Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 495 Sen Luosi Made A Move, Belonging To Daxia's Hundred Ghosts Of The Night

the other side.

Daxia, at the foot of a mountain.

Shinra sat on a stump that had been felled by logging, watching with a map in his hand, and no one knew what he was doing.

Just when he was fascinated by the terrain on the map.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rings.

Sen Luo picked up the phone and looked at it. There was only a pair of calm eyes exposed under the mask. There was a flash of light. He seemed a little surprised that the person who called was Glasses. Sen Luosi's high-level combat power.

It stands to reason that Glasses should not call him now. After all, he has no mission, and Sen Luo's senior management knows that unless there is something important, Sen Luo always doesn't like to be disturbed.

with doubts.

Sen Luo answered the phone:

"What do you want me to do with glasses?"

"Senro, I have something to tell you."

There was no ink stain on the glasses, and as soon as he came up, he told the story of Huahua being surrounded by ghost forces in Sakura Country and almost being killed.

can be seen.

Just like the reaction of the glasses when they learned about the matter, Sen Luo also had a cold light in his eyes, his brows under the mask frowned, and he replied in a deep voice:

"How is Huahua?"

"She's fine. Although she was injured this time, I supported her in time. She didn't die, and she also improved a lot in strength. What do you think of this matter, Sen Luo? It's a critical time for Suo Longjing's plan. Let's pretend it didn't happen. Just let it go, settle accounts afterwards, or how to do it."

Although Glasses asked, Sen Luo could clearly hear how angry Glasses was. Even if he proposed to settle accounts after the autumn, I am afraid that Glasses would not just settle accounts after autumn, and would definitely retaliate by himself.


Compared with Zhang Wei who used to deal with Zhang Wei before, this time, Sen Luo's attitude is different, and his eyes are piercing:

"Even if it's a critical time, this matter can't just be left alone. Zhang Wei's matter can be settled because Wei Daosi went to Qiuhou, but this matter can't be done. Sen Luosi is not so weak that he is even close to the toilet. Don't fight back."

As soon as his words came out.

The glasses far away in the country of cherry blossoms also nodded, Senhan said:

"Sen Luo, I think the same as you. I can choose not to do anything to Zhang Wei for the time being in the plan of Suolongjing, but I can't bear the flirtatious thing this time. I joined Sen Luosi not because I was intimidated. If Even outsiders can step on me, but if you don't do anything, then what a fart Sen Luosi."

Sen Luo nodded slightly, and didn't feel angry because of what the glasses said, but only replied:

"Go to inform, hold an interim meeting of Senluo Division, and vote to decide, if other high-level officials disagree, I will do it with you."


Glasses nodded.


this day.

Thursday, in the eyes of outsiders, today's day is ordinary, at most it is KFC crazy Thursday, but for Senluosi, it is different. On this day, all the senior executives of Senluosi have been notified that there are important events Hold an impromptu video conference.

You must know that Sen Luosi has always acted meticulously, and the plans are all arranged in advance, and ad hoc meetings are rarely held unless there are major circumstances.

Also for this.

Upon learning of this, no matter whether it was the fat man who was still playing lol, or the tailors, zombies and other high-level officials, they were all stunned, and immediately held a video conference, even Yin Yang and the gardener were on the video conference.


In a hidden online video conference, the twelve senior executives of Senluosi, together with the returned door-closing zombies, all showed up.

Immediately afterwards.

Sen Luo didn't have any ink marks, and let the glasses tell the reason for the meeting.

can be seen……

Whether it's a zombie, a fat man, or a dumb person, all the high-level executives frowned when they heard about this, and the fat man even slapped the table and said:

"This matter can't be left alone. We are Sen Luosi, but we are also a Daxia force. Although we have destroyed Daxia for our purpose, we are also Daxia people and we will never allow foreign forces to look down on us."

The tailor followed suit:

"I agree with Fatty Fatty's idea. If other foreign forces do it, I can choose to endure it, but this is the country of Sakura, or Huahua is just close to the toilet, and they will do it. This is no longer a humiliation to me. Our Great Xia identity has been trampled on."

The door-closing zombie also surged with corpse energy:

"In my time, the Cherry Blossom Country was just a small country that worshiped our country, but now it dares to bully us, what a shame!"

His words fell.

The mute also gestured in the video:

"Abaabaaaba (hit back, if I don't hit back, I will fight by myself, is this bullying Huahua? This is stepping on our Sen Luosi's face, stepping on our Daxia, I can't bear it!)"

He stopped stuttering and even nodded and said:

"Fight, must... must fight!"

The worm said:

"Although we, Sen Luosi, destroyed Daxia, in the final analysis, Daxia is also the place where we grew up. The Sakura Kingdom attacked us in the God's toilet, which was obviously aimed at the invasion of the past. We didn't turn back. Going out, Sen Luosi will only be a joke, even bringing Da Xia is also a joke."

The paper figurine paled and coughed:

"Count me in, don't exclude me as the wounded, I was injured, but I can still beat the ghost of Sakura Country."

The beautiful eyes of the embroidered shoes moved and said:

"It will take time for Jeanne to provide manpower. I don't have anything to do for now, so I'm one of them."

Mr. Willow stroked his beard and said:

"Although the old man is not a human being, the old man is also a tree that grows in Daxia. The cat that hit me in Daxia is no different from cutting down the roots of the old tree."

Without exception.

Regarding the fact that Huahua almost died in Sakura Valley, all senior executives of Senluosi spoke out.


Even Yin Yang, who has always been quiet, and the gardener who doesn't like to intervene in Sen Luosi's affairs spoke out.

Yin Yang glanced at the high-level executives in the video, and said simply:

"Call back."

There are only three short words, but it already expresses Yin Yang's thoughts.

The gardener also laughed leisurely in the video:

"The biggest ghost force in the Sakura Kingdom, giggling, do you have more people than me? Sen Luo, tell me how many people you want. I can put my business aside and provide you with ghost personnel."

In the face of the high-level words.

Sen Luo scanned the high-level executives in each video, nodded and said:

"Then vote, whoever agrees to call back."

As soon as his words came out.

The rare senior executives of Senluosi responded unanimously one after another:

"I agree."




Sen Luosi executives, unanimously approved!

Upon seeing this,

Sen Luo nodded slightly, and said bluntly:

"Then do it, let the outside world know, the consequences of angering me, Sen Luosi, you, the tailor, will be in charge of this matter, coordinate and gather Sen Luosi's manpower, and wipe out the power of Sakura Country Sake Tundouji!"

this day.

The first large-scale operation of Sen Luosi.

this day.

The top executives of Sen Luosi embarked on the journey to the country of cherry blossoms.

this day.

The Hundred Ghosts Night Walk belonging to Daxia is taking shape.


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