Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 502 When I Woke Up, I Almost Overturned The World Of Exorcising Ghosts

this night.

For Yinyangliao, it is doomed to sleepless nights.

this night.

It is also destined to be a sensation for ghost exorcists around the world.

Accompanied by the burning of the sacred toilet, the fat man made a move without concealing his ghostly aura. Onmyolia got the news and rushed there first. After discovering Sen Luosi's brand, Onmyolia found out in horror that the old onmyoji Abe had lost contact.

Hundreds of onmyojis lost contact at the same time, and there was one true dragon guard.

The news was like a tornado, sweeping across the entire Cherry Blossom Kingdom exorcist, and quickly fermented to the international exorcist forum.


As Yinyangliao sent people to the place where they lost contact, that is, the territory where Jiu Tuntongzi was located, seeing the tragedy of the scene, even if Yinyangliao once wanted to block the news, it was difficult to block it. In just one night, the news spread all over the International Ghostbusters Forum .

Without exception.

Anyone who knows, whether it is the ghost exorcist of the Sakura country or the foreign ghost exorcist, is shocked, and then everyone seems to be connected with each other. After learning the news, they quickly pick up their mobile phones and call their friends. Inform the news.

The news spread from ten to hundreds, and in just one night, the news spread all over the world.


On the Great Xia Ghost Exorcist Forum, there was a post titled [Sen Luosi Suspectedly Attacked, Expelled the Top Ghost Force of Sakura Country, and Killed Zhen Guo-level Onmyoji! 】The forum was maxed out, and the number of clicks increased rapidly, breaking the forum record.


The next day, at 6 o'clock in the morning.

It was just dawn.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rang, waking up Zhang Wei who was sleeping.

"Crazy, what idiot called so early in the morning, it's just Tiangang... Zhang Chao?"

Zhang Wei picked up the phone and looked, and saw the caller ID.


Zhang Wei picked up the phone, and before he could ask, Zhang Chao's startled voice came and shouted:

"Fuck! Sure enough, you bastard Zhang Wei lied to me! You still said something about jojo, where is Yinyangliao found jojo, it was clearly Sen Luosi, I almost believed your nonsense, don't talk, let me I guess how you want to quibble, do you want to say that jojo belongs to Sen Luosi, haha."

"Zhang Chao, what are you talking about? Why didn't I understand."

Zhang Wei was a little puzzled, he had been sleeping all night and didn't know what happened last night.

To this.

Chao Zhang replied:

"I asked you yesterday. It seems that something happened in Tokyo. Yin Yang Liao tried to block the news. You said that it was a certain onmyoji who discovered jojo. I'm sorry. That's not the discovery of jojo at all. Many people are now spreading the news. It must have something to do with Sen Luosi last night, after all, the timeline is close."

"Huh? Last night, Senros? What happened to Senros?"

"Damn, Zhang Wei, you don't know? Such a big thing happened last night, and you don't know? What were you doing last night? Is Xinheng a good friend?"

"I'm sleeping."

"Shit, you can actually sleep, your heart is too big."

Afterwards, Zhang Chao did not hide anything, and revealed what happened last night, including the destruction of the sacred toilet, the death of Abe's old onmyoji, and the expulsion of Shutendoji's forces.

To be finished.

Zhang Wei's voice followed closely:

"Surely Sen Luosi did this?! Did Sen Luosi come to Sakura Country last night?"

"Really, it can basically be confirmed that Yinyangliao found Senluosi's brand in Shikoku and Shenyu. It is a unique brand of Senluosi. The refining method is special, and only Senluosi has it. , Don’t be too awesome, Sen Luosi actually went abroad to work for someone.”

As Zhang Chao spoke, spit was flying all over the place, and he continued:

"So, I asked you last night. Onmyoji blocked the news in Tokyo. It's not some onmyoji who discovered Jojo. It's probably because they discovered Sen Luosi and blocked the news. Now many people are guessing like this."

"So let me ask Zhang Wei, why are you talking about jojo, you, you missed the chance to fight Sen Luosi, you missed it."

"To be honest, the person you mentioned pretending to be Jojo may be the high-level executives of Senluosi, no, even the mastermind behind the scenes."

Seeing that Zhang Chao continued to discuss the connection between Jojo and Sen Luosi.

Zhang Wei couldn't laugh or cry, as the person involved, he certainly knew what was going on:

"Zhang Chao, I'm not joking about that jojo. It's true. To be honest, I did it. It has nothing to do with Sen Luosi."

"Uh, fuck, is it true or not?"

"Really, I made a ghost couple into jojo, don't talk about this, tell me about Sen Luosi, why Sen Luosi suddenly came to Sakura Country to do this, tell me what else you have to say information."

"I don't know, otherwise why would I call you so early in the morning to ask you? I also want to say that you are in Tokyo and live in a family of yin and yang. Can you ask if you have any information and reveal it to me? , after all, why don’t you ask me at the closest distance instead of me asking nonsense.”


Zhang Chao talked a lot, and when he got to the end, he suddenly found that Zhang Wei on the other end of the phone stopped talking:

"Zhang Wei, what are you doing? Are you still there? Did you go to ask? Why don't you speak?"

at the same time.

Accompanied by Zhang Chao's inquiry, even though Zhang Wei heard his words from the mobile phone, he did not respond to him. At this moment, his attention was on a text message on the mobile phone, which was a message from Huahua.

just now.

After Zhang Wei finished talking to Zhang Chao, he glanced at his phone and saw that Huahua had sent him a message last night. You must know that Huahua is in Senluosi, and she also sent a message last night, maybe it was about yesterday's information news, Zhang Wei quickly clicked on it.

And this look...

Zhang Wei was stunned.

[Huahua]: Meow~Master, I helped you relieve your anger (▽), last night I asked Sen Luosi to blow up the toilet, and also wiped out the ghosts and onmyojis in the Sakura Kingdom by the way, I am not terrible~ I am Pretending to be injured...

In the news, Huahua shared her plan and came to claim credit for Zhang Wei.


Zhang Wei lost his mind on the spot, and murmured there:

"So I'm the murderer? I fell asleep and almost overturned the ghost exorcism world?"

at this time.

Zhang Chao's voice came from the phone:

"Is Zhang Wei here? What did you say just now? Have you finished asking your friend from the Yin-Yang family, how is the situation, why Sen Luosi came to Sakura Country?"

To this.

Zhang Wei said with a strange look in his eyes:

"I didn't ask, but I probably know the reason why Sen Luosi came to Sakura Country. The reason is a bit outrageous. You may not believe it if I tell you."

"Huh? You knew it without asking? What outrageous reasons can there be? You won't want to fool me again. Forget it. Sen Luosi can't think with common sense. It's normal for the reasons to be outrageous. Anyway, you just don't say Why does Sen Luosi come out to team building, this kind of out-of-the-box reason is fine."

"If I say that Sen Luosi did this, it seems that I caused it, do you believe it?"


Zhang Chao was stunned for a moment, then the voice came:

"Wori, I believe you ghost, I definitely don't believe it, Zhang Wei's reason for you is more outrageous than the team building I said, you can just say that Sen Luosi belongs to you, it seems that Zhang Wei's level of lying is getting more and more It's getting worse."


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