Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 49 The Selection Of Concubines By Ancient Emperors Is Not As Difficult As Your Test

"That's fine."

Huang Qingshan thought about it for a while and didn't refuse. He was indeed too tired, and he didn't want to really arrange a schedule for Zhang Wei's first seven.

Turn the steering wheel and stop at the nearest temporary parking spot on the side of the road.

The two changed seats.

"Let's drive out of the urban area first, go straight and don't get on the highway." Huang Qingshan yawned.


Although sleepy, Huang Qingshan didn't close his eyes.

"Just taking advantage of this meeting, Zhang Wei, let me tell you about the content of the test."


Huang Qingshan then explained the test content to Zhang Wei.

Since the test was to save the grandfather of the Huang family, and due to some reasons for the rescue, the person who asked for help was required to be physically strong.

Also for this.

Compared with the usual test for health department personnel, this test does not require a written test.

The test is divided into three aspects.

Physical fitness test, physical strength test, and potential test.

"The personnel collection of our Department of Health and Dao is also a similar test, but there is no physical strength test, but a written test on exorcising ghost knowledge. After all, it is not an Olympic athlete. Ghost exorcists use ghost exorcism to deal with ghosts. In terms of physical strength Not necessarily good."

Zhang Wei agrees.

Regardless of the folk tales or movies that I have heard in the past, those who exorcise ghosts are rarely physically strong.

That's why.

It is not easy to choose a candidate to save the grandfather of the Huang family. Ghost exorcisers seldom pay attention to the physical body, and most of them focus on exorcising ghosts.

At this moment.

Huang Qingshan continued:

"Our Department of Health and Dao collected a lot of data from ghost exorcists, and made ten grades for the test evaluation. The first grade is the highest, and the tenth grade is the lowest."

"To become a member of the Ministry of Health, you need to achieve at least eighth grade in all three tests, which is the minimum standard."


"This test is different from the standard for joining the Ministry of Health. There is no written test, and the physical strength test is added."

"Physical strength test is required, at least level five."

"The other two tests achieved at least a sixth grade."

Speaking of which.

Huang Qingshan showed a wry smile.

"Now you know why the Huang family has to spend a lot of money to find it. It's very difficult to reach the sixth level comprehensively, not to mention the physical strength that ghost exorcists are least good at, so they have to reach the fifth level."

Zhang Wei agrees:

"I feel like I'm not taking a test now, but taking the college entrance examination."

"And it's still the kind of test my parents stipulated that I have to take the famous universities like 985 and 211. The selection of concubines by ancient emperors is probably not as difficult as your test."

Huang Qingshan shrugged his shoulders with a smile: "Your analogy is very appropriate."

The words fell.

He pointed forward.

"Turn left at the next intersection."

Zhang Wei nodded and turned the steering wheel, then asked:

"Captain Zhang, I heard that Wu Nian was also invited, do you know his test results?"

Wu Nian is the tenth on the list of potential new stars.

Zhang Wei was very curious about the test results of the tenth place Wu Nian.

We must know that the list of potential new stars is also a ranking list of comprehensive data. Wu Nian can be ranked tenth in the country. Apart from his strength, he must not be bad in every aspect.

Hearing this, Huang Qingshan picked up the phone:

"Yes, little master Wu Nian did the test last week, and I brought it with me."

"Wait a minute, I'll check his test results."

for a moment.

He said:

"Master Wu Nian, the physical fitness test is the fifth level, the physical strength test is the fifth level, and the potential test is the third level."

That's all for words.

Huang Qingshan turned off the phone and said bluntly:

"Little Master Wu Nian is very powerful. His potential test has reached the third level. Those who can reach this level will at least be at the level of Qilin Wei in the future."

"I still remember that as soon as the test results of Little Master Wu Nian came out, the most popular post on the Weidaosi forum that day was the test of Little Master Wu Nian."

He glanced at Zhang Wei.

Knowing that Zhang Wei is a half-way ghost exorcist, he added:

"It's very rare to be able to reach the third level. It's unlikely that one out of 10,000 ghost exorcists will be able to produce one. Absolutely no one in ten thousand."

"When I joined the Department of Health and Dao, I got the fifth level in the potential test, but I was regarded as a key training object. If I got the third level in the test, the director would have to come and see me."

As soon as the words came out.

Zhang Wei was a bit surprised.

There is no doubt that Huang Qingshan's strength will become the next director of the Northeast Security Department.

Its potential test was actually two levels lower than Wu Nian.


Habing City, a suburb to be developed outside the urban area.

After Zhang Wei got off the car, he looked up at the shop sign in front of him - "You are so brave" gym.

"This is the place where the Northeast Defense Department used to test." Huang Qingshan pointed to the gym: "Let's go in."

at this time.

Although it was noon, there were not many people in the gym.

"Captain Huang, is this Zhang Wei?"

"Wow! What a cute handsome guy, it's my taste."

"Good guy, I finally met a big shot on the Rising Star List."

Huang Qingshan and Zhang Wei came in together.

The people in the museum immediately gathered around, chattering like a bustling market.

This is the place used by the Northeast Guardian Department for testing, and it is also a place where ghost exorcists are provided free of charge to exercise. There are many ghost exorcists here on weekdays, but today they heard that Huang Qingshan brought a young person to test, it is still a A person on the potential rising star list.

The news spread like wildfire.

It has attracted many exorcists.

"Go, go, go, are you so free, why don't you catch ghosts and join in the fun here."

For these 'crowds' who came to watch and eat melons, Huang Qingshan couldn't laugh or cry.


His words only made everyone get out of the way, and he didn't intend to leave at all. He also retorted that it was only after lunch, and it was time to rest, not to be lazy or idle.

"Zhang Wei ignore them, let's go in and test."

Huang Qingshan simply ignored it, anyway, the testing room was for one person, so they could only wait outside.

But he still opened his mouth to Zhang Wei:

"Don't be nervous, they're just a group of old fritters, Zhang Wei, and you don't have to worry about them being noisy next to you and affecting your test, because the test is a separate room, only the testers and staff can go in, they can only watch from the outside, and can't affect you of."


Huang Qingshan ordered the staff to prepare for data testing.

Then he took Zhang Wei into a room.

The room is not big.

About 100 square meters, divided into left and right sides.

On the left is something like a sandbag and a machine that looks like a treadmill, both of which are connected to several computers and other testing machines.

The right side is separated by tempered glass, and the three walls are all holes like gun barrels, covering the walls in all directions.

"Zhang Wei, let's do a physical fitness test first."

Huang Qingshan pointed to the thing that looked like a sandbag.

That is the strength that specifically tests physical fitness.

As for the treadmill machine, it is the speed of testing physical fitness.

The last one is to test the responsiveness of physical fitness.


under the guidance of the staff.

Zhang Wei stood in front of the sandbag.


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