Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 517 Zhang Wei, Do You Still Remember Your First \"Pokemon\"?

the next day.

Hokkaido, in a high-end hotel.

Zhang Wei yawned and walked out of the hotel restaurant. After dealing with Hyakki Yako and Kamaitachi yesterday, he went back to his room to sleep and slept until noon before getting up to eat.

Jingle Bell.

His cell phone rang, and when he picked it up, Xiao Qi called:

"Brother Wei, are you up yet?"

"I got up, I just washed up and went to eat breakfast, oh, wrong, it's lunch."

Zhang Wei said with a smile, and looked up at the sky at the hotel entrance:

"Xiao Qi, did you and Miss Meizi go out to play? I knocked on your door just now, but no one opened the door."

"Haha, yes, it's rare to come to Hokkaido once, and Meizi doesn't have a mission, so hurry up and take Meizi to play in Hokkaido. Meizi and I are now on the coast of Hokkaido, and we are going to go fishing in the sea by boat. If you don't come, I'll wait for you."

in words.

Yu Xiaoqi continued:

"Now is not the season of banning fishing. We are with fishermen's fishing boats, so we can eat any fish we catch, as long as it is not a protected fish, haha."

Zhang Wei nodded and said:

"Okay, I have fished before, but I haven't tried fishing at sea. You send me the address, and I will find you."

"Okay, Brother Wei, we'll wait for you here. When the time comes, I'll show you my sea fishing skills. Don't look at me living in the Northeast. I'm a boy at sea. It's no exaggeration to say that if I were in "Gourmet Hunter" The world is definitely a hunter who specializes in the sea."


Zhang Wei went to the address sent by Yu Xiaoqi.

go on the road.

Zhang Wei was not idle, turned on his mobile phone, and searched on Baidu, how to fish at sea. It is said that sea fishing is more difficult than river fishing. The fishing rod was broken.

Just when Zhang Wei was crouching while watching the fishing video.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rang again, Zhang Wei was taken aback, and murmured:

"Why do I get a phone call every time I get in the car? It won't be anything."

Recalling that every time he was in the car, something happened almost every time, Zhang Wei couldn't laugh or cry, but when he saw the caller ID, it was Lu Lianxue calling her, he didn't complain anymore, and answered the phone.


Before Zhang Wei could speak, Qiu Xiaolin's voice came first from inside:

"Xiao Weizi, am I surprised or not, I didn't expect it, it's me, not Xiaoxue, who spoke."

Listening to Qiu Xiaolin's witty words, Zhang Wei laughed and said:

"Little Mantou, why did you get mixed up with Xiaoxue again? Didn't you say a few days ago that you want to prepare for the exam?"

"That's lying to you. With my ingenuity, I have already prepared for the exam. In fact, I went to continue training with Xiaoxue. I recently broke through to Tiger Guard through the resources you gave and Xiaoxue's help. You can fight against the red-clothed ghost."

Qiu Xiaolin was happy to share her improvement with Zhang Wei, and did not forget to brag:

"How about it, Xiaoweizi, I'm not so good. I didn't hold you back. Also, Xiaoxue has also become stronger and reached the top Tiger Guard. I guess this summer vacation is over, and I have the opportunity to participate in the Qilin Guard assessment."

"Haha, amazing, you are worthy of my two concubines, who are invincible in the world! I have already prepared to lie down and wait for you to raise me. I will open a chicken farm. If you raise my chickens, I will provide you with thousands of chickens." Tens of thousands of eggs to eat."

"Hehe, to be reasonable, Xiaoweizi, my strength has become stronger now, and I feel that my body is very good. Whether it is the waist or the hands, I feel very strong."

As Qiu Xiaolin was speaking, she heard the whistling sound of cars passing by outside the car window from Zhang Wei's mobile phone.

Can't help it.

She asked curiously:

"By the way, Xiao Weizi, how are you doing in Sakura Country? I heard from Xiaoxue that many major events have happened in Sakura Country recently, and Sen Luosi has appeared, so it's not for you, right?"

"Don't worry, Sen Luosi will not chase me to Sen Luosi. It seems that Sen Luosi and Sakura State have a holiday. I am very safe now, not only safe, but also very leisurely. Xiao Qigang asked me to go fishing in the sea. I Now on the way."

"Sea fishing? Wow! I also think, Xiao Weizi, where are you going to fish, Fukushima, be careful to catch a fish with two heads, oh no, you may also catch a fish that mutates into Godzilla."

"Haha, I didn't go to Fukushima, I went to Hokkaido."

Just as Zhang Wei finished speaking.

the other side.

Far away in Luxia City in Daxia, Lu Lianxue, who was beside Qiu Xiaolin, heard Zhang Wei's words from the hands-free mobile phone, and seemed to think of something:

"Zhang Wei, have you gone to Hokkaido?"

"Yeah? What's the matter, Xiaoxue, what's the matter in Hokkaido?"

"That's not true. I just wanted to ask, Zhang Wei, did you go fishing in Hokkaido, or to hang out with old friends?"

"Why do you say that? Old friend? Why don't I remember that I have friends in Hokkaido."

"Zhang Wei, did you forget? Or did Cao Yu forget to tell you?"

Lu Lianxue covered her mouth and smiled, without hiding anything:

"Zhang Wei, do you still remember that you went to help Captain Cao Yushan catch water ghosts?"


As soon as Zhang Wei said the words, he was stunned for a second, as if remembering something, his eyes flashed and said:

"I remembered, Xiaoxue, you didn't mean the water ghost, did you? It was the water ghost king I captured with the poke ball back then."

in words.

Zhang Wei also recalled the follow-up, when the water ghost was captured, Cao Yu asked himself how to deal with the water ghost, and he gave a suggestion... Let the water ghost go to the waters of Sakura Country to monitor, and drink there every day Seawater, in order to detect whether the seawater is polluted by the discharged nuclear water.

It was just a joke at first, but Cao Yu thought it was very good and reported it.

at this time.

"That's right, that's it, Zhang Wei, you don't know, didn't I have a party a few days ago, the top forces in Daxia gathered, Zhang Chao told you, Cao Yu was there at that time, he told me , His father, Cao Yushan, reported your suggestion to deal with the Water Ghost King, and got approval."

"A few days ago, Tianshui Ghost King was educated in Weidaosi Prison, and these days he was officially sent to the waters of Sakura Country, where he went for testing."

As Lu Lianxue said, she covered her mouth and continued to laugh:

"I thought Zhang went to the country of cherry blossoms for you, and went all the way from Tokyo to go fishing in Hokkaido. In fact, he was going to see the 'old friend' Water Ghost King. I dare you not to know about the Water Ghost King."

"I went to Hokkaido by accident. I didn't expect that this water ghost king is in Hokkaido."

Zhang Wei laughed and said:

"Then if you have time for sea fishing later, you can really go and see the Water Ghost King. After all, it's the first 'Pokemon' I caught, haha."


After chatting with Lu Lianxue and Qiu Xiaolin for a while, Zhang Wei ended the chat after chatting on the phone for a while.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei thought for a while and muttered:

"It seems a little impolite to go to see the water ghost king who has reformed and returned to justice empty-handed, so bring some condolences."


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