Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 512 Five Saints Must Kill, Special Effect Dragon Comes Out

"Is Daxia's card noodles coming?"

"Emperor Hero?"

The onmyojis were puzzled, thinking that they had hallucinations, and when did Da Xia set up a Kamen Rider, he was so handsome.

To this.

Feng and Miko did not hide anything, and said bluntly:

"That's not Kamen Rider, but a special drama produced by Daxia called Armor Warrior. That's Emperor Xia in Armor Warrior. Armor Warrior is a bit similar to our Kamen Rider here."

in words.

Feng and Miko recalled that at noon today, after seeing Zhang Wei bought a figure of Kamen Rider, she joked that Mr. Zhang Wei didn’t expect Mr. Zhang Wei to like watching Kamen Rider, and Zhang Wei nodded in response, saying that he likes watching special dramas very much. , whether it's from the Great Summer or the Cherry Blossom Country.

It was also during that chat that she learned that Daxia also had special dramas, and then under Zhang Wei’s popular science, she learned about Daxia’s special drama Armored Warriors. Among the armored warriors introduced by Zhang Wei, there is an Emperor Xia, who is Zhang Wei's favorite.


Feng and Miko told everyone about the information about the armored warrior Zhang Wei had given him, and searched for the armored warrior Emperor Xia on Google.

Along with seeing the photos of the armored warrior Emperor Xia.

Abe Dai Onmyoji and the others were stunned, confirming that Feng and Miko were not lying, and that the golden Kamen Rider in front of them was Emperor Xia.

"Why is Da Xia's face card also materialized?"

"Am I getting old? Daxia's Kamian Lai Da is more influential in my Sakura Country than our Ka Mian Lai Da? So it has materialized?"

"Impossible. I like special dramas the most. I have heard from friends that Daxia also has special dramas, but in our country, Kamen Rider has a great influence."

Onmyoji who are familiar with Kamen Rider talk about it.

In the end.

They are all at a loss.

"Then how did Emperor Xia materialize in our country? Could it be...that Daxia was materialized? Daxia...has already been one step ahead of us, and has learned how to create an 'urban legend'?!"

The one who spoke was a great onmyoji, his face was undisguisedly shocked, if according to what everyone said, then what he said was the only explanation.

As soon as his words came out.

Without waiting for other onmyojis to say something.

boom! !

A loud noise exploded, accompanied by a sound effect with great righteousness:

【Qiankun Aurora】

sound up.

After the Emperor Xia landed, he walked straight to the top ghost king, and the monsters around him who didn't know the identity of the Emperor Xia shot at the Emperor Xia one after another.

It was also at this time that Emperor Xia made a move, and light energy emerged from his body. As he drew a Tai Chi with his hands, the light energy gathered into the shape of a Tai Chi diagram. Large monster cover.

Everything happened too fast.

The monsters didn't even have time to react, they were already swept away by the energy of the Tai Chi explosion. It was so powerful that anyone who came into contact with it, the weak monsters were instantly turned into dust, and the strong ones were also blown away, falling to the ground and coughing up blood, as if they had been severely injured.


【Ding! The monsters are scary... Is this the card face from Daxia?]

[Host obtains system points +1000]

Not only Feng and Miko recognized Emperor Xia, but some monsters also recognized Emperor Xia. After all, Daxia's special drama "Armor Warrior" was also spread in Sakura Country.

for a while.

The remaining monsters retreated instinctively, and finally understood why the Kamen Riders of their own country surrounded the Emperor Xia of Daxia like a congregation of stars.

at the same time.

The top ghost king saw that his monsters were instantly killed by Zhang Wei, and almost half of the ghosts were killed.

【Ding! The top ghost king is furious]

[Host obtains system points +250]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

next moment.

The top ghost king rushed out, all the ghost energy erupted without reservation, showing the horror of the top ghost king:

"you wanna die!"

He was very angry. Although he gathered the Hundred Ghosts at Night to find the body of the head of Yinyang Liao, he spent a lot of effort to subdue it, and now most of it was easily wiped out by Zhang Wei:


While he was angry, he was not dazzled by the anger. When he rushed out, he did not forget to ask the monster who knew Emperor Xia:

"Tell me about Emperor Xia, and all his moves."

To this.

The monster hurriedly said:

"King! You have to be careful, this Emperor Xia is different from our Kamen Rider. He is the armor bestowed by the sun and represents the sky. The sky is similar to Amaterasu, no, it is better than Amaterasu. Niubi, like the highest creation god, is the will of the world, and Emperor Xia is one of the incarnations of heaven."

can be seen.

When his words came out.

The top ghost king rushing towards Zhang Wei, like a car braking at high speed, stopped the car suddenly, almost staggered to the ground, stopped, it turned to look at the monster like a ghost:


【Ding! The top ghost king...fuck? The incarnation of the Creator God? Comparable to Amaterasu? You should have said so sooner! 】

[Host obtains system points +260]


It's too late.

The top ghost king immediately felt his eyes light up. When he attacked Emperor Xia, the opponent didn't stay idle and made a move.

I saw Zhang Wei turning the emperor's halberd in his hand into an aurora sword.

The light blooms.

Five golden aurora shields engraved with the emblems of 'Snow Mastiff', 'Land Tiger', 'Black Rhinoceros', 'Wind Eagle' and 'Flame Dragon' were stacked one after the other, standing in front of him, and then Zhang Wei held the Aurora Sword in his hand, and as the Aurora Sword bloomed with brilliant special effects, he followed the Aurora Shield and stabbed at the top ghost king in front of him.

[Five Saints must kill! 】

boom! ! ! !

The Aurora Sword turned into a huge lightsaber, shot out like an arrow, and hit the top ghost king in front of it.

Feel the power of the Aurora Sword.

The top ghost king's face turned green with fright, so he didn't care about anything else, he unleashed all his trump cards and strength, turning into a monstrous wall of ghost faces, trying to block the Aurora Sword.

But it only blocked it for a second, and the ghost face wall shattered.

Under the shocking eyes of the onmyojis and monsters, the Aurora Sword pierced into the body of the top ghost king.


With the scream of the top ghost king.

The Aurora Sword in its chest burst out and turned into a golden five-clawed golden dragon, which hovered like a mountain, surrounding the top ghost king.


A dragon chant resounded through the night.

The five-clawed golden dragon screamed, and with the dragon ball in its mouth, it bit the top ghost king. At this moment, the light burst into bloom, dazzling and dazzling, even the great Onmyoji Abe was stabbed so hard that he couldn't open his eyes.

Wait until the light dissipates.

Abe Great Onmyoji and the others hurriedly looked to see the situation clearly, but they couldn't find the top ghost king's body any more. It was blasted to the point where there was nothing left, leaving only a trace in Zhang Wei's mind. System beep.

【Ding! The top ghost king wants to scold people before he dies... Is this Nima the style of a big country, creating a Kamen Rider, and creating such a dick? 】

[Host obtains system points +270]


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