Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 50 Listen, Are You Speaking Human Language?

at this time.

Outside the test room, the ghost exorcists followed and leaned on the glass window to look in.

The situation outside the window.

Zhang Wei didn't care, and focused on the sandbag in front of him.

"Captain Huang, can I just punch this one?"

Huang Qingshan introduced it to him just now.

This sandbag is used to test physical strength, and the staff has prepared suitable strength test sandbags for him.

As we all know, no matter how strong a 10-year-old child is, he will not be stronger than an adult. The test standards for natural strength will be different, and the props for the test will also be different. You can't beat a child with an adult beanbag, right? No matter how strong you are, you can't break the sandbag.

The sandbag in front of him, according to Huang Qingshan, is suitable for testing the strength of ghost exorcists in the 20-30 age group.


Huang Qingshan nodded, and asked the staff beside him:

"Xiao Zheng, have you followed my request to increase the strength of the strength test sandbag?"

Others don't know about Zhang Wei's situation, but Huang Qingshan does.

Zhang Wei's strength is much stronger than those of his peers. He once broke the arm of a bronze armored corpse in Xishuangbanna.

"Yes, I have increased the strength of the strength test sandbag." The staff Xiao Zheng operated the computer and turned to Zhang Wei: "Mr. Zhang Wei, you can start the test."


Zhang Wei bowed his head lightly.

Walk to the sandbag, raise your left arm and make a fist.

【Ding! Bless the host's left hand with 2328 system points]

To deal with ghosts before, he used things from the blessing system. He didn't know what level his physical fitness is now. In order not to be embarrassing, he was also afraid that he would fail the test. , go all out.

next moment.

Zhang Wei punched the sandbag.


A loud bang, like a pressure cooker exploding, suddenly resounded throughout the room.

Where Zhang Wei was, it seemed as if sand and dust had exploded, spreading everywhere.


Deathly silence.

Whether it was Huang Qingshan in the room, the staff, or the exorcists outside the room, they were all quiet, and the discussion stopped abruptly at this second.

at this moment.

They all seemed to be petrified.

The eyes are wide open, and the eyes are surprisingly consistent, full of dullness and shock.

"Just kidding... right, explode, explode?!"

The staff member Xiao Zheng murmured dumbfoundedly, his eyes almost went blank.

The strength test sandbag burst.

He was blown away with a punch from Zhang Wei.

This scene.

It makes people feel like a dream, but the special sand in the sandbag exploded all over the sky, hitting their minds directly, proving that it was not a dream, but a reality.


It was extremely quiet, and following a word from the staff member Xiao Zheng, it was like a fuse, and it turned into an extreme riot in an instant.

The audience was in an uproar.

The ghost exorcist outside the room came to his senses.

"My dear mother and grandpa, am I dazzled, the sandbag burst?!"

"Damn it, has the glass been secretly replaced with an LCD screen? What we see now is not what's going on in the room, but TV special effects for us."

"Nimma, what kind of strange power is this?"

"Hey... Can anyone tell me, did I see a Saiyan, this..."

They are exorcists.

There are also many members of the Ministry of Health.

So it is very clear that the strength test sandbag is strong, and I have tested it when I joined the Department of Health and Dao.

But now...

They actually saw what they only dared to dream about, and exploded the sandbags.

Even Huang Qingshan went crazy.

He hurriedly looked towards Xiao Zheng:

"Xiao Zheng, are you sure you have increased the hardness of the test sandbag?"

"I really improved, I swear." Xiao Zheng raised his hand and swore to the sky.


Huang Qingshan's expression went crazy.

I thought I had overestimated Zhang Wei's strength, so I specifically notified Xiao Zheng to make him increase the hardness of the test sandbag to ensure a more accurate test.

Now it seems... I have a small structure,

I still underestimated the horror of Zhang Wei.

His strength is too strong, this strength alone is enough to become the guard of the Taoist Tiger Guard.

at this time.

Everyone was shocked by Zhang Wei's power, and Zhang Wei was also shocked.

Looking at the sand scattered all over the ground, and the scattered remains of sandbags.

The corner of Zhang Wei's mouth twitched.

What's the situation with this sandbag? Why can't I help hitting it? Is my strength too strong? Or is there a problem with the sandbag, an inferior product? This is it.

If I knew this earlier, I wouldn't try my best to add points.

it's good now.

I haven't got the 500,000 yuan yet, so I will lose money first.


Zhang Wei turned his head to look at Huang Qingshan and the others, with a look of embarrassment on his face, he scratched his head and said in embarrassment:

"Captain Huang, this... I'm sorry, I didn't know this would happen, don't worry, I will lose money."

It's not loud.

But everyone present was paying attention to Zhang Wei and heard them all.

Look at Zhang Wei's simple apology, and then look at the broken sandbag.

Everyone shouted 'Zhuo' in their hearts!

Are you sure you should care about when you lose money right now.

"It's okay, it's just a sandbag, it's not a big deal."

Huang Qingshan hastily waved his hands:

"Hundreds of ghost exorcists in the Northeast lost contact this time. If we didn't have your magic weapon to help save Wu Nian and the others, we would not be able to find other lost contacts. I'm sorry that I didn't give you a reward. A sandbag is fine. "

He said with a smile and continued:

"And I didn't expect you to be so strong. I was negligent. I should let Xiao Zheng increase the strength of the sandbag."

When Zhang Wei heard the words, he immediately understood: "Is it because I am too strong? I thought it was because the sandbags were of poor quality, so that's fine."

Everyone: "..."

Listen, are you speaking human words?

A ghost exorcist clutched his chest and said bluntly: "Did Zhang Wei not realize that he is too strong? I feel that my heart hurts. I used to test my physical fitness and got a sixth grade. That's a self-satisfaction. Now I follow Zhang Wei." For the first time, I feel like I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about, the clown is actually me.”

The other exorcists also spoke out.

"For the strength of Zhang Wei, he failed the physical fitness test, at least the sixth grade."

"Is this the person who is on the list of potential new stars? Now I know why I can't be on the list."

"I now strongly suspect that Zhang Wei is not a Taoist priest, he must not be a private disciple of some Buddhist school, he is majoring in the Buddhist golden body."

"Hey, you said that Zhang Wei is so strong, what about his other physical abilities, speed and reaction?"

With the last word spoken.

The ghost exorcist present was stunned.

Yes, Zhang Wei is so powerful, what about his speed and responsiveness.

All neatly.

Everyone hurriedly looked to the window for fear of missing Zhang Wei's next test.

the other side.

After Huang Qingshan finished speaking, he motioned:

"Zhang Wei will test the speed of physical fitness next. You get on the treadmill. The method is also very simple. After a while, you open up and run hard on the treadmill for ten minutes."

"Run open? Captain Huang, are you sure?"

Zhang Wei hesitated for a while, but still asked out loud.

With the power to blast the sandbags before, Zhang Wei realized that he might be stronger than expected, so he was afraid that he would damage the treadmill later.


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