Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 516 Conan: There Is Always Only One Truth

When Conan's words spread, Kamaitachi, who had received an anesthetic injection, froze for a moment.

【Ding! Kamaitachi... not only his appearance, Wori, but also his voice and movements are exactly the same, he can't really be Conan]

[Host obtains system points +90]


Kamaitachi didn't have time to think about it, because behind him, Xiao Hei appeared again, and he raised the kitchen knife in his hand, and the blade shone coldly under the light of the corridor:

【Ding! Sickle Weasel... I am Cao! 】

[Host obtains system points +90]

next second.

Kamaitachi tried his best to pass out, and used the tail of Kamaitachi to block Xiao Hei's kitchen knife, but this time he was no longer as lucky as before, Xiao Hei dodged, took advantage of the kitchen knife, and scratched his neck .


For example, in the scene where the deceased was killed in Conan, blood gushes from the neck of Kamaitachi, and the amount of bleeding is astonishing.


Sickle Itachi's pupils widened, and he tried to cover his neck, but the blood seemed to spurt crazily without money, and he couldn't stop it at all.

【Ding! Kamaitachi... is it a draft? Is this blood loss serious? This shit is reality, not anime]

[Host obtains system points +70]

The loss of blood, the effective effect of the anesthesia needle, under the double stimulation, Kamaitachi finally couldn't hold on, and with a bang, he sat down like Kogoro Mori, facing the corridor mirror in front of him.

Also for this.

When his drowsy eyes closed, Kamaitachi saw his posture, besides despair, there was also deep pain:

【Ding! Kama Itachi... I really look like sleeping Mori Kogoro in this posture, so they are really Conan and the murderer Xiao Hei? 】

[Host obtains system points +80]

Kamaitachi didn't think too much about it.

He passed out.

And this sleep, for it, is different from the previous sleep in hiding. Today's sleep is an eternal sleep.

【Ding! Kamaitachi sighed before he fell asleep... Master Shuten, you may burst into laughter if you say it. I was not killed by Sen Luosi, but I was killed by Edogawa Conan. Sure enough... Edogawa Conan must have a murder case , and I am the murder victim]

[Host obtains system points +90]

Immediately afterwards.

Although Kamaitachi was injected with anesthesia and slept like Kogoro Mori, he was not as safe as Kogoro Mori. After he fell asleep, the blood on his neck was still flowing.

Xiao Hei didn't let him go either, looking at the sleeping Kamaitachi with a murderous smile, he raised the kitchen knife in his hand, and stabbed Kamaitachi's chest with bursts of puffs, blood splashed all over the sickle itachi's chest. The wall against which the ferret leaned.

【Ding! Before Kamaitachi died... I really wanted to sleep, but it hurt so much, you drafted it, Xiao Hei, you are really not human, no wonder Conan has to find you as the murderer every time]

[Host obtains system points +100]

To this.

Yu Xiaoqi, who was watching the show, said bluntly:

"Is this the scene of the murder in Conan? It's too brutal, and it's so cool to watch. No wonder Brother Wei wants to consecrate Conan's figure. It's worth the light."

at this time.

Yu Xiaoqi's attention was all on Xiao Hei brutally killing Kama Itachi over there, he didn't notice that the Feng He gentleman beside him was staring straight at Conan and Xiao Hei, the black and pure and flawless With big eyes shining brightly, he whispered a word:

"Zhang Wei big brother is so powerful, even Conan can be summoned, why doesn't Onmyoji have such means, Onmyoji seems a bit... rubbish."

"Huh? What did you say, my lord?"

Yu Xiaoqi heard the words, but he didn't pay attention to the content of the wind and the gentleman's muttering. He seemed to think of something, and asked Conan next to him:

"Conan, may I ask, is the monster that came to the hotel this monster? Are there any other monsters?"

Although Kama Itachi was dead, Yu Xiaoqi was not overjoyed. He was afraid that there were still monsters in the hotel, or that the monster detected by Feng Hejiawen was not Kama Itachi, but there were other monsters. The mind can definitely judge the situation.

next moment.

Conan next to him listened, walked up to Kamaitachi's place to look, and then looked at other places in the corridor, as if he was looking for clues.

Not long after.

As if he had finished finding the clues, Conan raised a smile, one of the glasses lenses turned reflective white, and then pointed to Kamaitachi:

"Dig out one word for new machine words and more! (There is always only one truth!)"

"This monster is the one that entered the hotel, it's the only monster..."


Conan started a classic analysis. Not only did he analyze that Kamaitachi sneaked in alone, but he also analyzed that Kamaitachi went to the kitchen to get sake first, and from the state of Kamaitachi, he probably just woke up not long ago.

"As expected of Conan."

Feng Hezhengren's small eyes flickered, and he patted Conan on the shoulder:

"Kenan-kun, I'll go back later, I'm going to sleep watching a few more episodes, no, I'm watching the latest theatrical version."

Conan smiled:

"Thank you for your support. This is just a simple reasoning. After all, don't look at me as a child now, but I have a high school student Kudo Shinichi in my heart."


the other side.

Hotel entrance.

Just when Kamaitachi was killed, Zhang Wei came back, along with Kaze and Miko.


Compared with Feng and Meizi who came to the hotel in a hurry to save Yu Xiaoqi and the others when they found out that there was a ghost in the hotel, Zhang Wei walked to the door leisurely and leisurely, and was still in the mood to greet Feng and Meizi:

"Miss Miko is back."

"Mr. Zhang Wei, you came just in time, hurry up, Xiao Qi sent me a text message just now, saying that a monster is coming to the hotel, let's go up and deal with the monster, the gentleman has a magic weapon from his family, it should be able to hold on."

Seeing that Zhang Wei was calm, Feng and Meizi thought that Yu Xiaoqi had not informed Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"Miss Meizi, don't worry, the ghost has been dealt with, Xiao Qi and the others are fine."

"Huh? So fast?"

Feng and Miko breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Zhang Wei and said:

"Fortunately, Mr. Zhang Wei came back in time to deal with it. Otherwise, if something happened to Xiao Qi and the others, I would regret it to death."

"Miss Meizi, you misunderstood, I just came back."

"Ah? Then who dealt with the ghost?"

"The detective Edogawa Conan handled this matter, oh, and the murderer Xiao Hei in Conan also contributed."


Feng and Miko were stunned for a moment, and looked at Zhang Wei in a daze, not understanding what Zhang Wei was talking about.

at this time.

Jingle Bell.

Feng Hemeizi's cell phone rang, she picked it up and saw that it was Yu Xiaoqi calling, she quickly picked up the phone to ask what was going on with Yu Xiaoqi, and Yu Xiaoqi replied that it was the same as what he said, the ghost was indeed finished.

"Xiao Qi, was the monster really killed?"

"Really? If you don't believe me, I'll send you a photo. It's a monster, Kamaitachi, and it's dead now."

As Yu Xiaoqi said, he took pictures of Kamaitachi's tragic death for Feng and Miko.

Feng and Miko stared with wide eyes:

"It's really a sickle weasel, Xiao Qi, who dealt with this sickle weasel, the tail of this sickle weasel is so long, at least at the level of a red-clothed ghost, it's impossible for ordinary people to fight against it, could it be that a gentleman did it?"

Just when Feng and Meizi guessed wildly and were proud that Feng and Masato had such great potential.

Yu Xiaoqi's voice came from the phone:

"It's not a gentleman, it's Conan. Conan's anesthesia injection made Kamaitachi lose his mobility. The murderer, Xiao Hei, completed the first kill of Kamaitachi."



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