It wasn't until the glasses sent her a message, telling her that Huahua had found a place to live, that Huahua looked away, jumped off the building, and disappeared into the darkness.

along the way.

Because of chatting with Zhang Wei, Huahua was walking on the road and saw a gangster bullying others. When she passed by him casually, the kitten on the back foot kicked the opponent's leg.


The screams startled.


In the eyes of other gangsters and the people being bullied, the gangster who was holding on to the collar of the bullied person suddenly bent his legs in the opposite direction, and his calf seemed to have suffered a terrible impact, and it broke and flew out until the calf was embedded in the wall beside him. It was only when the gangster realized that he fell to the ground with his hands on his legs and screamed.

This scene.

Scared the gangsters present, backed away in horror and stared at the bullied person:

"What did you do on the horse?"

The words fell.

Facing the unimaginable situation, the hooligans didn't have time to wait for an answer, and they felt that they had kicked the iron plate, thinking that the bullied person had awakened their superpowers because of their bullying, and they scrambled away.

"Uh... this, this is what I did?"

Looking at the gangster who fell to the ground, the bullied looked at himself... Could it be that I have awakened superpowers?

But at this time.

A childish voice suddenly came from beside his ear:

"Meow~ Hey, you're in a daze, let me ask you something."


The sudden words made the bullied startled, and hurriedly looked to the side. Seeing this, he screamed out in fright, and an orange cat in a soul state appeared before him at some point.


The orange cat with the appearance of a soul was looking at him impatiently. The bullied person almost screamed, but quickly covered his mouth, recalling the strange situation just now, seeing this cat looking at him, he already understood Yes, there is a high probability that this god-like cat saved himself.

Think here.

He immediately knelt down to Huahua:

"Kamisa (God), are you Kamisa, thank you Kamisa for hearing my voice and coming to save me."

To this.

Huahua, who doesn't understand Japanese, frowned. In order to relieve Zhang Wei's anger, it came up with a plan and wanted to ask a native of Sakura, but unfortunately she just remembered that she didn't understand Japanese.

"Meow~ what are you talking about, oh, I forgot, I don't understand Japanese, I didn't want to ask about the glasses, it's easy to expose the plan, it seems that I can only ask about the glasses,"

As soon as his words came out.

The bullied who treats Huahua as a god, he was stunned for a moment, and noticed the language of the gods. He thought that the gods spoke the language of the gods, but it didn't sound right, it sounded like Chinese.

Why is Kamisa speaking Chinese?

Could this be a Kamisa from Daxia?

Oh! wrong!

My Sakura Country used to be written in Chinese, but Kamisa has existed since ancient times, so it must also speak Chinese.

"It turns out that the Kamisa of my Sakura Country communicates in Chinese."

The bullied muttered with emotion.

Immediately afterwards.

He quickly picked up the phone, turned on the voice translation, spoke into the phone, and then showed Huahua his Chinese translation:

"Mr. Shenming, I don't speak Chinese, let's use this to communicate."

"Meow~ I didn't save you in vain. I want to ask you something. Answer me honestly. Is there a sacred toilet in the Sakura Kingdom that enshrines many spiritual seats."

"God's toilet? Spiritual position? Ah! Kamisa, you mean the Jingguo god's toilet?"

"Meow~ Yes, do you know that place, take me there tomorrow."

"Ah? Okay, okay."

"Meow~ very good, then you will wait for me here tomorrow evening, and you will take me there then."

Although he didn't know Huahua's behavior, the bullied person still agreed.


Watching Huahua disappear, the bullied person is still in a daze:

"Camissa, why do you want to go to the god's toilet? Isn't this a newly appointed Kamisa? Go and be the patron saint of the god's toilet?"


The next day, early morning.

Fenghejia, Zhang Wei is in the room.

Zhang Wei got up early in the morning, ready to wash up and have breakfast, and set off for Akihabara.

at this time.

Ding dong.

A WeChat notification sound came, and when I opened it, it was a message from Zhang Chao.

[Zhang Chao]: Has Zhang Wei woke up yet? Tell me, what happened in Tokyo yesterday?

【Zhang Wei】: Huh? I didn't understand what you said.

[Zhang Chao]: Hey, don’t you know, yesterday I heard that a large-scale supernatural event happened in Tokyo. It is said that a top-level ghost king battle broke out. I saw it on the Weidaosi forum today. The news should be correct. All the exorcists who went to the country of cherry blossoms confirmed this, saying that many onmyojis were dispatched from Yinyangliao.

[Zhang Chao]: Don't you even know that such a big thing happened in Tokyo?

[Zhang Chao]: I heard that this matter is quite mysterious. Many ghost exorcists went to inquire about it, but they didn't find out what happened. It seems that it was deliberately blocked.

[Zhang Chao]: Why do you look like you don’t know? I’ve inquired about it. I heard that it happened in the urban area of ​​Fenghe’s house where you live. It happened last night. Wori, you Tangtang doesn't even know about the top ghost king class. Could it be that the battle of the real dragon guard class?

Look at the message sent by Zhang Chao.

Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, then suddenly understood.

【Zhang Wei】: Are you talking about what happened last night? I know this.

[Zhang Chao]: I, Cao, I knew you knew it, but you still pretended not to know, tell me what happened, and let Yinyangliao block the news.

【Zhang Wei】: I think it might be because a certain onmyoji got into a fight with jojo.

[Zhang Chao]: Huh? I said Zhang Wei, although every word of you is in Chinese, but when combined together, I can't understand it.

【Zhang Wei】: Maybe Yinyangliao found a ghost who looks like jojo.

[Zhang Chao]: Damn, you bastard, if you don’t know, you don’t know, and you want to deceive me, I suggest you fast forward, Yinyangliao found jojo, and then captured jojo for slice research, trying to find out the pause time Ability, no, I almost laughed out loud when I said it, Yinyangliao is not such a brainless person, it is Yinyangliao anyway, it is impossible not to find ghosts pretending to be jojo.

【Zhang Wei】: It's not impossible, but if it's not like this, then I don't know.

[Zhang Chao]: What's the use of you, forget it, let's not talk about this, by the way, Zhang Wei, are you going to steal the country as an exchange student? I heard from Ms. Lu about the gathering of the top forces in Daxia yesterday.

【Zhang Wei】: That's right, I'm going to steal the country, what's the matter, do you want to go too?

[Zhang Chao]: It’s not that I want to go, what can I do there, see through plastic surgery stars, it’s not as good as my little wolf, I want to say that I’m going to retreat again, this time I don’t reach the half-step ghost king, or The ghost king level does not go out of the customs, if you have anything, you can find Wu Nian.

【Zhang Wei】: ok.

[Zhang Chao]: There is one more thing, my father said there is one more thing.jpg

[Zhang Chao]: You go to steal the country and pay attention to safety.

【Zhang Wei】: Why did you say that suddenly?


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