Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 515 My Name Is Edogawa Conan, I Am A Detective

"Onmyoji kid, I haven't had it for a long time."

Kamaitachi didn't hide his surprise, he didn't care about the children in the room, he stared straight at the elevator.

Immediately afterwards.

in its attention.

The elevator number on the elevator slowly descended, and with a ding, the number stopped at Kamaitachi's floor.


The elevator door opened slowly.

Kamaitachi saw three figures in the elevator, one was a young man, two were children, one of them was cute, holding an onmyoji talisman in his hand, the other was wearing a small blue suit with a big head , obviously a child, but already wearing glasses.


two kids?

Kamaitachi was stunned, in his sense of smell, there were three people in the elevator, two of them were youths and a child, but why is it a youth and two children now?


Kamaitachi subconsciously looked at the child in the small blue suit:

【Ding! Kamaitachi was stunned, why does this child look like an adult, does it look familiar, as if he has seen it somewhere]

[Host obtains system points +50]

Just when Kamaitachi was puzzled.

Inside the elevator door, Yu Xiaoqi, Feng Hezhengren also noticed the sickle weasel standing at the door, Yu Xiaoqi's expression changed, there really was a monster!

Without the slightest hesitation.

Yu Xiaoqi reacted decisively, and shouted at the little boy in a suit beside him:

"Quick! Conan! Kill it!"

【Ding! Kamaitachi was stunned for a moment... This kid's name is Conan, wait a minute, I, Cao, I know where I've seen him before, isn't this damn Edogawa Conan from Detective Conan! 】

[Host obtains system points +60]

Itachi's eyes widened.

No wonder it looks familiar. This is not the case when it went hunting in Akihabara before, when Detective Conan’s anniversary was held, and there are many surroundings of Detective Conan. Because of this, it is very familiar with Conan.

watch carefully.

The kid called Conan in front of me really looks like Conan in Detective Conan.

【Ding! Kama Itachi... Absolutely, this kid not only looks and wears the same name as Conan]

[Host obtains system points +70]

Kamaitachi, however, hadn't thought about it.

It seemed to have sensed it, the instinct of being a monster, a strong sense of crisis hit, the hair all over his body suddenly rose at this moment, the sickle weasel turned into a whirlwind, and left the place with a bang, moving a distance of several meters.

Same time.

Kamaitachi looked in his original direction, his pupils shrank sharply:

【Ding! Kamaitachi... people? God formula? When did this thing appear behind me, why don’t I know]

[Host obtains system points +80]

I see.

I don't know when.

Where Kamaitachi was before, behind him appeared a man with a dark body, only a row of white teeth and a pair of eyes, and a knife for cutting vegetables in his hand. .

It is certain that if Kamaitachi was still in the previous position, he would be stabbed into the heart from behind by this dark man.

at this time.

The pitch-black person also noticed that Kamaitachi dodged, and although he still maintained the movement of lifting it, his face had already turned to Kamaitachi, then he stared at Kamaitachi with wide eyes, and grinned Showing a mouthful of white teeth, Kamaitachi stared at him inexplicably with creepiness.


Before he had time to think about what it was, Kamaitachi subconsciously glanced at Conan again after seeing the appearance of the pitch-black person, and then at the pitch-black person.


【Ding! Kamaitachi... Wori, Conan looks like forget it, even this person, why does he look like the murderer Xiao Hei in Tama Conan?]

[Host obtains system points +90]


The sickle weasel was not idle, the tail of the sickle weasel behind it turned into a sickle, and it was about to flick its tail and blow it out. The wind that was as sharp as a knife wanted to kill the 'Xiao Hei' who attacked it in front of it.

But the tail just lifted...

"Huh? Where are people?!"

Kamaitachi was stunned, and Xiao Hei in front of him disappeared suddenly within a blink of an eye, just like the murderer Xiao Hei in Conan, until he was found to be the murderer first, otherwise he would be elusive in the "Hei state".

next second.

