Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 513 Yin Yang Liao Monthly Index: Watch Anime


Onmyoji Abe was stunned, looking at the place where the top ghost king was. At this moment, except for a huge pit, there was no trace of the top ghost king, not even a single hair.

The top ghost king is dead...then how can he pretend? How to reorganize the prestige of the Abe family?

the other side.

The remaining monsters were also stunned.

【Ding! Monsters... King! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +500]

Without the backbone of the top ghost king, the monsters all turned around and ran away, where there was no fighting spirit left.

To this.

Zhang Wei didn't care, and lightly raised his hand, signaling for the Kamen Riders to catch up. The Kamen Riders also nodded one after another, riding their Kamen Motorcycles and chasing after him.

This scene is handsome and handsome.

Emperor Xia waved his hand, and the masked knights beside him came out, as if commanding the crowd.

next second.

The engine sounded one after another, and masked motorcycles drove out one after another, catching up with the monsters who had thrown away their armor and armor, and the battle turned into chasing down the defeated enemy.

Same time.

After the Kamen Riders passed by, Zhang Wei also made a movement, and slowly took out a card from his waist and swiped it:

【Emperor horse! 】

Sound effects sounded.

Just like that, accompanied by the appearance of a handsome golden armored motorcycle, the onmyojis watched Zhang Wei, who had transformed into Emperor Xia, stepped on the emperor's horse, led the Kamen Knights to chase the monsters, and drove to the distance.

until it disappears into the distance.

The fog also dissipated.

Abe Dai Onmyoji and others looked at each other, unable to hide their stupefied looks, and it took a long time before someone came back to their senses and choked out a sentence:

"Our card noodles are coming, this is being given by Daxia's card noodles...Hundred Ghosts Walking at Night?"

"Hundred Ghosts of the Night, the king is not empty, but the Emperor Xia?"

"Abe Great Onmyoji, what should we do now? Do you want to catch up? There are a lot of Kamen Riders, and it's enough to study them if you catch them."

As soon as the words came out.

Together with Feng and Meizi, all the onmyojis looked over.


The corner of Abe Onmyoji's mouth twitched, and he said calmly on the surface:

"Stop chasing, anyway, Kamen Rider helped us eliminate Hyakki Yako, I feel a little sorry if we catch it, my Abe family can't do such a nasty thing, and... isn't that a big summer holiday?" face knight."

"If we do this, in case Daxia's Kamen Rider resists and gets injured, God knows if it is the result of Daxia's research. If so, we didn't accidentally offend the Department of Health, and there is no need for such extra trouble."

That's all for words.

Onmyoji Abe added another sentence in his heart:

"Fuck, that emperor's aura is stronger than mine no matter how you look at it. That five saints will kill. I feel that if I take out the things I prepared this time, I may not be able to beat him. Go catch it? Isn't that going to die? , I, the Abe family, can no longer be ashamed."

I thought about it.

In order to get back the scene of the Abe family, Abe Great Onmyoji could only continue to mention the Abe family casually, and said with a smile:

"Everyone, although we returned without success this time, we took advantage of it, but the most important point is that we discovered another materialized anime 'urban legend', no, it is a group, this is an epoch-making discovery. "

"In particular, we also discovered Daxia's 'urban legend', which shows that urban legends can be realized without difficulty. We need to work harder! Let the Yinyang Liao of Yinghua Country grow stronger!"

His words were approved by the onmyojis present.

In fact.

Even if Abe Great Onmyoji doesn’t say anything, they have decided that when they go back, they will start animation, and watch the main series of "Dragon Ball" series, "Doraemon" series, "Ultraman" series, etc., no, Watch it with the whole family.

"I remember that there was a "New Ultraman" movie recently. I didn't want to watch it at first, but now it seems that I have to watch it."

"Yes, yes, I almost forgot about this, I'll buy a ticket to watch it tomorrow."

"Why don't we watch it together? I'm also thinking about watching this one. I heard that Nagasawa Masami is in the cast. I want to watch Nagasawa Masami."

"I decided not to practice to improve my strength recently, but to watch more anime."


That night.

Yin Yang Liao.

What happened in Hokkaido was quickly reported by Abe Great Onmyoji, and the entire Onmyoji was shocked by it, and a temporary meeting was held.

can be seen.

The newly appointed deputy head, when he saw the photo of Kamen Rider suppressing the ghosts, he was very excited, but when he saw the photo of Emperor Xia killing the top ghost king, his face changed again and again.

Other high-level people are also talking about it.

"Is the Kamen Rider in Daxia so strong? At least the strength of the top ghost king. How many people do you need to manifest this?"

"It seems that the urban legends have happened not only to us, but also to Daxia. I even have reason to suspect that Daxia may have studied it earlier than us. Otherwise, how could there be such a perverted Emperor Xia."

"It's very possible. I just looked at the information of Kamen Rider Daxia. I found that the original setting of Kamen Rider Daxia wasn't the way of heaven. It was a way of heaven that was changed later. This change made many people like it. This is a very powerful Daxia Kamen Rider."

"It seems that Daxia discovered the urban legend, and deliberately took Emperor Xia as an example. In order to create a powerful urban legend, they modified the settings of Emperor Xia. What a Daxia! Why didn't I think of this."

"I think after this incident, Daxia should also know that we are studying urban legends, but there is no need to be afraid. Our animations are often changed later, and the combat power collapses. Daxia may think that we are trying to create a powerful city. According to the legend, the combat power was changed accordingly, causing the combat power to collapse."

The Deputy Liao Chief listened to what everyone said, and said:

"Anyway, continue to vigorously study urban legends, this plan must be right, Daxia is the best example!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Same time.

This night's meeting made Yin Yang Liao unanimously decide that all onmyojis and witches who join Yin Yang Liao must complete the quota of watching anime every month.


the other side.

A place in Hokkaido.

After Zhang Wei killed the last monster, he recovered all the Kamen Rider figurines.

at this time.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rang, Zhang Wei picked it up and saw that it was Yu Xiaoqi calling.

"Brother Wei, are you still out shopping? Meizi called me just now and said that he had solved the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, and things were unexpected. Now that Meizi is coming back, I wonder if you are hungry, brother Wei. If so, let's go out for supper together."

"Okay, I'll go back now."

"Brother Wei, I found out that the figure you bought is missing."

"It's not gone, I took it out."

"Ah??? Take it out? Brother Wei, do you want to cherish the figurines so much that you have to bring them with you when you go shopping."

"No, I'm just taking it out to do something."

Just when Zhang Wei had just finished speaking, there was a noise coming from the mobile phone, and Zhang Wei raised his eyebrows slightly upon hearing the words.


Without waiting for Zhang Wei to ask what happened.

Yu Xiaoqi was the first to hear the voice:

"Brother Wei, I think you have to come back quickly, I seem to... have encountered a ghost."


Zhang Wei was stunned when he heard that, without any hesitation, he wanted to drive back on the emperor's horse. At the same time, he said to Yu Xiaoqi:

"Xiao Qi, is the gentleman by your side?"

"Yes, Brother Wei, I was trying to put the gentleman to sleep just now."

"Then is the toy I gave to the gentleman with you?"

"Uh...Brother Wei, you're asking this question. Are you concerned about a gentleman, or about your handiwork? You still care about it after giving it away."

"That's not it, have you forgotten what I did for your Cao Yanbing? Hurry up and take the handicraft I sent to the gentleman with you, it will protect you."


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