"Yes, three of them, and one of them is a great onmyoji from the Abe family."

Feng and Miko, who didn't know Zhang Wei's thoughts, responded simply:

"It is said that Abe's old onmyoji died, and Abe's deputy chief also died, and the loss of the Abe family made the outside world question the prestige of Abe's world. They feel that the Abe family is not as strong and powerful as in the Abe Seimei era. Qiang was killed by ghosts."

"So this time the great onmyoji of the Abe family is here, and he is also the commander this time. He is going to use this time to suppress the night walk of the ghosts and establish a new reputation for the Abe family."

in words.

Risa beside him also spoke:

"Meiko is right. This Onmyoji Abe, I heard that he has prepared a lot for this Hyakki Night Walk. This is why I let Miko come with me. Although it is a Hyakki Night Walk, the degree of danger It will be lower than in the past, with Abe the Great Onmyoji."

"I see."

Zhang Wei nodded suddenly on the surface, but murmured in his heart:

"Is there a lot of preparation, is there a lot of people, more than people, who wouldn't?"

I thought about it.

Zhang Wei looked at the Kamen Rider pouch in Yu Xiaoqi's hand.


Time flies.

Several hours have passed since Zhang Wei came to Hokkaido, and it is now 1:30 midnight.

at this time.

In the tallest commercial building in downtown Hokkaido, hundreds of people gathered here, including Kazumiko and her best friend Risa.

"Guys, I have intentionally released the news about where the ashes of the former Liao Chief are stored. There is a high probability that the top ghost king will act tonight, so don't take it lightly."

"Don't worry everyone, once the top ghost king appears, I will deal with it. You can deal with Baigui Yexing at ease, and the other two great onmyojis will help you deal with it, so don't be afraid of danger and safety. Be sure to deal with Baigui Yexing. Destroy here!"

The leading Onmyoji spoke.

He is the Great Onmyoji of Abe, as Kazuko and Miko told Zhang Wei, he prepared well for this Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts, took a lot of family magic weapons, and even called two Great Onmyoji, the purpose is to let the people present Many onmyojis, when they can exorcise ghosts, still have time to watch him kill the top ghost king.

After all, there were two great onmyojis around, and without the interference of the top ghost king, exorcising ghosts by the onmyojis present was no different from a joke. They were simply invited by him as audiences to promote the Abe family.

Can't help it.

Abe Great Onmyoji didn't hide his composure, and said in his heart:

"Just wait and see my performance tonight, I will recast the majesty of the Abe family!"

The voice did not fall.

Together with Great Onmyoji Abe, the other two Great Onmyoji were stunned for a moment, and looked in one direction the next moment. Like a domino effect, many Onmyoji successively looked in the same direction.


"Hundred ghosts travel at night."

Focus on feeling.

In that direction, there was a ghostly atmosphere, accompanied by ghostly laughter, and the sound of footsteps came.

I see.

Among the buildings lined up in the distance, in two of them, a huge head with a strange smile appeared, without a body, and half of its face was slowly exposed from it.

Not only that.

On the roads around it, ghosts and ghosts with different looks wandered here, hundreds of them in number, bouncing around, talking and laughing like a festival, and they didn't regard this as a human city at all, but here were their monsters Their country is their town, and now they are walking around the streets like a parade.

Look carefully.

Among the demons and ghosts, there are several tall monsters, they are carrying a wooden sedan chair, on which sits a majestic figure of ghosts and ghosts, like an emperor, marching forward surrounded by ghosts, which adds to the parade. The emperor is on tour.

This is the Hyakki Night Walk in Sakura Country!

Seeing this, Abe Great Onmyoji's eyes lit up, and he said hastily:

"Hundred Ghosts Nightwalker has appeared, everyone follow me to suppress Hundred Ghosts Nightwalker!"


next moment.

Under his leadership, all the onmyojis walked out of the building in mighty force, ready to show their talents.


As soon as they left the gate of the building, they were stunned.

"Huh? There's a lot of fog."

"It's getting foggy?"

They found that, together with the places covered by the Hyakki Night Walk ahead, the streets in this area suddenly became foggy and foggy. Even with the white street lights on the street, the visibility was very low and foggy, as if they were in the fog of a dream in the haze.

Sudden situation.

Abe Dai Onmyoji and the others were stunned. Is there such a foggy weather in Hokkaido? This is no longer a thick fog, but the ice fog created by the dry ice in the TV series.

at this time.

"what sound?"

"Did you hear it, it seems to be the sound of a motorcycle?"

"I heard that too."

All the onmyojis spoke out one after another, and looked in the opposite direction of Baigui Yexing together.


Just listening to the sound of an engine starting, it can be heard endlessly, coming from afar, and from far to near, coming quickly...


All the onmyojis could see, in the thick fog in the direction of their attention, there were faint black figures of extreme speed coming. The thick fog was so thick that they couldn't see what they were, but they were sure that there was no ghost aura, and they had human-shaped outlines. It seems to be... people.


"It can't be so bad. At this time, there are Yakuza (underworld) gathering crowds for racing?"

Whether it's Kaze and Miko, Abe Dai Onmyoji and others are thinking this way, the familiar sound of motorcycles, and the silhouettes riding motorcycles, no matter how you look at it, it's a bosozoku racing in the middle of the night.

But the next second.

"No, it doesn't seem like a bosozoku."

It was Risa who spoke, and as the figures of the bikers approached, even though the fog was thick, everyone gradually saw the figures of the visitors.

When you see clearly.

Everyone was stunned, and their minds fell into a kind of standby like a computer crash.

"That is……"

"Ka, card noodles are here? A lot of card noodles are here!"

"Am I dreaming."


In the thick fog in that direction, riders of all kinds of grotesque, technological and cool motorcycles rushed out. On those motorcycles, there were figures sitting there. They had human shapes, but they were not Man, it's Kamen Rider!


It's really a Kamen Rider, there are so many Kamen Riders, from the Showa era to the Reiwa era.

This scene is spectacular.

All the Kamen Riders of the past, from the earliest Kamen Rider in 1971 to the current Kamen Rider Levis, have appeared in full body, not only the protagonist Kamen Rider, but also the supporting Kamen Rider.

The sight is breathtaking.

The onmyojis present were deeply shocked, whether they were young or old, they all had blazing eyes. In Sakura Country, Kamen Rider is everyone's childhood. Men, women, and children all have their own falsehoods in their youth. Face Knight special filming drama, and now all of them have appeared.

as if.

This is not a thick fog, but a gate through time and space. The Kamen Riders of all ages rode through the thick fog.


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