Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 504 Yin Yang Liao Meeting? Anime Production Meeting?

A traditional Japanese soba shop in Tokyo.

at this time.

Led by Feng and Meizi, Zhang Wei and the others came here.

"I may have to leave later. I just received a notice that there was a supernatural event nearby. I have to go. Xiao Qi, please entertain Mr. Zhang Wei first. If you finish eating, go to the figure shop first. When the time comes Just send me your address, Xiao Qi, and I'll rush over."

It was Kaze and Miko who spoke.

She was finishing ordering soba noodles, and before she could tell Zhang Wei how delicious the soba noodles were, she got a phone call. It was a message from Yin Yang Liao, hoping that she would go to the nearby area to deal with supernatural events.

"need my help?"

While playing with the Kamen Rider in the hands of Feng Hezhengren, Zhang Wei raised his head and asked.

Yu Xiaoqi also echoed:

"Meiko, be careful, don't be brave, if you can't handle it, let Brother Wei do it for you, and I can pay Brother Wei here."

"No need, that ghost has just arrived as a red-clothed ghost, and I can handle it with my eyes closed."

Feng and Miko smiled.

But when he got up and was about to leave, because Feng and Meizi were Yu Xiaoqi's girlfriend, Zhang Wei thought for a while, stopped him, and then borrowed a Kamen Rider 555 from Feng and Zhengren that he put in his pocket. mobile phone changer.

【Ding! Bless Kamen Rider 555 Mobile Transformer Toy 1 System Point]

"Xiao Qi, let your Meizi take the toy of the gentleman, and if something goes wrong, you..."

Zhang Wei said something in his ear.

Yu Xiaoqi was stunned when he heard this, and he didn't hide his ancient look:

"Uh, Brother Wei, are you sure that Meizi can protect her by doing this?"

"Yes, I swear with my mouth, I can't protect it, my mouth will only be used to release water from now on, it's okay."

"No way, brother Wei doesn't need to swear such a poisonous oath."

As Yu Xiaoqi said, he hurriedly handed the mobile phone transformation device to Fenghe Meizi, and echoed in a low voice:

"Miko, if you are in danger, take this out."

He told Kaze and Miko how to use it.

As soon as his words came out.

Feng and Miko looked confused, and said in astonishment:

"This... are you sure? Isn't this a gentleman's toy? Mr. Zhang Wei consecrated it so quickly, and the technique is so fast, but do I really want to use it like this? It's a bit of a shame (shame)."


Feng and Miko still took the transformation device and left.


the other side.

Yin Yang Liao Tokyo resident.

In a huge conference room, there was a large round table that could hold hundreds of people. At this time, it was full of people. They were all senior officials of Yinyang Liao, as well as elders of famous Yinyang families from all over the Sakura Kingdom. The wind and the elders are also among them.

Sen Luosi's behavior caused heavy losses to Yin Yang Liao, and Yin Yang Liao held a top meeting to discuss how to deal with Sen Luo Si.


A staff member was talking about some of the Senluosi information that the Department of Health gave to Yinyangliao. Although the information was not much, it was enough to get a glimpse of the leopard and see the horror of Senluosi.

can be seen.

Accompanied by the announcement of Sen Luosi's information, everyone present frowned, showing a dignified look.

"Is Sen Luosi so terrible? There is actually a banner of summoning souls. Even the Department of Defense is so difficult to deal with, so how can we take revenge?"

An onmyoji's mouth twitched.

He is the new deputy chief who succeeded Abe's deputy chief. He originally planned to use this time to take office, take Mori Ross as the knife, and bring a new official to take up the three fires, so as to secure his position, but now it seems that things are beyond It was estimated that if one was not handled well, let alone sitting still, he would have to fall down and fall badly.

His words come out.

The onmyojis and witches present also sighed:

"As far as Sen Luosi's situation is concerned, there must be at least one, or even two or more ghosts of the town's national-level onmyoji. To deal with them, at least three town-level onmyojis must be found, otherwise it is easy to overturn. Take out the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu, the magic weapon, or you won't be able to deal with the summoning banner."

"If you take it out, you may not be able to deal with it. The Department of Defense has more than 30 real dragon guards, but they have not been able to destroy Sen Luosi. How can we have so many onmyojis of true dragon guards?"

"Otherwise, don't think about revenge, and publicize the domestic supernatural incidents for the time being, and wait for the Department of Health to deal with Senluosi. Sooner or later, the Department of Health will deal with Senluosi, and we will follow suit at that time."

"I agree. After all, there are few onmyojis at the national level in the township. They can't afford to die. They can't be lost anymore,"

"Hey, if we had more national-level onmyojis in our town, we wouldn't be so timid."

"It's easy for you to say, town-level onmyoji, how can it be so easy to achieve, a town-level onmyoji, thank God if you can produce one or two in a few decades."

"It's not impossible for our country to have a few more town-level onmyojis in a short period of time."

The last word came out.

Everyone present was shocked, and they all looked at the new deputy head who spoke.


Without waiting for everyone to ask questions and feel the eyes of everyone, the new deputy head said in a posture that the father of the protagonist in Evangelion, Ikari Gendo, folded his hands in front of his mouth:

"I don't know if you still remember, Deputy Chief Abe's new discovery yesterday, that anime characters can actually be formed by word of mouth like Sadako and Gap Girl. You have seen the horror of Sadako, of course. I don't mean her size, but her strength."

"Her strength, as soon as she appeared, was a red-clothed ghost. As word of mouth spread, people's fear of her deepened, and her strength became visible to the naked eye. Deputy Chief Abe discovered this, so he carried out research on the formation of anime characters last night. "

"My idea is very simple, to carry out the plan with all my strength, no matter what the cost, and let the anime characters be passed on word of mouth. I think you have watched anime more or less, and know that some of the characters in anime have abnormal abilities. "

"As for the formed Sadako, her ability was passed on by word of mouth, so let's make an assumption, if we let the Monkey King in Dragon Ball be formed, then he is definitely at the national level, as long as we get a few more, won't we There are many towns and countries."

Its voice was like thunder, and at this moment, it echoed in everyone's ears, shocking everyone, and their eyes were all shining.

"You have a good idea!"

"Yes, there is another way. Now that the incident with Sen Luosi has made us discover that our Yin Yang Liao is very strong in our own country, but in the world, it is not enough to be seen at all, and it cannot be compared with a behemoth like Wei Daosi. "

"Yes, but if we can create ghosts like Monkey King and Doraemon, we will definitely become the world's leading ghost exorcist organization!"

"It's really a good idea. Anyway, it can't be worse. Then put all your eggs in one basket and vigorously promote the influence of anime characters. No! Expand the influence to the whole world and use people all over the world to spread it by word of mouth!"

"Then what anime characters should we promote? They must be strong enough."


After a while of deliberation, they decided to promote national-level animations such as Dragon Ball and Doraemon. These animations themselves have a certain popularity and are easy to accumulate word of mouth. An anime protagonist who travels to a different world.

for a while.

The discussion at the highest-level meeting of Yinyangliao turned into an animation production meeting, and with the discussion, everyone's blood boiled with enthusiasm, and everyone was looking forward to the day when the anime characters would condense and appear!


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