Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 499 The Truth That Sen Luosi Has Not Been Eliminated

It's not loud.

But in everyone's ears, it exploded like a thunderstorm, and even Abe's old onmyoji was stunned.

How could he not have heard of the name of Senluosi? This is a terrorist force that has stood in Daxia for hundreds of years and has never been destroyed. It must be treated with caution.

Not only Abe's old onmyoji, but also the onmyoji and witches present were stunned.

When Abe's old onmyoji mentioned Sen Luosi before, everyone noticed Sen Luosi, and at the same time remembered Sen Luosi's name. Unexpectedly, the ghost force that came was actually Da Xia's Sen Luosi.


Feel the words of Yin and Yang, and its terrifying power.

They believe that as long as they dare to take a step forward, Yin Yang will definitely make a move, even with the old Onmyoji Abe present.

Can't help it.

They looked at Abe's old onmyoji, although the onmyoji and the gardener were scary, but they were dignified, but they were not scared to death. After all, they also had the strength of a real dragon guard on their side, and Abe's deputy chief and others also had top ghost kings. Strength, and even a half-step true dragon guard level onmyoji.

In order to suppress the foreign ghost forces this time, Deputy Liao Chief Abe did not dare to rely on it, and made great preparations.


Sen Luosi is suspected to be fighting with Jiu Tun-douji's forces. They have so many onmyojis, and they are still confident in fighting onmyoji and gardeners.


Not only did everyone think so, but the old Onmyoji Abe thought so, but because of this, he frowned, not understanding how Yinyang and the gardener dared to be so strong, was it intentional, or did they have some skill? But thinking that this is the border of Sakura Country, I can't let others mess around.

The old Onmyoji Abe snorted coldly, and pointed his eyes at Yin Yang and the gardener:

"Sen Luosi, this is not your big summer, this is my country of cherry blossoms, do you think you can mess around here like a big summer, as if my Yinyang Liao doesn't exist?"

sound up.

There was a bang.

Abe Onmyoji's terrifying aura erupts from the true dragon guard class. The onmyoji costume on his body is automatic without wind, and it is blowing like a god from Gao Tianyuan, who came to the world and does not allow evil to get involved.

Like a chain reaction, accompanied by the toughness of Abe's old onmyoji, the onmyojis and witches around him are also in full swing, putting on a posture, and they have the momentum to suppress the onmyoji and gardeners here.


face its tough response.

Yin Yang and the gardener were not flustered at all.

"You can give it a try."

It was Yin Yang who spoke, and he looked directly at the old Onmyoji Abe, although his expression was calm, but from those penetrating eyes, everyone saw that he chose to eat someone.


The gardener also spoke, covered his mouth and smiled and looked at Abe's old onmyoji:

"Use Yinyang Liao to suppress me, Sen Luosi? Even the Secretary of Wei Dao dare not speak big words, but you dare? What? Is there a large number of people? That's not necessarily the case."

in words.

The gardener's eyes were crooked with a smile, and the chill in those eyes was colder than the night.


With the last word down.

The gardener was filled with a fog-like ghostly aura, and the fog was thick and dark. Looking carefully, the fog looked like a beautiful woman with a big belly in her arms, and in that belly, it was like a passage through hell. There were ghosts crying and howling wolves, shrill and trembling.

This scene.

It was so shocking.

The mammoth figure of the mother is pregnant with countless ghost fetuses. Once she is born, it is destined to be a large-scale night walk of hundreds of ghosts. You must know that one ghost is enough to cause night walks of hundreds of ghosts.

"The companion ghost mother queen?!"

Abe's old onmyoji's pupils shrank suddenly, and he finally recognized the gardener's identity as a ghost. He finally understood why Yin Yang and the gardener dared to face the ghost exorcist organization of Yiguo.

The accompanying ghost mother is a ghost that can give birth to ghosts. It is very strange and can give birth to ghosts that are closely related to it.

And in front of...

It is a companion ghost mother who is about to reach the level of a true dragon guard. It is conceivable that once this kind of existence gives birth to ghosts, how terrifying it will be, and the number will be difficult to estimate. Even the well-informed old onmyoji Abe was shocked. This is the first time I have seen a companion ghost mother who has reached this level.

next moment.

Seemingly aware of something, Abe's old onmyoji stared in shock and said:

"Sen Luosi has not been destroyed, and has revived, because of you?!"

No wonder Senluosi has not been destroyed. For hundreds of years, he has revived again and again, and has become stronger again and again. It turns out that Senluosi has a companion ghost mother king, or is about to reach the true dragon guard level. It is unimaginable. Once he grows to True dragon guard level, is it possible for Sen Luosi to be destroyed?

Unless the companion ghost queen dies, Sen Luosi will be difficult to destroy.

The gardener didn't answer.

Naturally, she would not tell the old Onmyoji Abe that Sen Luosi had always had a companion ghost mother, and she was selected by the companion ghost mother of the previous generation of Senluosi, and let her swallow the companion ghost mother, becoming the companion ghost of this generation Queen Mother.

The companion ghost mother is special. She wants to grow up, and she is more demanding than the succubus and other ghosts. It is constantly changing, and the ghost mother is devoured and replaced by one generation of ghost mother after another. Until now, after hundreds of years of generations, Sen Luosi Created the companion ghost mother king who is about to reach the real dragon guard.

You must know that companion ghost mothers are very rare, let alone find one after another talented companion ghost mothers to devour and transform.


Although he didn't tell the old onmyoji to Abe, the gardener didn't deny it either. He was just an onmyoji from Onmyouliao, and it wasn't her turn to cover it up. She was Sen Luosi's third in command.

for a while.

Old Onmyoji Abe and the others are facing a big enemy, and with the companion ghost mother, their numerical advantage will no longer exist, or even... reversed.


Don't give old onmyoji Abe a chance to think.

Yin Yang and the gardener made a move.

For Yinyangliao's tough response, Yinyang is not used to it at all, and directly explains it with actions.

boom! !

Yin Yang came to the old Onmyoji Abe, and the ghost hand took his head.

The wind blows, and the ghost cries for blood.

Under everyone's scalp-numbing gaze, the ghost mother giant figure that appeared behind the gardener spread her arms out and let out a giggling sound like a mother's love. It was obviously kind, but at this moment, it made people feel straight and hairy, and then burst out in the belly With the faint light, a series of ghosts appeared.

Those are the ghosts born by the ghost mother. There are many kinds of ghosts, such as water ghosts, hanged ghosts, etc. This is what Sen Luosi has spent hundreds of years feeding various ghosts to the companion ghost mother, so that she can give birth to many types of ghosts. .

This is no longer a ghost mother, but a ghost factory.


The situation has changed.

There were originally hundreds of onmyojis and witches, but they turned into a besieged party, surrounded by thousands of ghosts.

Also at this time.

The gardener opened his arms and gave instructions to the ghosts:

"My children, I spent all my energy to give birth to you. These people want to hurt me, so kill them all."

His voice came out.

The ghosts seemed to be crazy, as if they were a group of children rushing towards the onmyoji and witches in order to protect their mothers.

Yin and Yang also shot.

He went straight to Abe's old onmyoji.

Now that they all saw the gardener and themselves, there is no need for these onmyojis and witches, including Abe's old onmyoji, to live.


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