murmured a sentence:

"Meow~ Cherry Blossom Kingdom actually invaded the master's big summer. This is unforgivable. Unfortunately, the master is kind-hearted and will not mess around, but the master must be in pain. I have to help the master to be happy, but how should I do it well? .”

at this moment.

There seemed to be two kittens in Huahua's mind, one was an angelic kitten, and the other was a devilish kitten. The two kittens were chirping and talking to Huahua, making Huahua weigh and think over there. No one knew what Huahua was thinking at this moment.


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