Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 518 Water Ghost King: It's His Breath

the other side.

Ashore in a port in Hokkaido.

Holding two ice creams in both hands, Yu Xiaoqi walked towards Fenghemeizi and Fenghezhenren who were waiting beside the fishing boat on the shore:

"Here, ice cream."

Feng and Miko took the ice cream, licked it and said:

"Xiao Qi, is Mr. Zhang Wei coming soon? It feels like a long time has passed, and the time should be up. Is there something wrong? Do you want to call and ask?"

"Yes, I called Brother Wei just now, and he said that there is something to buy at the moment, let's wait a little longer and come right away."

"It's not about buying fishing rods, is it? Xiao Qi, did you tell Mr. Zhang Wei that we have prepared fishing rods, and we don't need Mr. Zhang Wei to buy them."

"Don't worry, Meizi, I have something to say, brother Wei is not going to buy this, he said that he may meet old friends during this trip, so he bought some condolences."

Recalling Zhang Wei's words, Yu Xiaoqi responded in a daze.

As soon as his words came out.


Not to mention Yu Xiaoqi, even Feng Hemeizi, and even Feng Hezheng on the side looked over and said:

"Is there a friend of Zhang Wei big brother at sea? Who is it? The captain Uncle and other fishing uncles are friends of Zhang Wei big brother."

Yu Xiaoqi smiled and rubbed the heads of Ha Feng and Masato:

"No, I have the same idea as yours, Mr. Wei, but Brother Wei said that friends are not the captain and the others..."

in words.

Yu Xiaoqi glanced out of the corner of his eye, and saw a taxi driving towards this side.


Yu Xiaoqi's face showed joy:

"Here it is, Brother Wei."

as predicted.

He saw Zhang Wei coming out of the parked taxi and waved to Yu Xiaoqi and the others. Immediately, Yu Xiaoqi led Feng and Meizi to meet Zhang Wei:

"Brother Wei, you're here. By the way, aren't you going to buy a condolence item? Where's the condolence item? Is it in the back seat of the car? I'll get it for you."

Seeing Zhang Wei with empty hands, Yu Xiaoqi couldn't help but look inside the car, and found that the car was also empty.

To this.

Zhang Wei waved his hand:

"The condolences are not in the back seat of the car, I brought them with me."


Yu Xiaoqi and the others were stunned for a moment, and instinctively looked at Zhang Wei, first at Zhang Wei's empty hands, and then at the pockets on both sides of his trousers, but they didn't seem to have anything in them:

"Brother Wei, where is your condolence item? Is it the emperor's new clothes?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Wei didn't hide anything, and took out a small keychain from his pocket:

"I put it in my pocket. This is a condolence item I bought. Let's go, let's go fishing, don't keep the boatman waiting."

As soon as his words came out.

The corners of Yu Xiaoqi's mouths twitched, even Feng Hezhengren looked over, with strange expressions on their faces.

"I said, Brother Wei, you came in a hurry, didn't you have time to choose the condolences, or are you too stingy, why don't I pay for it, I know there is a specialty shop here, let's go buy some, you give it away A keychain, it’s too picky.”

Yu Xiaoqi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, as a rich man, it was the first time he saw him, and he went to visit someone to give him a key chain.

Words come out.

Feng and Masato and Feng and Miko both nodded, and couldn't help but glance at the keychain again.

can be seen.

The keychain in Zhang Wei's hand is very simple. There is a ship model pendant on it. Look carefully, it is a miniature refined model of the pirate ship "Thousand Miles of Sunshine" in the anime "One Piece". special.

However, in their eyes, Zhang Wei is still very stingy, no matter how delicate a keychain is, it cannot be so expensive.

As a matter of fact, it is true, Zhang Wei laughed when he heard what they said:

"It's a bit cheaper. I bought it for 1,000 yen, but my friend is special. He will like it."


Zhang Wei couldn't be more stubborn, so Yu Xiaoqi and the others had no choice but to give up and take Zhang Wei to the fishing boat:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, which sea area is your friend in? Let me tell the captain so that you can meet."

"No, you can drive as you please, my friend can feel my position."

Zhang Wei waved his hand, but he didn't say much. After all, the Water Ghost King is in charge of monitoring the sea area. Feng and Miko have something to do with Yinyangliao, so it's inconvenient to directly say that the friend is the Water Ghost King.

Feng and Miko nodded.


The fishing boat sailed out of the port and headed for the vast ocean in the distance.

It is also this moment.

Zhang Wei didn't choose to restrain his aura and spread his powerful aura.

Feng Hemeizi felt Zhang Wei's aura immediately, looked at Zhang Wei in surprise, revered in her heart, and murmured:

"As expected of Mr. Zhang Wei, he is really thoughtful, releases his breath, and prevents the monsters in the sea from approaching him. Is this the ghost exorcist of Daxia? He is meticulous in his actions, and he has learned what he has learned."


the other side.

Located 30 miles away from Hokkaido, a 20-meter shallow sea coral land in the coastal area.

at this time.

A 'man' with disheveled hair and a very attractive appearance. He didn't wear any diving equipment, and he just sat on a coral reef in the coral land.

can be seen.

There are coral fish swimming by from time to time around it, and there are shoals of fish, together with the corals dripping with waves under the sunlight, the scene is turbulent and beautiful, but this 'man' is puzzled, and casually picks up the coral fish swimming beside him. Qun grabbed one casually and bit into his mouth.

Chewed for a while.

It also took out a paper and pen that could write in water, and recorded it there.

Waiting to finish these.

He still looked around, and he was able to speak freely in the sea, and said to himself:

"The daily inspection is completed, and it's time to deal with troublesome things. It's such a headache. I thought it was an easy job, but as soon as I took office, I encountered a hard problem, but it's true. There are quite a lot of supernatural events."

If Zhang Wei saw this 'person' here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this 'person' was not the first 'Pokemon' he captured, the Water Ghost King.

at this time.

The Water Ghost King revealed his distress as he spoke:

"Should I report the matter to the Department of Health and Dao, but this is a bit embarrassing. I have only been on the job for a few days, and I call for support. I am a ghost king, and it is enough to be embarrassing. No, I should find a way to see if I can do it." I can’t handle it myself, I have to make some achievements.”

The words fell.

As soon as the Water Ghost King got up, he suddenly sensed something, and looked in one direction, his face changed suddenly:

"Top ghost king-level aura?! Damn it, it can't be so unlucky, the matter hasn't been resolved, yet another top ghost king-level onmyoji...Huh? Isn't it?"

He felt it.

On the sea in that direction, there is an incomparably terrifying aura, which is the aura that only belongs to the top ghost king class, and...

"Illusion? This breath? Why does it feel a little familiar, Wo Ri, it's his breath!"

Accompanied by carefully feeling the breath.

A familiar figure appeared in the mind of the Water Ghost King. This aura was exactly the same as that figure. He would never forget it until he died. It was Zhang Wei's aura!


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