Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 496 When Sen Luosi Enters The Country, Shuten-Douji Changes Color

That night.

Under the arrangement of Senluosi's "military division" tailor, in just one day, a large number of Senluosi ghosts were integrated, together with the ghosts given by the gardener, and the ghost manpower sent by the succubi Joan before, all were sent to Sakura Kingdom .


Nearly 11 o'clock at midnight.

In Sakura Country, a port in Shikoku, an overseas transport ship arrived. As it docked, the anchor was lowered, the upper passage deck was lowered, and figures walked off the ship.

at the same time.

Glasses and Huahua were standing at the port, looking at the figures coming down from the transport ship in front of them, and their gazes fell on the eleven figures headed by them. They were the high-level executives of Senluo Division. Together with Senluo, they all came out!

This scene is shocking.

On the huge transport ship, hundreds of thousands of ghosts descended densely, each one is strong, and the weakest has reached the level of a red-clothed ghost.

Such a huge battle scene, when they landed, their aura was undisguised, and it was difficult to avoid being discovered.

"Notify Yinyangliao quickly! There are powerful ghost forces appearing in the four countries, and the scale is super-large-scale Hyakki Night Walk!"

The one who spoke was a Shikoku Onmyoji.

When the transport ship arrived, he was nearby. He immediately felt the terrifying ghostly aura emanating from the port. He hurried over with his companions to check the situation. Then he saw a scene that he would never forget. He couldn't imagine how there were so many ghosts.

The companion was also terrified, and hurriedly picked up his mobile phone to send a message to the headquarters of Yinyangliao.

During the whole process, except for making phone calls, they didn't dare to do anything extra until the scary ghosts left. They hid aside and didn't dare to breathe, for fear of being discovered. They didn't know that when the ghosts left, the leading ghost They glanced in their direction intentionally or unintentionally.


Sen Luo and the others already knew about them, but they ignored them and did not intend to hide their actions. If they wanted to let the whole world know and anger Sen Luosi, they had to be prepared to bear Sen Luosi's anger.

After walking far away, I waited for a while to confirm that Sen Luo and others had left the port.

Those two onmyoji dared to show their heads:

"What's going on here? Why is there such a large-scale Hundred Ghosts Night Parade? It's still abroad."

They are not stupid, they can see that Sen Luo and others do not belong to the ghost species of Sakura Country, they are obviously from abroad, this is unprecedented, you must know that ghost forces themselves are not allowed to exist, and other countries naturally do not allow other ghost forces Touch the native land.


This almost impossible situation is still staged.

Also at this time.

Another onmyoji seemed to think of something and said:

"That seems to be... the ghost of Daxia."

in words.

He recalled the scene just now. Among the dozen or so ghosts headed by him, there was a beautiful and eye-catching female ghost, dressed in ancient Daxia clothing.


the other side.

The news of such a super-large-scale Hundred Ghosts Night Walk quickly spread back to Yinyangliao.


The headquarters of Yinyangliao is fried.

"What did you say? Are you sure it's Daxia's ghost? The number is at least a thousand? Is there a ghost king? What?! At least a dozen ghost kings? What are you kidding, so many?!"

When Abe's deputy head heard the situation, he was still immersed in the joy of capturing 'jojo', but he lost it all, and stood up from his seat in shock.

As the subordinates confirmed again and again.

Abe's deputy chief was shocked:

"What are the ghosts of Daxia coming to our country? No, there are so many ghost kings, quickly call all the great onmyojis, and rush to the four kingdoms as quickly as possible, and prepare a plane for me. I will go there in person. In addition... go to my grandfather Please come here."

As soon as his words came out.

The other high-level officials of Yinyang Liao changed their colors.

Others don't know who the grandfather of Vice Liao Chief Abe is, but they do know that he is one of the Zhenguo Onmyoji in Sakura Country today, a true dragon guard level Onmyoji!

"Deputy Chief, is it so serious? Even Mr. Abe was alarmed."

An onmyoji thought of the violent temper of Abe's old onmyoji and said.


As soon as he said that, he himself knew the reason. No matter what kind of ghost power, he would never easily enter other countries. After all, this would attract the attention of the country's ghost exorcist organization. The other party dared to do so, obviously confident.

Then think of such a large number, there is a high probability that there will be terrifying ghosts in it, and there will be half-step true dragon guard-level ghosts. Only those at this level dare to make such a big show.


Onmyoji became active at high speed, and in a short period of time, a large number of onmyojis received urgent notices to go to the four countries.

Also for this.

The news about the super-large-scale "Hundred Ghost Night Walk" in the four countries spread rapidly like a plague, and it came from the International Ghost Exorcist Forum.


the other side.

Shikoku has enjoyed the title of "the land of ghosts" in Sakura Country since ancient times. According to legend, most of the monsters in Sakura Country originated from here. Because of this, it has become a gathering place for monsters and a gathering place for many ghost forces.

And in the depths of a mountain in Shikoku.

This is the territory of Shutendouji, one of the three great monsters in the Sakura Kingdom.

at this time.

Shuten-douji was holding two female monsters in his arms, drinking happily, listening to the daily flattery of his subordinates.

He is the Shuten-douji of this era, he inherited the powerful blood of Shuten-douji, and also inherited the ghost power of Shuten-douji in the past dynasties, and under his development, he has grown into the largest ghost power in Sakura Country today.

But at this time.

A monster ran in urgently:

"It's not good, Master Shuten, there is something wrong with the Yinyang Liao."

Shuten-douji took a sip of wine and said:

"I said Kappa, you are making a fuss about something, you didn't see me drinking at the bar, so hurry up and say something, don't affect my drinking pleasure."

"Master Jiuten, I got the news that Onmyouliao is gathering great onmyojis to come to the four countries, and I heard that even the old Onmyoji Abe, this old guy, has been invited out of the mountain, Master Jiutun, you say... Yinyangliao It’s not because they want to take advantage of the many supernatural incidents in the Sakura Country recently, and want to destroy us, so let’s make an example of them.”

The kappa trembled, and he didn't hide his panic. After all, even the onmyojis of the real dragon guard level took action, and they definitely didn't catch cats or dogs. They were very suitable options for the target.

As soon as his words came out.

The monsters and ghosts present all changed their colors, even Shuten-doji looked sideways, and put down the wine jar in his hand:

"You said that old fellow Abe..."


Jiu Tun Boy's voice stopped abruptly, and he suddenly looked in one direction.

Immediately afterwards.

It was like a domino effect. After Jiu Tun-douji, the ghost kings present looked at one after another, and all of them shrank their pupils. Soon, other weak ghosts felt it, and they didn't need to find it. They already felt it...

In the direction that Shuten-douji was looking at, there was an incomparably terrifying ghostly aura pervading, pressing towards the mountain cover where they were.

face this situation.

Jiu Tun-douji Lei Ting got up, raised his hand to summon his ghost 'wine jar', soared into the sky, and looked in that direction.


He saw it.

The ghost energy there is like yellow sand all over the sky, covering the sky and the earth. Under the leadership of a dozen or so scary ghosts, thousands of ghosts are coming here in a mighty way.


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