When he recognized Zhang Wei's breath.

The Water Ghost King was stunned, and subconsciously looked around:

"Isn't this the Sea of ​​Cherry Blossom Country, or did I sleep yesterday and was brought back to the Daxia Sea by the current? It shouldn't be possible. He was drifted to Daxia overnight, but why is he here?"

in words.

The Water Ghost King felt it again and again, and confirmed again and again that he was not wrong, it was really Zhang Wei's breath.

"Did he come to Sakura Country? Did he come for Sen Luosi?"

Now that the Water Ghost King is incorporated by the Department of Health, he is naturally aware of the major events happening outside. Sen Luosi took action against the Sakura Country, and as he was responsible for detecting the waters of the Sakura Country, he also knew about it immediately.

"It's possible, I remember that Zhang Wei seems to have a grudge against Sen Luosi."


The water ghost king recalled that he was captured by Zhang Wei, recalled Zhang Wei's great strength, and Zhang Wei's current news, it is said that he has become a top ghost king.

Think about it.

It was as if a flash of light flashed through his mind.

The Water Ghost King showed joy on his face:

"That's right! I can't ask the Secretary of Health for help, but I can find other assistance. If his squirrel can help me... But will he help me? Forget it, a dead horse is a living horse doctor."

The words fell.

The Water Ghost King swam in the direction of Zhang Wei, no matter whether he helped him or not, since he met Zhang Wei, he had to go over to say hello, after all, it was Zhang Wei who caused him to change his ways and be recruited.


at the same time.

Driven by the captain of the fishing boat, Zhang Wei and his fishing boat came to a sea area, and the islands of Hokkaido were no longer visible. Looking around, there was an endless sea, accompanied by rolling waves, and the scene was magnificent.

For this scene.

Zhang Wei directly did what modern young people love to do most. He picked up his mobile phone to take pictures and prepared to post them on Moments. Even Kaze and Miko, who live in the country of cherry blossoms, also picked up their mobile phones to take pictures.

"Brother Wei, is the filming done? Come fishing. The captain has helped us make a nest just now, so we can go fishing anytime."

Yu Xiaoqi came over and shook the fishing rod in his hand.

"it is good."

Zhang Wei took the fishing rod with a smile, and nodded his thanks to the captain. He knows what making a nest is, which is a technical term for fishing. Being attracted, it will be much easier to fish.

Seeing this, the captain waved his hands and said:

"You're welcome, this is your first time fishing. The temperature has changed in the past two days, so it should not be easy to catch fish. But, as long as you enjoy fishing, I won't bother you. I'll go fishing on the other side. If you need anything, tell me."

Also at this time.

Yu Xiaoqi said:

"Captain, this is not our first time fishing. I often fish in the sea. Look at the fish I will catch later. I will give you a big harvest, haha."

The captain smiled when he heard the words, and was about to say something in response, but at this moment, he glanced out of the corner of his eye, his brows were raised for a moment, and he saw Zhang Wei who had just taken the fishing rod. The surface of the sea where the hook fell suddenly turbulent.

This scene.

Seeing that the captain was stunned:

"Oh? Good guy, I missed my point, you guys are still masters, you got hooked so quickly..."

The words are not finished yet.

The captain noticed something was wrong. Why did the sea keep bubbling? Did he catch a big fish? No, what is that?

Not only him.

When Yu Xiaoqi and the others heard the captain's words, they also looked at Zhang Wei one after another. They also saw the situation on the sea surface, and they were all stunned. Under their gaze, Zhang Wei obviously hadn't pulled the fishing rod yet, but the sea surface started to move. Tumble and bubble up.

Accompanied by this situation, a group of black shadows gradually appeared from the surface of the sea, as if something was about to float up from the sea.

Immediately afterwards.

A black shadow emerged from the water. It was a head with disheveled hair. To be precise, it was a person. His head protruded from the sea, looking at the rotten human face with a pale face and dead eyes...


The captain was terrified and screamed instantly, but before he thought that Zhang Wei had caught a dead man, the rotten face suddenly grinned, stretched out his hand, and waved towards the people on board, as if Saying hello.


The captain fell to the ground in fright:

"My god! Ghost!!! There are ghosts!!!"

at the same time.

Yu Xiaoqi and the others also changed their colors. Feng Hemeizi quickly took out the magic weapon of the witch and a stack of onmyoji talisman papers, and was about to exorcise ghosts, but feeling the breath of the water ghost, Fenghe Meizi was terrified:

"Ghost King?! Be careful, that's a ghost king."

Feng Hemeizi called out, signaling to everyone present to be careful and to throw out the Yin-Yang talisman paper. Although she couldn't deal with the ghost king with her own strength, she didn't want to wait and had to try.


Just when she raised her hand to throw the talisman.

"Wait a minute, Ms. Meizi, don't do anything, you are your own."

Zhang Wei stopped the move and said with a smile:

"Miss Meizi, and everyone, don't be nervous, that's my friend, there's no danger, right, water ghost."

The Water Ghost King nodded when he heard the words, spoke a mouthful of bad Japanese that he had just learned and said:

"Yes yes, don't be nervous, I'm a good person, wrong, good ghost, a friend of Mr. Zhang Wei."

Immediately afterwards.

The Water Ghost King floated out of the sea, stood on the sea and waved to Yu Xiaoqi and the others again, expressing friendship.

His behavior made the captain, Yu Xiaoqi and the others bewildered, especially the captain, his eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost, and he looked back and forth at Zhang Wei and the water ghost king.

the other side.

Accompanied by Zhang Wei's words, Yu Xiaoqi and the others were taken aback when they heard it, and then quickly thought of something, Yu Xiaoqi hesitated and said:

"...Brother Wei, the old friend you're talking about doesn't mean this ghost."

Zhang Wei nodded with a noncommittal smile.

Yu Xiaoqi: "This..."

Feng and Miko: "Hiss..."

You must know that this is the sea area of ​​the cherry blossom country, not the sea area of ​​Daxia.

Just when they were thinking about how Zhang Wei and the Water Ghost King could get to know each other.

The Water Ghost King has been greeted by Zhang Wei to board the boat.

I see.

The Water Ghost King nodded to Yu Xiaoqi and the others, and handed over the fish in the broken fishing net:

"Hello, it's our first meeting. I have nothing to give. These are deep-sea fish I caught in the deep sea. They are hard to catch. Mr. Zhang Wei, this is yours. I don't know if it suits your taste."

Zhang Wei took over the fishway:

"Water ghost, you can. It's been a while since I saw you. You've become so polite."

"Isn't this being incorporated, so let's behave a bit better, Mr. Zhang Wei, are you here to fish?"

The Water Ghost King noticed the fishing rod in Zhang Wei's hand, and immediately said:

"If you want to eat fish, you don't need to catch it. Tell me, and I'll go down and catch it for you now."

To this.

Zhang Wei also said politely:

"Then grab a bluefin tuna and eat it. It's too expensive to eat in a restaurant. It's only tens of thousands of yuan."

"Hey! Don't waste the money, it's too expensive, let me do it, and I'll grab some sticks for you, Mr. Zhang Wei, for free, haha."

As the Water Ghost King said, he jumped into the sea with a plop.

It's not a big deal.

But Feng and Meizi heard it all, and Feng and Meizi were stunned for a moment, feeling that their brains were not enough... A ghost king, or a water ghost king, is going into the sea to catch fish for us?

The captain was also stunned...Catch a ghost and ask the ghost to catch the fish? What kind of magical fishing method is this Nima.


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