Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 511 That Seems To Be Daxia's Kamen Rider

The words fell.

Zhang Wei put the emperor's belt around, and it bloomed with light, and the sound effect sounded:

[Emperor armor, fit together! 】


Zhang Wei turned into Emperor Xia, with a golden armor shining under the moonlight, dazzling and dazzling, and then another voice sounded:

【Emperor of Light Fighting Dragon! 】


at the same time.

Kamen Rider and Hyakki Yako are still fighting.

The gorgeous and cool special effects of Kamen Rider's moves illuminate the dark night. Onmyoji who see far away are unwilling to blink, for fear that they will miss a Kamen Rider's release of moves in a blink of an eye.

Same time.

When the special effects and sound effects of the move sound, a monster will definitely be seriously injured or die.

See this scene.

The onmyojis looked at each other:

"By the way, are we going to help? It feels like it's not our turn to play."

"Are we here to exorcise ghosts, or to watch a play?"

"Actually, I really want to make a move, but I don't want to miss seeing the cards to fight monsters, but I also want to fight side by side."

As the monsters fell one by one.

All the onmyojis also realized that they didn't come to Hokkaido to see Kamen Rider, they came to suppress Hyakki Yako, but in the current situation, it seems that they don't need to take action.

Can't help it.

They all looked at Abe Great Onmyoji, especially the commander-in-chief this time, and he had the final say on whether to make a move or not.

at this time.

Feeling everyone's eyes, the corners of Abe's mouth twitched, and the excited Kamen Rider appeared, but also had a pain in the ass. You must know that you have spent a lot of money for this Hyakki Night Walk, and you want to use this to restore the majesty of the Abe family.

As a result, after everything was planned, a group of Kamen Riders came and stole his limelight, even the monsters were almost killed.


Egg pain is egg pain, Abe Dai Onmyoji did not panic, his eyes fell on Kamen Rider Kuuga.

can be seen.

Kamen Rider Kuga is fighting the top ghost king.


The top ghost king raised his hand with a raging ghostly aura, and once again condensed into a big skeleton, biting at Kamen Rider Kuuga.

Although Kuuga destroyed the big skull with one blow and two kicks, he was also bitten by the big skull and took off the shoulder armor of his left hand, but in the next second, a surprising scene appeared, Kamen Rider Kuuga, as if regenerated, the destroyed shoulder armor Blink resumes.

"King! Be careful, this is the 'self-healing ability' in the ultimate form of the empty self. One of his most representative abilities can decompose and reconstitute atoms and molecules."

A youkai who is familiar with Kuuga explained.

As soon as his words came out.

The top ghost king's eyelids twitched:

【Ding! The top ghost king... Nima's, who designed Kamen Rider Kuuga]

[Host obtains system points +240]

next moment.

The top ghost king raised his hand and turned his ghost into a raging will-o'-the-wisp, overwhelming Kamen Rider Kuuga like a blanket.

The idea is very simple, since self-healing is strong, then I will burn you completely, no matter how super-strong regeneration is, burn you to slag, how can you regenerate.

However, the next second.

In the face of raging will-o'-the-wisps.

Kamen Rider Kuuga stretched out a finger and released a raging flame, and the flames of both sides collided greatly.


The top ghost king was startled, and subconsciously looked at the monster who was familiar with Kurata:

【Ding! The top ghost king... How can Kamen Rider release fire]

[Host obtains system points +250]

"King! This is Kuoga's other ability 'Supernatural Flame'. By turning the surrounding matter into plasma, and then releasing the plasma to the enemy, an ultra-high temperature flame is instantly generated."

The monster shouted and explained.

To this.

The corner of the top ghost king's mouth twitched, but he didn't dignify. He just nodded and released a more terrifying will-o'-the-wisp to press on Kuuga.

Although Kamen Rider Kuuga is strong, the top ghost king knows that the opponent is no stronger than himself. The reason why he is fighting now is because of the opponent's super regeneration ability and some novel moves, but as long as he understands his ability, he can solve the problem. Empty me is a matter of time.

at this point.

He was also discovered by Abe's great onmyoji. Because of this, he didn't have too much pain. As long as the top ghost king is not eliminated by Kamen Rider, then he can take action to solve the top ghost king.

Help Kamen Rider solve the crisis, and kill the top ghost king, completely suppress the Hyakki Yako... This sounds better than the original plan.

Think here.

Onmyoji Abe showed a smile in his heart, but on the surface he said calmly:

"Kamen Riders are very powerful, they can solve Hyakki Yako, of course we don't need to take action, but Kuraga's strength is still a bit worse than that of the Oni King, he won't last long, let's take action, Kamen Rider needs me..."

The voice is not over.


A shining golden light bloomed, interrupting Abe's words.

Same time.

Onmyoji Abe also felt something, so he suddenly looked in the direction of the golden light, feeling the terrifying aura coming from it, his smile stopped abruptly... Fuck!

Not only him.

The top ghost king also felt the aura, and when he looked closely, he saw a mechanical golden dragon with a golden shovel flying towards the sky, and on its back stood a figure covered in golden armor, holding an emperor dragon. War halberd, clasped with both hands in front of the chest.

【Hide of Water】


A blue shield with the word "water" appeared on the emperor's halberd, blue light bloomed, and countless ice crystal cones covered the surroundings, following the emperor's halberd.

Spikes of ice crystals all over the sky fell like a torrential rain, freezing the will-o'-the-wisps covering all directions.


This place has turned into a world of ice and snow, and there are frozen ghost fire sculptures everywhere. There are even many monsters who can't dodge, but they are also frozen into sculptures, losing their vital signs, as if they were frozen to death alive.


The instigator who had done all this, Zhang Wei, transformed into the emperor's armor, jumped down and landed in the field.

Immediately afterwards.

Under the gaze of all onmyojis and monsters.

When the Kamen Riders saw the arrival of Zhang Wei who had turned into Emperor Hero, they gave way one after another. Even Kamen Rider Kuga nodded towards Emperor Hero to thank him for his rescue.

A scene like the stars and the moon.

The onmyoji and monsters were stunned.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Who is that Kamen Rider?"

The one who spoke was the top ghost king. He asked the monster who was familiar with the Kamen Rider, but the other party looked at him in a daze and said:

"Wang, I don't know who that is, I haven't seen it before, I don't remember such a handsome Kamen Rider."

in words.

The monster murmured blankly:

"It shouldn't be, why don't I have any impression of such a handsome Kamen Rider."

As soon as his words came out.

The top ghost king's cheeks twitched:

【Ding! The top ghost king... Ma De, the more handsome the Kamen Rider is, the more impressive you are, why, this most handsome one makes you lose your memory when everything is extreme? 】

[Host obtains system points +260]

The onmyojis were also in a daze, looking at you and me, one after another someone said:

"Hey, who is this handsome card face? Tell me quickly, I think he is so strong, could it be from the Showa era? No, the Showa era is pretty ugly."

"As far as this shape is concerned, it should be from the latest Reiwa era."

"Uh, I don't know. There was no such Kamen Rider in the Reiwa Era, neither the villain nor the protagonist. Who is this Kamen Rider? Who of you knows?"

"It can make all the Kamen Riders follow suit, what kind of Kamen Rider is this? Is it the King of Time?"

"No, it's true that Shi Wang is also golden, but he doesn't look like that."

Just when the onmyojis were confused.

A voice came:

"That doesn't seem to be the Kamen Rider of our Sakura Kingdom, it seems to be... the Kamen Rider of Daxia, what is it called... Emperor Xia."

Words come out.

The onmyojis looked at Feng and Miko one after another.


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