Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 494 The Glasses Are Furious, I, Sen Luosi, Can't Stand This Kind Of Humiliation

Tokyo, another urban area.

at this time.

Glasses was walking on a street, he seemed to be in a good mood, humming a little Peking Opera tune, and walked all the way forward.

Not long ago, he found an onmyoji, and after a period of brutal interrogation, he obtained some useful information, and now he is going to confirm the authenticity of the information:

"If what the onmyoji said is true, I will have a way to enter the Yinyang Liao. The information there is more than that collected by the Yinyang family. Then Huahua will be able to improve her strength faster. Great harvest, today It's a good day."

However, the next second.

Ding dong.

A message was sent from his mobile phone.

Glasses picked up the phone and looked at it, his smile stopped abruptly, replaced by the murderous intent revealed under the pair of presbyopic glasses, which was the 'help' message Huahua sent him.

"If you dare to touch me, Sen Luosi, you will die!"

this moment.

The glasses did not hide the pervasive expression, and in the blink of an eye, his figure had disappeared in place, and he frantically went to where Huahua was.

On the way, he did not forget to send Huahua a message:

[Glasses]: Wait for me, I'll be right there.

After the news came out, his anger did not dissipate at all. He felt like the Mount Fuji volcano, which had been accumulated for hundreds of years, was on the verge of erupting at any time, and he kept chanting:

"No matter who it is, if you dare to touch Huahua, I want you to die!"

Immediately afterwards.

With the full firepower of the glasses, he quickly arrived at the divine toilet.


He just saw a bloody scene.

Look closely.

In this forest, there are corpses of monsters all over the place, none of them are intact, their bodies are covered with cat marks, they were either disemboweled, or their bodies were torn apart by cat claws, broken limbs and broken feet are scattered all over the place. The blood of monsters and ghosts, and ghostly aura permeated the area.


There are also some exploding blood-stained places, exuding the breath of ghost kings. It seems that ghosts and monsters of ghost kings died there, and they were beaten to a bloody mess.


Around Huahua, there are more than a dozen badly injured ghosts and monsters. They are roaring and roaring at Huahua, with an undisguised expression of wanting to eat Huahua. When the glasses came, they didn't care about the glasses at all. They only had Huahua in their eyes, crazy Attack and kill Huahua.


The anger in the glasses exploded at this moment:

"Give me death!!"

The top-level ghost king-level breath exploded, and there was no smile in the glasses at this moment, as if a bloodthirsty demon king came, raising his hand and grabbing the ghosts and monsters besieging Huahua.

No mercy.

The glasses casually grabbed a monster's head, and squeezed it hard with five fingers, but this was not enough, he raised one hand again, tearing the monster's body apart, letting the blood spill all over his body.


He was very angry because he saw that in the future of Sen Luosi that he had set his eyes on, Huahua was covered in blood, looked sluggish, and was obviously severely injured. If he hadn't come here by himself, he had reason to believe that Huahua would die of serious injuries it's here.

Consider this situation.

The irrepressible rage of the glasses...

In the future of me, Sen Luosi, I almost died in the big fart country of Sakura Country. It is a shame and a shame.

Damn it!

All be damned! !

The glasses swept over the remaining ghosts, and a voice without a trace of emotion came out faintly:

"Don't even think about surviving here today."

The words fell.

Glasses are out.

The horror of the top-level ghost king, known as the most cruel existence of Sen Luosi, is vividly displayed at this moment. The glasses do not give any ghosts a chance to speak, and they are all cruelly killed. This place has become a purgatory.

It wasn't until the last ghost was tortured and killed by him and died in pain that the glasses stopped.

But nonetheless.

His morbid madness shows no signs of restraining.

at this time.

Huahua's voice came over:

"Meow~ You are really slow in coming."

After Huahua finished speaking, she looked as if she had finally passed the danger, and she could relax, and then she closed her eyes and passed out.


Glasses' complexion changed, and he hurriedly took Huahua out of here. The most urgent thing to do was to treat Huahua, otherwise he, Sen Luosi, would lose a future pillar, and he couldn't accept this situation.

Also at this time.

Hiding far away from the toilet, the bullied person was photographed with his mobile phone. He was shocked in place, and he was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses:

"Is this what Kamisa said about exorcising ghosts? It's too scary... The god toilet can't be kept."


Tokyo, a hotel.

It has been a while since Huahua came back from the toilet.

"Huahua, how do you feel now?"

Glasses asked.

After returning from the divine toilet, Glasses brought Huahua back to heal her injuries. Fortunately, when Glasses came to Sakura Country, she made arrangements in advance and prepared a lot of healing things. After all, it is impossible for Huahua to improve her strength without being injured. Now after a period of treatment , Huahua recovered a lot.

Huahua looked at her injuries, and said casually:

"Meow, it's okay, I can't die, I should be able to recover after a few days of rest, the medicine you gave is good."

"That's fine."

Glasses nodded and continued:

"What's going on with you? Why did you suddenly go to the god's toilet? I remember that the ghost information I gave you didn't have a god's toilet, and why did you conflict with those ghosts?"

When Huahua heard it, while waving the cat's paw, the chubby cat's face was cold:

"Meow, don't mention it, it's not what you said before that the cherry blossom country invaded, I searched for the ghost information you gave one by one today, and solved them one by one, and then I saw nothing to do, so I went to Baidu and checked the one you said Invasion, and found out about the divine toilet.”

That's all for words.

Huahua revealed her anger and scolded:

"Then I took a look out of curiosity, and in the end I ran into a ghost king who didn't know what to do with a group of ghosts. I saw them to improve my strength, but before I could do it, they also found me. Xia Yu, who was still next to the divine toilet, thought that I was looking for a place for Daxia to destroy the divine toilet."

Hear here.

Even though Huahua didn't say anything more, Glasses already understood, and said coldly:

"They took you as a Daxia ghost who wanted to destroy the god toilet, and then they took action against you?"


Huahua nodded and said:

"That didn't deal with me all at once, but threw an olive branch at me, saying that they wanted to recruit me into their power, that they were some kind of Shuten-douji's power, and they are very powerful in the Sakura Kingdom. A promising ghost king like me is suitable to join."

can be seen.

When Huahua said this, the eyes under the pair of presbyopic glasses in the glasses were already so cold that they could freeze to death, especially after hearing that, Huahua said that they rejected them, and they directly killed Huahua, saying that this is their territory of Sakura Kingdom , How dare you destroy the god toilet in front of them, even if you are from Daxia.


The expression on the glasses was unprecedentedly cold. It was no longer a volcanic eruption, but more like a nuclear bomb eruption. He said bluntly:

"Very good, very good! Do you think that in Sakura Country, I, Sen Luosi, can't reach here? Even my Sen Luosi people dare to move, dare to poach corners, no matter which force you are, you will all die."

at this moment.

The glasses were so angry that they were about to smoke. He was not so angry when Sen Luosi was besieged and killed by the Department of Weidao.

Can't help it.

He looked at Huahua and said slowly:

"Hua Hua, remember one thing, no matter where you are, no one can touch my Sen Luosi's people, let alone in Sakura Country."

The words fell.

Glasses turned on the phone, and clicked on the number marked 'Sen Luo' in the address book.


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