Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 505 Huahua's Smile Is Darker Than The Tailor And Zhang Wei

The meeting is in full swing.

at the same time.

Tokyo, Chiyo District, God's toilet is on the ground.

After a night of burning, the sacred toilet has become a ruin, everywhere is scorched black, and the surrounding area is full of local people. The burning of the divine toilet last night not only alarmed the ghost exorcists all over the world, but also alarmed the people of Sakura Country. Few people came to ask.

can be seen.

Many people took pictures there, wanting to record historic photos, so that they could post tweets to get clicks and likes. There were also many people discussing and guessing the reason for the burning.

No one noticed that among the crowd, there was a fat man holding a sun umbrella and wearing an anime logo. He smiled and admired it, and talked to a cat in his arms from time to time.

No matter what the crime is, after committing a crime, there are often criminals who will return to the scene of the crime and appreciate the place where they committed the crime. This is exactly the case with Fatty now. He did not go back with Sen Luo and the others. He finally came to Sakura Country and decided to stay. a few days.

And now.

Together with Huahua, he returned to the scene of the crime, admiring his 'masterpiece'.

"Perfect, quite perfect, my fire is the most beautiful I've ever let go, Huahua, look at my fire."

"Meow~ Well done, this is the best scene of will-o'-the-wisps I've ever seen."

"Haha, Huahua, you've praised me too much, but I have to thank you too. If it weren't for you being beaten this time, I wouldn't be able to do this. I can only say that you are worthy of being beaten."

Fatty looked at the ruined toilet and said with emotion.

However, the voice just came out.

"Meow~ Actually, I wasn't beaten, it was me who beat myself."


Fatty was stunned, and subconsciously looked at Huahua in his arms. Huahua smiled mysteriously at him, and then told Fatty the truth. Now that the plan has been completed, and there is no Sen Luosi around, she doesn't need to hide from Fatty. .

Immediately afterwards.

Fatty: "????"

Accompanied by Huahua telling the truth, Fatty's previously playful smile gradually became sluggish to the naked eye, and finally an idea appeared in his mind... Now I understand why Huahua followed Zhang Wei, this nima has a dark heart .

Also at this time.

Huahua's voice followed closely:

"Meow~ Fatty, apart from being angry at the god toilet, which country do you think the master is also dissatisfied with~"

The sound was not loud, and it echoed in his ears. Fatty couldn't help but look at Huahua. Although Huahua had a smile on his face, for some reason, Fatty felt that this smile was darker than that of the tailor and Zhang Wei.


at the same time.

Tokyo, on the highway.

Zhang Wei had already finished his soba noodles and was heading to the figure shop by car.

on the way.

Zhang Wei was idle and bored, so he logged into the Department of Health Forum.

can be seen.

Most of the top ten popular posts on the forum are already dominated by Sen Luosi's incident in Sakura Country. Click on the first post to see, and all the comments below are discussing this incident.

"Fuck, it's the first time I think Sen Luosi is very good."

"Sen Luosi, great job! It's so satisfying, this time I have to stand on Sen Luosi's side, hahahaha."

"As the Secretary of Health, I actually gave birth to the idea that Sen Luosi shouldn't die. It's a sin!"

"Sen Luosi's mastermind finally did something personal, and must be praised."

"Then the question is, why did Sen Luosi burn the god toilet, and what is the festival between Sen Luosi and Sakura Country?"

"Don't ask, asking is Sen Luosi's patriotism, Ula~"

"It is recommended that Sen Luosi continue to do good deeds. I am willing to award the little red flower that I treasured when I was a child in kindergarten to Sen Luosi."

"If Senluosi can blow up the Yellowstone volcano, I can choose to forgive Senluosi's fault, because in this way, Senluosi will make great and outstanding contributions to Daxia, oh no, to the whole world."

"Gah, you guys are so messed up, you even blow up the Yellowstone volcano, why don't you say that you cut off the gas pipelines and submarine cables in the beautiful country, but if Sen Luosi really does this, don't say give Sen Luosi a thumbs up, I Direct Sen Luosi diehard fan, ikun little sunspot jpg”

Followed by the last comment.

Zhang Wei was taken aback for a moment, and his eyes fell on the ID of the person who posted this comment [the first person of the Maoshan faction].

Looking at this id, his eyebrows raised:

"This guy can't be Zhang Chao, good guy, 100,000 comments and likes, so flirtatious."

Zhang Wei smiled and murmured to himself.

"Zhang Wei big brother, what did you say?"

Feng Hezheng looked over, his dark eyes were full of curiosity.

"It's not like I'm thinking about what Kamen Rider to buy. My friend likes Kamen Rider, and I like it too."

"Zhang Wei big brother, Xiao Qi's big brother told me that children only do multiple-choice questions, and I suggest asking for all of them."

"Haha, good idea, let's buy them all."

Zhang Wei rubbed Feng and Masato's heads with a smile.


They arrived at the figurine store, and as soon as they entered the door, Zhang Wei walked in rich and powerful, pointing to a figure on a Kamen Rider figure rack and said:

"Except for this figure, give me one more, I want all the other figures, one of each."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei clearly felt that everyone in the store, whether it was a clerk or a customer, looked at Zhang Wei.

To this.

Zhang Wei didn't care, he pulled the wind and said:

"My lord, what figure do you want, I'll buy one for you."

"Wow! Thanks Zhang Wei big brother."

Zhang Wei smiled, and asked Xiao Qi to take the wind and the gentleman to pick out the figures, while he walked straight towards a couple in the shop.


The boy in the couple stood in front of him, looking at Zhang Wei vigilantly, as if this rich man didn't intend to show off as a rich man to attract my girlfriend's attention, damn rich man.

Don’t say it’s a boy, even a woman thinks the same way. I can’t help but look at Zhang Wei with bright eyes. He is rich and handsome. Could this be my Prince Charming? Now I understand why our country’s cheating rate is so high

But unexpected.

Zhang Wei walked over, but he didn't even look at the girl, and said to the boy with a smile:

"Hello, can I ask you something?"

The boy was taken aback, just when he thought that Zhang Wei didn't expect to be staring at himself, he instinctively replied:

"whats the matter."

Zhang Wei heard the words and said:

"When I came into the store just now, I seemed to hear you telling your girlfriend, did you see a ghost last night? And it was the night walk of the ghosts in the urban legend. Where did you see it?"

just now.

Zhang Wei entered the handicraft store, relying on his own strength, he heard the couple talking, the boyfriend and his girlfriend boasted that he saw a ghost night walk in the middle of the night, but his girlfriend looked like she was looking at a child, thinking that her boyfriend was sleepy up.


His girlfriend thought so, but Zhang Wei didn't think so, just because Zhang Wei felt a residual ghost aura in the boy, obviously the boy really saw a ghost.


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