Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 493 Huahua Asks For Help From The Glasses?

The words fell.

Hua Hua followed the instructions written on the paper of the glasses and went to look for those ghosts.

the other side.

In a sewer some distance from the outskirts of Tokyo.

at this time.

In this dim sewer, where rats ran past from time to time, a figure was sitting on a thick water pipe, cursing and saying:

"Damn Yinyangliao, the investigation is so tight recently, I can't get out even if I go out, Yinyangliao, you wait for me."

It was a monster, very powerful. Not long ago, taking advantage of supernatural events, it profited from stirring up shit and was promoted to the ghost king. But because of this, it was promoted to the queen of ghosts and was targeted by Yinyangliao. eye on.


Just when the ghost king and monster were about to continue cursing, they seemed to sense something, and the voice stopped abruptly, and they looked in one direction:

"Who's there! Damn it, is Yin Yang Liao Nima crazy? They're all chasing here... huh? Cat demon?"

The ghost king and monster were stunned.


A petite and chubby voice came from the entrance of the sewer. It was an orange cat with a chubby figure. In this smelly sewer, its cute figure was particularly eye-catching. She ignored the ghost king and monsters and shook the cat in disgust. Claw, hate the mess here.

It wasn't until the ghost king and monsters were not far away that the orange cat stopped and said:

"Meow~ I've been searching for a long time, I dare you to hide in the sewer, but it's fine if I can find you."

in words.

The orange cat in the soul state broke out straight away without saying a word, and killed the ghost king monster.

"Ghost King?!"

The ghost king monster was taken aback. He didn't expect the harmless cat in front of him to reach the level of ghost king. However, before she could get confused, Huahua rushed over.

for a while.

A fight broke out between the two.

But the battle came and went quickly, without glasses by the side, Huahua was fully fired, borrowed Zhang Wei's system point blessing, doubled his strength, and had Zhang Wei's magic weapon to protect him, so ghost kings and monsters could not fight. How long before it was taken down.

"Don't kill me, Lord Ghost King, I have no grievances with you, please don't kill me."

The ghost king monster was pressed under Huahua's cat's paw, completely lost the arrogance of the ghost king, spitting blood and begging for mercy.

As soon as his words came out.

At some point, Huahua had an extra mobile phone in her hand. After translating the words of the ghost king and monster in real time, Huahua quickly typed on it, and the voice of the mobile phone rang:

"Meow~ okay, I won't kill you."

"Ah! Don't, don't, huh????"

When the ghost king and monster heard the words, they were frightened, but they were stunned for a second, thinking that they had auditory hallucinations:

"Master Ghost King, you won't kill me?"

Huahua's chubby cat showed a smile and nodded in recognition.


The ghost king and the monster are stunned... What's the situation, this ghost king is so easy to talk to?

But no time to think.

Huahua's mobile phone came from the translation voice again:

"Killing you is not going to kill you, but you have to answer a question for me and do a thing for me."

sound up.

The pupils of the ghost king and monster shrank suddenly, and before there was any time to resist, Huahua slapped his forehead with a cat's paw. In an instant, he felt a heart-piercing pain, and stared at Huahua in horror... I said how could it be so easy to talk, you are playing naughty , actually cursed me.

Huahua ignored the ghost king's eyes and continued to translate with her mobile phone:

"I put a curse on you, as long as I think of it, you will die, so I advise you not to play tricks, tell me, who is the biggest ghost force in Sakura Kingdom? Meow~"


Although he didn't know what was going on, the ghost king and youkai still answered Huahua's words truthfully.


Huahua got the answer and nodded in satisfaction.

at this time.

"Master Ghost King, I answered, can you undo the curse for me now?"

"Meow~ not for now, you still need to do one thing for me."

"What's the matter? Lord Ghost King, you don't want me to help you deal with Shuten-douji's forces, right? I can't deal with it. I'm just a newly promoted..."

"Meow~ I didn't ask you to deal with it. You can do what you are asked to do. It's very simple."

Huahua spoke out.

The ghost king heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said:

"What do you want me to do, Lord Ghost King."

"Before evening tonight, wait for me near the toilet. Remember not to be discovered. Oh, by the way, if you can call more ghosts, call more."



for a moment.

Huahua walked out of the sewer, with a satisfied smile on her face, she was not idle, she continued to pick up the glasses to guide the paper, and continued to the next ghostly place.

that's it.

Just like dealing with ghost king monsters, although most of the monsters encountered are not as strong as ghost king monsters, every time Huahua encounters a monster, she will follow the same pattern, asking which is the biggest ghost power in Sakura Country, making sure that the information she knows is correct, and then let them Go to the god toilet, if you can bring ghosts there, just take them there.

Has been busy until evening.

Only then did Huahua stop searching for ghosts, and checked the time, it was now 6 o'clock in the evening.

"It's time to go to the appointment, meow~"


As promised, Huahua went to the place where the bullied person she met last night.

"Camisa, you're here."

When the bullied saw Huahua approaching, he rushed forward eagerly.

To this.

Huahua didn't care, and asked the bullied to take her to the toilet.

"Okay, Kamisa, I'll take you there right now. There's a subway in front of you. Let's take the subway there. By the way... Kamisa, can I ask a question? What are you going to do in the toilet?" , are you going to take office there..."

The bullied person asked cautiously, but before the question was finished, Hua Hua's voice came.


"Huh? Exorcism???"

"Yes, exorcising ghosts. The god toilet is a gathering place for evil. The enshrined guys had too much resentment before they died, and they bred many ghosts. I was entrusted to help get rid of them."

"Hiss! So that's how it is."

"Of course, you may not be able to see ghosts. If you don't believe it, you can take out your mobile phone to see it. Mobile phone photography can allow ordinary people to see things that are invisible to the naked eye."


for a long time.

Led by the bullied, Huahua came to the divine toilet.

Looking at the temple dedicated to war criminals in front of him, the cat's pupils flickered, but it didn't do anything. Relying on the curse it learned from the glasses, it followed the induction and found the ghost kings and monsters gathered beside the toilet.

can be seen.


In the bushes next to the sacred toilet, hundreds of ghosts and monsters gathered. Their strengths ranged from strong to weak.

"Master Ghost King, you have gathered us here, we are all here, what do you need us to do?"

The ghost king monster asked.

Upon hearing this, Huahua raised the kitten's paw, signaling it to stop talking, and then picked up the phone and sent a message to the glasses.

[Huahua]: Damn it, come help me, I'm being targeted by the local ghost forces here, and I'm surrounded, hurry up! Come save me, I may not be able to hold on!


Huahua then raised her head and said with a smile:

"come kill me."

The words fell.

Driven by Huahua, all the curses planted in the bodies of ghost kings and monsters were triggered.

for a while.

Including the ghost king and monsters, more than a dozen ghosts screamed and exploded spontaneously. Then Huahua raised her cat fist and punched herself in the face several times until she vomited blood. shouted:

"Meow~ Hurry up! I'm seriously injured, come and kill me, if you don't kill me, I'll kill you all!"

That's all for words.

With full firepower, Huahua rushed towards the group of monsters.


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