Watching the mighty 'Hundred Ghosts of the Night' coming.

Shuten-douji was stunned.

This wave of ghosts and ghosts is too terrifying. Just the dozen or so leading figures in front of them are enough to make the ghosts and monsters present tremble:

"Top ghost king?!"

"No, the existence beyond the ghost king..."

Feeling the aura emanating from Sen Luo, many monsters couldn't help taking a step back, even ghost king level monsters, the aura was too terrifying, comparable to that of Shuten-sama.

As Shuten-douji's monsters, they know Shuten-douji's strength well, and they have reached the level of the legendary big monster, that is, the true dragon guard level. In other words, there is an existence comparable to Shuten-sama.

at the same time.

Shuten-douji naturally discovered Mori's strength, his eyes were serious, and he said to Mori and the others who came:

"Friends from the front, what are you doing here, this is my Shuten-douji's territory."

With such powerful existences as Mori, even Shuten-doji, who has always been arrogant, had to be cautious, and asked about the situation first. He didn't believe that the other party came to his side for a visit, as for whether he was passing by...

Most likely not.

As far as their aggressive momentum is concerned, no matter how you look at it, they are not passing by.

Jiu Tun Doji couldn't help wondering, he didn't remember ever provoking such a terrible ghost force, the key is when the cherry blossom country had such a ghost force.


Just as Shuten-douji was thinking, he noticed the embroidered shoes and couldn't help being stunned.


It's not the ghost power of Sakura Country, but it's from abroad?

Just when he was surprised.

Sen Luo, who came out with Sen Luosi's high-level executives, also heard Shuten Doji's words, and suddenly, a horrible ghost erupted from Sen Luosi's high-level executives, and they did not hide their anger. Shuten-douji came, and now that he finally saw him, the fire couldn't hold back.

same moment.

"The one I was looking for was you Shuten-douji."

It was the glasses that spoke, and he, who was already holding back his anger, couldn't suppress it at this moment.

Also this moment.

Sen Luoqi's calm voice came out:

"Not one left."

The simple four words, calm and without waves, echoed like a war hammer in this Shuten-douji's territory.

sound up.

boom! ! !

The high-level Senluosi beside him, and the thousands of ghosts behind him, like wild horses that have run wild, broke free at this moment and flocked towards the Shuten-douji forces.

"Damn it, what do you mean?"

Jiu Tun-douji's face darkened. Although he didn't understand what was going on, he made a move. The terrifying aura belonging to the true dragon guard level filled the place in an instant, and Sen Luosi's actions froze for a moment.

However, the next second.

It is also incomparably powerful, and even stronger than a lot of terrifying aura, like a wild beast loosening the shackles of its cage, roaring to the world.

Jiu Tun-douji's true dragon guard level breath was suppressed back.


Shuten-douji changed color in shock, and landed on Sen Luo's body. It was Sen Luo's aura.

Immediately afterwards.

Daxia's top ghost force - Sen Luosi.

The top ghost force in the Sakura Kingdom——Shuten-douji.


On this night, confront!

Jiu Tun-douji's ghost kings roared, facing the intruder, although they were frightened, they also took action.


The mountains in this forest trembled, the ground trembled, the trees on the mountains collapsed, and the soil surged and erupted. Under the watchful eyes of all the ghosts and monsters, a gigantic titan-like monster as tall as a hill and as high as a hundred meters roared.

"My lord!"

That is the monster 'Dai Ru Dao'. According to legend, Da Dao Dao grows up and can move mountains and fill seas. It is huge. When Zhang Wei first came to the Sakura Kingdom, he had a Da Dao shikigami to deal with that ghost king-level onmyoji.

But compared to that one, this Dao Dao is the real adult, the real legendary Dao Dao, a top ghost king, with a body height of 100 meters, raised his hands and feet, grabbed hundreds of tons of rocks, and smashed them at Sen Luosi ghosts.

To this.

A chubby figure of Sen Luosi rushed out, it was a fat man.

Compared with the Daoist figure, the two are like an elephant compared to an ant, but the fat man raised his foot and kicked it on the rolling rock.


Like a one-punch man, the fat man shattered a three-story-high mountain rock with one kick, and even more unabated, he kicked Darudao's abdomen with one kick.


An unbelievable picture appears.

The 100-meter-high Great Entrance Dao felt as if it had been hit hard by an ancient titan, and its huge body flew upside down. With a bang, it fell on the mountain behind it, causing a shock comparable to an earthquake of magnitude eight, and most of the mountain collapsed. The mountains and forests were crushed by his body.

This scene.

It shocked people's hearts, inspired Sen Luosi, and shocked Shuten-douji's forces.

Also at this time.

Fatty's voice came slowly:

"Fighting with titan, the force is very high, I like it."

He hooked his fingers towards the big entrance that fell to the ground and crushed the mountain and said:

"Come on, continue."


Roaring as he entered the Dao, the terrifying aura of the top ghost king, like a mountain of fire, swept across the surrounding mountains for several miles, raising his fist as huge as a house, trying to smash the fat man into pieces.

The fat man has no fear.

Raise your fist to face him.


Also at this time.

Sparse voices sounded, and there seemed to be countless reptiles crawling. Da Ludao felt the pain in his feet, looked down, his pupils shrank suddenly, and at some time, dense insects appeared under his feet, including centipedes and poisonous Bees, venomous snakes and more.

There are many.

It actually crawled all the feet of its huge body, and the number was vying for too many, a few could not breathe. These hundreds of millions of insects had already slowed down the big body, and stacked to form a monster composed of countless poisonous insects. Giant centipede.

The centipede was too big, it spun around Darudao's body like a snake, and the centipede's head opened its mouth and bit Darudao's neck.

for a while.

The scene has become almost magical.

A 100-meter-long giant centipede hangs a 100-meter-long titan monster, and the fat man's petite body suspended in the air looks out of place.


The fat man looked at the Senluosi high-level insect not far away:

"Hey, bug, don't come and meddle in my fight."

That being said.

But the fat man didn't hold back his hand at all, and slapped Darudao on the face with his palm, and Darudao flew upside down again:

"Forget it, 2 vs 1 is very villainous, and I like it very much."

It's not just the fat man fighting.

The other Senros members also fought the Shuten-douji members.


There are too many top ghost kings in Sen Luosi. Even if the door-closing zombies have not taken back their bodies, there are still twelve of them. The top ghost kings on Shutendoji's side can only be passive, and the glasses are even more martial arts. Not to mention, as the top ghost king, he got into the group of ghosts and started a massacre.

In his words, for the injuries Huahua suffered on you, he will take back from you twice as much.

for a while.

Although the top ghost forces of the two countries are confronting each other, there is a situation where the balance is almost tilted.

at the same time.

Shuten Doji also confronted Mori.

Their strength was too strong, and they entered the depths of the forest tacitly, and opened up a battle that belonged to the real dragon guards there.

Although it was impossible to witness the battle with our own eyes, we can know how terrifying the battle there was from the horrifying movement like a magnitude 10 earthquake and the deafening loud noise.


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