Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 506 Hokkaido Hundred Ghosts Walking At Night

Hearing about the night tour of the ghosts that he saw last night, the boy doesn't care if Zhang Wei likes him or not, he said excitedly:

"Are you also interested in the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts?"

Zhang Wei nodded noncommittally:

"Yeah, I feel that there are many urban legends recently, and I always want to see them."

Immediately afterwards.

Just like most boys can leave their girlfriends aside as soon as they come across games, the same is true for boys. Knowing that Zhang Wei is interested in Hyakki Night Walk, he excitedly pulled Zhang Wei to talk about yesterday's experience.

After talking for quite a while, if it wasn't for Zhang Wei's gesture, the boy remembered that his girlfriend was still beside him, scratched his head and said:

"What I just said is true. If you are interested and believe me, you can go to the place I said. I heard that there have been more than one hundred ghosts at night. I also heard that there are hundreds of ghosts at night." go."


Zhang Wei nodded, thanked him and wrote down the address.

Also at this time.

"Zhang Wei big brother, I've picked out the figure, I want this."

"Okay, I'll buy it for you."

"Brother Wei, I just answered Meizi's phone call. She said that the supernatural incident has been dealt with, but she received another supernatural incident temporarily, and I can't come for the time being. Let's continue playing without waiting for her. Where should we go now?"

Yu Xiaoqi came carrying a bunch of bags, which were the Kamen Rider figurines bought by Zhang Wei.

"I wanted to see Mount Fuji and soak in a hot spring, but now I want to go to this place."

Zhang Wei showed Yu Xiaoqi the address given by the boy earlier.

This look.

Yu Xiaoqi was stunned for a while, without concealing his astonishment, Zhang Wei noticed the change:

"What's wrong?"

"Brother Wei, this place is the address of another supernatural event that Meizi will deal with next."

"That's a good thing, I'm just looking for Meizi."

Zhang Wei smiled and patted Yu Xiaoqi on the shoulder:

"It's not too late, let's go, I think the address is a bit far away, in Hokkaido."

"Okay, by the way, Brother Wei, why do you want to go here, Hokkaido? Do you want to eat seafood? I know where there are delicious seafood, so you don't have to go so far."

"Not for seafood."

"Then why go to Hokkaido?"

"Go to the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts."

His words come out.

Yu Xiaoqi's smile stopped abruptly.


the other side.

On the bullet train to Hokkaido.

Fenghe Mizi was sitting on the seat with her cheeks on her cheeks, with a depressed face. Today, she was going out to play with her boyfriend and his friends, enjoying food and fun, but now she was dragged to Hokkaido to drive away ghosts. depressed.

At this moment.

There was a girl's voice beside her, she followed Feng Kazuko to Hokkaido together, one of her good friends was a priestess from another shrine:

"Meiko, are you still thinking about your man?"

"I'm just so angry, Risa, I made a lot of plans today and wanted to go to many places, and now I have to be called to exorcise ghosts."

"Don't be angry, Miko, who told you that Liao Zhang has passed away, Abe's old onmyoji is still dead, and two town-level onmyojis died in succession, there is nothing you can do, and Miko, don't be distracted, this time I am going to Hokkaido, But it’s different from the ghost expelled just now.”

As soon as his words came out.

Kaze and Miko looked over, and remembering that Risa was on the phone with Hokkaido Yinyangliao just now to inquire about the situation, she couldn't help asking:

"What's the matter, isn't it easy to handle this supernatural event?"

"Not only is it hard to handle, it can be said to be tricky. No, I feel very tired and very dangerous, because what we have to deal with is the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts."

"Nani, Hyakki Night Walk?! Hongduni (really)."

Risa nodded:

"Yes, the last Liao Zhang was from Hokkaido. He sealed a top ghost king before his death, and wanted to drive it into his shikigami. Unfortunately, he didn't have time to do it until he died. Recently, it is said that he was discovered by a monster and released."

"And now it drives the monsters in Hokkaido to form the Hyakki Night Walk. It is constantly looking for Liao Zhang's grave, saying that it wants revenge. Even if Liao Zhang dies, he has to dig out his grave and flog his corpse."

When Feng and Miko heard this, they couldn't stop covering their mouths with their hands:

"My God, the top ghost king?! This is to let us deal with the ghosts of the night."

Think here.

Kamen Rider 555's transforming device subconsciously reached out to Kamen Rider 555 in her bag, wondering if the temporary consecration by Mr. Zhang Wei could handle the Hyakki Yako with the top ghost king.

"So Miko don't think about anything else, just focus on this time, when the time comes you come with me, we don't disperse, we can form a night tour of a hundred ghosts, those monsters and ghosts are not weak."

"You are, Risa, don't leave me then."

"Huh? Miko, hello Asashi, but you seem to have forgotten that I am stronger than you, so you should not leave me."

"That's not necessarily true, I have a trump card."

"What's the trump card?"


Feng and Miko didn't hide anything, took out the transformation device, and stuck out their tongues:

"There is this, I am stronger than you, this is my boyfriend Xiao Qi, I specially found his friend, a super boss in Daxia, the top ghost king with top strength, and gave me a body protection magic weapon."


Facing Feng and Miko's flattery, Risa was dumbfounded, staring back and forth at the transforming device, then hesitated and said:

"This is a body protector. How do you look at this body protector... The plastic texture is so strong, and... isn't this an anti-counterfeit label? Is Daxia so powerful now? The ghost exorcist of the top ghost king is starting to wholesale Are you producing amulet?"

"Haha, no, this is just a toy, consecrated by the top boss."

"Uh... Miko, you took a toy and said you wanted to protect me. Why do I feel like I'm dealing with the task of the Hyakki Night Walk this time? I feel like I'm going to die."

Feng and Miko were about to say something when they heard the words.

But at this time.

Jingle Bell.

Feng Hemeizi's cell phone rang, picked it up and saw that it was her boyfriend Yu Xiaoqi calling.



Hokkaido High Speed ​​Rail Station.

Zhang Wei walked out from the gate of the high-speed railway, while Yu Xiaoqi waved to Feng Hemeizi who was waiting for him at the high-speed railway station.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, are you really here to play in Hokkaido? Are you sure it wasn't Xiao Qi asking you to help me?"

Feng and Miko said.

"Miss Miko, I really came here to play in Hokkaido. You don't need to worry about me. You just go to deal with supernatural events. I'm just here to play. By the way, I heard that there is a night parade of ghosts in Hokkaido. Is it true?"

"Hey, Mr. Zhang Wei, how did you know? It's true. I'm going to deal with this this time. Don't worry, Xiao Qi. This time, the Onmyoji will be dispatched from the Onmyoji, so don't worry about me."

"Is there a great Onmyoji here?"

Zhang Wei looked over, he knew what a Great Onmyoji is, it refers to an Onmyoji who can deal with ghost kings.

"Yes, in order to suppress this Night Parade of Hundred Ghosts, three great Onmyojis have come to Yinyang Liao."


Zhang Wei raised his eyebrows after hearing this, and added in his heart... so many people come to fight monsters with me? There are so many people, right?


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