Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 503 Zhang Wei Big Brother, Do You Also See The Face Of The Card?

For Zhang Chao's words, Zhang Wei was not surprised. If he was Zhang Chao, he would not believe it, but it doesn't matter if he doesn't believe it, he just said it casually.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei first sent a message back to Huahua:

【Zhang Wei】: Huahua, well done! You are indeed my first undercover agent in Senluosi!

[Huahua]: Meow~ Thank you master for your compliment, I will continue to work hard!


Sakura Country, in a hotel in Shikoku.

Facing Zhang Wei's praise, Huahua held it in a pair of cat's paws, the chubby cat showed a happy smile, and murmured in her heart:

"Wow! The master praised me! Sure enough, I did the right thing in this plan to relieve my anger. I will continue to work hard and do a good job as Sen Luosi's undercover agent, so that the master will continue to look at me with admiration, meow~"

I thought about it.

When Huahua thought about her own performance, she couldn't help cheering herself up again:

"Meow~ I'm really good, but Huahua, you can't be proud! Come on! You have to work harder, you are the best, and strive to become the strongest undercover of the master in Senluosi, surpassing the fat man, the tailor, and the old man. After all, I am Master's first contract partner."

between thoughts.

Huahua has already imagined in her mind that when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, she is wearing a cloak, triumphantly returning to her master, and Fatty and others are clapping wildly beside her.

the other side.

Tokyo, wind and home.

After Zhang Wei sent Huahua back the message, he was also ready to respond to Zhang Chao, but at this moment, there was a knock on his door.

"Brother Wei, are you awake?"

Yu Xiaoqi's voice came from outside the door.


Zhang Wei casually replied to Zhang Chao that a friend is looking for me, ended the conversation, then got up and opened the Japanese-style wooden doorway:

"Wake up, Xiao Qi, why did you come to find me so early?"

"Hey, it's not that I'm looking for you, it's that Meizi said that she has something urgent to look for you, but she's afraid of disturbing you, so let me ask Brother Wei."

When Yu Xiaoqi said this, he said in a low voice:

"I heard that there seems to be some kind of ghost that came out and then went crazy. Brother Wei, that ghost is probably very powerful. I think not only Meizi is nervous, but even Meizi and her elders are also nervous. I know Brother Wei, you are very strong, so I am here I don’t think they want to ask Brother Wei to exorcise ghosts, if so, Brother Wei remember to refuse, it feels very dangerous.”

its caring.

Zhang Wei was moved in his heart, knowing that this was his father-in-law's family, he even came to inform him in advance.

"Don't worry about me, I probably know something, my friend called me early in the morning."


Yu Xiaoqi took Zhang Wei to the living room, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Feng and Miko, as well as several other elders of her family.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, please sit down quickly."

Although Zhang Wei is young, Zhang Wei's top ghost king-level strength made the elders of Defenghe family treat each other with courtesy and warmly greet him to sit down.

Immediately afterwards.

As expected.

Feng and Miko approached Zhang Wei and told about what happened to Sen Luosi last night. Now Yin Yang Liao has suffered heavy losses. In other words, Yin Yang Liao Kui split:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, how much do you know about Senluosi? With your strength, even in Daxia, where the strong are like dragons, you should have a place. Senluosi should know something about it."

An elder of the Fenghe family asked.

Listening to the other party's words, Zhang Wei felt in his heart that the people from the country of Cherry Blossom really had a middle school aura when they spoke, he nodded and said:

"I know something. I went to the Northeast to help Xiao Qi before. I met Sen Luosi and had contact with them. They are a terrible force, but I don't know much. With the ability of Yinyangliao, I can understand it. Probably no worse than me, why, is Yin Yang Liao planning to take revenge on Sen Luosi?"

The elder nodded and said:

"Yes, Yinyangliao lost a town-level onmyoji and lost a large number of onmyojis. It is impossible for Yinyangliao to swallow this breath in vain. They intend to learn about Sen Luosi and see if they can take revenge, but it may not be possible in a short time. "

At this point in the words, the elder sighed and said:

"Although Shuten-douji's power has been destroyed, the spiritual events in Sakura Kingdom have not decreased, but have become more active. Without the power of Shuten-douji to check and balance, more ghosts and monsters will be unscrupulous, especially the loss of Yinyangliao."

"Now Yinyang Liao is dying of a headache, and I am too busy with supernatural events. I invite Mr. Zhang Wei to come today. First, I want to ask you what you know about Sen Luosi, and can you tell me something. Second, I want to invite Mr. Zhang Wei to listen to Xiao Qi. Said that you will travel in the country of cherry blossoms for a few days recently."

"Then can you please, that is, if a supernatural event occurs near you, can you help solve it, and Yinyangliao will give you a reward."

His words speak out.

Zhang Wei agreed without even thinking about it. Apart from traveling in the country of cherry blossoms, he came to collect wool:

"No problem, but it's impossible for me to take action as soon as there is a supernatural event. I think if there is a weak ghost in the area, I don't need to deal with it. Yinyang Liao should not be short of manpower."

"Of course."

The elder smiled and replied:

"It's not a joke for you, a great Onmyoji-level ghost exorcist, to fight a little monster. At least it must be a large-scale ghost, or the ghost king appears before we ask you for help."



We talked for a while again, because the situation in Yinyangliao is not good, the elders got up to deal with it.

"Brother Wei, let's go have breakfast, Meizi said that there is a Japanese restaurant that is delicious."

Yu Xiaoqi said.

Just when Yu Xiaoqi and Meizi were going to take Zhang Wei out to eat.

"Zhang Wei big brother, sister Meizi, Xiao Qi big brother, wherever you are going, I will go too."

I saw Feng and Masato running over, their big black eyes twinkling with little stars, begging to go out to play together, and finally unable to bear the pleading, Feng and Meizi agreed to take Feng and Masato out.

"Your Majesty, after you go out with us, you are not allowed to run around. It's very chaotic outside now. An onmyoji kid like you, but youkai's delicious raw fish sushi."

Zhang Wei rubbed Feng and Masato's heads and said.

The words did not fall.

He looked at a toy in his hand, which was a Kamen Rider toy:

"Hey, Masato, do you like Kamen Rider too?"

"I like it, Zhang Wei big brother, do you also watch Kamian Lai Da (Kamen Rider)?"

"Look, not only I watch it, but my roommate also likes to watch it. This time I came to Sakura Country and asked me to help him buy a figure of Kamen Rider."

"Zhang Wei big brother, you want to buy Kamianlaida toys, I know where they are sold!"

"Oh? Then after breakfast, the gentleman will take me there. I just bought it for my friend."

As Zhang Wei said, he looked at Feng and Miko with a questioning look.


Feng and Miko smiled sweetly and said:

"At that time, after breakfast, we will go to the handicraft store that the gentleman said. If we can help Zhang Wei, it seems that it is right to promise the gentleman to come out."


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