Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 500: The End, Removal From The Shuten-Douji Faction

the other side.

Abe's old onmyoji felt that his intestines were about to turn green. He never expected that there would be an accompanying ghost queen here. He wanted to kill the gardener first, but was stopped by Yinyang.


The old Onmyoji Abe gritted his teeth, pulled out three shikigami, and summoned three powerful shikigami, whose strength reached half a step of the true dragon guard.

"Go, let's work together to kill the companion ghost mother queen."

The three shikigami nodded.

But before taking a step, both hands stretched out and grabbed the heads of the two shikigami. With five fingers, the shikigami at the half-step real dragon guard level didn't have time to let out a shriek, and his head was crushed abruptly. For the broken style rune.


Abe's old onmyoji shrank his pupils suddenly, and found that at some point, there was another yin and yang, and he killed two shikigami cleanly, and he swallowed the remaining shikigami.

And then look in front of yourself.

Yin Yang is still with her captain.

Two yin and yang? !

It seems that the strength is still exactly the same, not like a clone. You must know that the clone is always weaker than the main body, but there is a yin and yang who protects the gardener. The strength is the same as the yin and yang that you fight, so it is more like twins?

"What the hell are you?"

Abe's old onmyoji was horrified, one yin and yang is not enough to deal with, so why another one.


What responded to him was another yin and yang appeared again. During the attention, another 'yin and yang' disappeared into the ground after killing the shikigami, and appeared again. He had already come behind the old onmyoji Abe. Cracked the head of Abe's old onmyoji with one hand.


Abe's old onmyoji's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was forced to sacrifice his magic weapon.

Immediately afterwards.

Like the deputy head and the others, Abe's old onmyoji also lost his advantage and was forced to fight less and more, fighting against two real dragon guard yin and yang alone.

The deputy head and the others also noticed this situation. Everyone's face trembled visibly with the naked eye. They thought they would hold off on their own side, and when Abe's old onmyoji solved the onmyoji, he could come to help them. They were still very happy. Believe in the strength of Abe's old onmyoji.

Now it seems.

The idea is very full, the reality is very skinny.

The gardener also noticed this, and he couldn't help giggling, as if he didn't satisfy their despair, he opened his mouth and spit out hundreds of ghosts, he wanted to make despair envelop the onmyoji and witches even more.

Do it all.

The gardener opened his hands:

"The onmyoji and witches here are all dead, and the onmyoji will definitely be hit hard. Children, let us complete this result. I haven't eaten an onmyoji yet. I don't know what kind of ghosts will be born. "

in words.

The gardener also made a move. With one hand, he blocked the attacks of Deputy Chief Abe and another half-step real dragon guard. He grabbed a beautiful ghost king-level female onmyoji and swallowed it with his mouth open.


Abe's deputy head wanted to stop him, but the gardener was so powerful that he had no fear of them.

This went beyond their understanding of the companion ghost mother, and they fully realized that the companion ghost mother who has almost reached the level of a real dragon guard is terrible. Like the queen bee of the swarm, but now it overturns common sense.

at the same time.

After swallowing the female onmyoji, the gardener turned his eyes to the crowd, continuing to choose the next delicious meal.

for a while.

Desperate emotions are breeding in everyone's hearts like a plague that can't be suppressed.


the other side.

The power territory where Shuten-douji is located.

Accompanied by a loud bang, the mountain was shaking, and boulders rolled down the rolling mountain...

can be seen.

A gigantic figure of a monster smashed a forest into ruins. It was a great way. At this time, it was no longer the horror before. It was covered in blood, its arms were folded and bent irregularly, and its fists were flesh and blood Blurred and smashed.

It fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

"Hey, can't help but fight? Such a big man with such weak defense, the villain is very unreasonable to treat you like this."

The fat man stood on top of him, clenched his fists and rattled:

"Come on, get up and keep fighting."

His words speak out.

The one who responded to him was the Daoist who was on the verge of death, looked at the fat man, and then died.

"Dead? It's so boring, bug, I'll leave this dead body to you."

The fat man curled his lips and motioned for the worms to dismember the corpse of the Dao Daoist. This is the corpse of the top ghost king, and it is a good resource for them to improve their strength.

"Hey, that's great."

The bug let out a piercing laugh.

Immediately afterwards.

The fat man looked around, ready to look for the next target of the battle, but all the ghosts were caught by the tailor, and they were not enough for him.

Just when the fat man was about to fight the opponent who grabbed the tailor.


The terrifying aura came from afar, and the fat man was taken aback for a moment, then looked over with surprise in his eyes:

"Yin Yang and the gardener also shot? Who are they beating? It doesn't seem to be a ghost, but a ghost exorcist. It seems that someone from Yin Yang has come."

He hesitated.

In the end, Fatty didn't go to Yinyang. Although he really wanted to help or find a fight, he still planned to deal with Shuten-douji here. After all, the task assigned to her by the tailor was to cooperate with Mori Luosi and other high-level officials to fight with him in the end. Quickly destroy Shuten-douji's forces.

next second.

The fat man didn't hesitate anymore, and went straight to the top ghost king at the tailor:

"Tailor, I'm here to help you."

The corner of the top ghost king who was fighting with the tailor twitched, and he burst into foul words in his heart. Now he was besieged by the tailor and the embroidered shoes, and he was seriously injured to the point of death. Now a fat man came, completely cutting off his hope of life.

for a while.

Senra vs Shuten Doji.

Yin Yang and Gardener vs Yin Yang Liao.

Moros vs. Shuten-douji faction.

Three battlefields are staged at the same time.


Relying on the crushing of strength, the "Sen Luosi vs. Shuten-douji forces" in the three battlefields ended the battle first.

look around.

There are corpses of monsters all over the place, and the blood has dyed the place into a bloody forest.

"Take an inventory of the corpses of the monsters and take away all the ghost-level monsters in red clothes. Fatty, where do you want to go?"

The tailor swept across the battlefield, and as Sen Luo's military adviser, she acted as the commander when Sen Luo was away.

The fat man scratched his head with an awkward smile:

"I'm going to help Yin Yang and the others."

"Yin Yang doesn't need your help, clean up the corpse for me, don't try to be lazy."

"All right, all right."

The fat man could only helplessly spread his hands and clean up obediently.

Time flies.

Just when Fatty and the others were about to clean up the corpses of the monsters, almost at the same time, the other two battlefields stopped, and the forest suddenly changed from extremely quiet to extremely quiet.


Sparse footsteps came from two directions.

The senior officials of Zhongsen Luosi and the ghosts all looked over when they heard this.

see you...

Sen Luo walked over at a steady pace, looking carefully, the bronze mask on his face had blood sprinkled on it, but at this moment, Fatty and the others were not looking at the bronze mask, they all fell on Sen Luo's hands.

Look closely.

He was holding a head in his hand, which looked like Shuten-douji's head. His eyes were wide open, and he looked terrified before he died.

And look in the other direction.

Yin Yang and the gardener also came over, although they were not as aggressive as Sen Luo, but they still made people look sideways. They were holding a white-haired old man covered in blood in one hand.

That's Abe's old onmyoji! !


Abe’s old onmyoji, where is the image of a national-level onmyoji? His hair is messed up, his body is covered in injuries, he is so badly injured that he can only breathe, and can’t do other movements. He is like a dead dog, letting the yin and yang drag him by his hair come.


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