Kamaitachi felt the crisis of instinct again, suddenly looked up and looked back, almost frightened out of his soul.

The little black who was a few meters away from it disappeared without warning, and then quietly appeared behind him, and as before, raised his hand and raised the kitchen knife in his hand, with a classic murderer's perverted smile, and stabbed it chest.

【Ding! Kamaitachi...fuck! 】

[Host obtains system points +60]

In a hurry, Kamaitachi raised its tail, which was about to blow a strong wind, and blocked Xiao Hei.


Like metal knives colliding, sparks burst out.

The tail of the sickle weasel collided with the kitchen knife, which blocked Xiao Hei's fatal attack, and turned into a gust of wind again, pulling away a distance.

Also at this time.

A voice came.

"Is this Xiao Hei, the murderer in Conan, strong, hahaha."

It was Yu Xiaoqi who was speaking. He saw Xiao Hei almost kill the monster twice, and surprise appeared on his face. You must know that he was shocked when he saw the monster Kamaitachi before, and he waited at the elevator entrance unexpectedly Fortunately, he had the foresight to use Conan's figure as soon as he went out, and summoned Conan, as well as the 'ubiquitous murderer Xiao Hei'.

As soon as his words came out.

Sickle Weasel was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Yu Xiaoqi and the others, apparently heard Yu Xiaoqi's words:

【Ding! Kama Itachi... Are you kidding me, Black from Conan? You want to lie to me, don't you think I'll believe you... Fuck, here we go again! 】

[Host obtains system points +70]

Originally, Kaka Itachi didn't believe Yu Xiaoqi's words, after all, it's not that it hasn't seen Conan, and knows the little black in it.

Can follow.

Xiao Hei disappeared again, and appeared behind him again. No matter where he was hiding, the other party would appear behind him every time. To stab.

Seeing three or four consecutive attacks, Kamaitachi dodged it.

Conan, who was standing beside Yu Xiaoqi, couldn't bear to watch anymore, pushed his glasses, and turned on the watch in his hand.

This scene.

Kamaitachi saw it.

【Ding! Kamaitachi... anesthesia watch? 】

[Host obtains system points +80]


Xiao Hei appeared behind Kamaitachi again, and Kamaitachi instinctively went to hide, but just as he was about to make a move, a voice came from his ear.

call out!

Kamaitachi glanced from the corner of his eye, and found that Conan, not far away, shot a needle at the sight of the opened watch.

It wanted to hide, but for some reason, it obviously avoided it, but the blow was still accurate, hitting itself on the back of the neck.


Kamaitachi touched the back of his neck, and looked at Conan angrily:

"Damn brat, you are looking for death..."

【Ding! Kamaitachi...Cao, do you think I am Mori Kogoro, do you think this is a play house, shoot me with a toy anesthesia watch, a kid is a kid, I am a monster, even if you shoot me with a real one, I won't ...Um, what's going on? Wo Ri, I'm so dizzy]

[Host obtains system points +90]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

A strong sense of dizziness hit, and Kamaitachi's whole body couldn't stand still. Just like Kogoro Mori, his steps were bumping back and forth, and his expression became as funny as Kogoro Mori.

its this situation.

Kamaitachi happened to see the change in his appearance from a mirror in the corridor, and couldn't help but look at Conan:


【Ding! Kama Itachi was stunned, how could this happen, isn't that a child in s Conan? 】

[Host obtains system points +90]

Also at this time.

Kamaitachi recalled, thinking that he was an adult who sniffed Conan's smell, and thinking of Conan's identity in Detective Conan, and then thinking of Yu Xiaoqi's words before, an incredible idea came out of its mind...

at the same time.

Facing Kama Itachi's words, Conan pushed his glasses, the mirror reflected light, and then said leisurely:

"I'm not a child, my name is Edogawa Conan, and I'm a detective."


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