"That's right."

Zhang Wei knew what the water ghost king was thinking, so he didn't hold back on this, and signaled the water ghost king to throw the keychain in his hand into the sea.

As soon as his words came out.

【Ding! Water Ghost King...? ? ? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +120]

Although he didn't understand what Zhang Wei meant, the Water Ghost King did as he did, picked up the keychain in his hand, and aimed at the sea not far away.


The Water Ghost King screamed:


Also screaming, there are Yu Xiaoqi, the captain and the others.

"what is that?"

"Sister Meizi, am I dazzled? I seem to see the Thousand Miles of Sunshine in One Piece. Look, does the ship in front look like Thousand Miles of Sunshine? It's exactly the same."

"My lord, what are you talking about, there are no boats around us, and Qianli Sunshine is good, it's from the cartoon... My God! Qian, Qianli Sunshine!"

can be seen.

The sea not far away was originally empty, but in the next second, it seemed to be blown up by the wind. A boat with a lion's head on its prow appeared on the sea, and it became bigger...one meter, two meters. Meters...ten meters...

A few blinks passed, and looking again, the ship seemed to have grown into a huge pirate ship. Under the sunlight, the pirate ship reflected the shadow of the ship, covering the fishing boat Yu Xiaoqi and the others were on.

for a while.

Looking at the pirate ship 'Thousand Miles of Sunshine' in front of them, Yu Xiaoqi and the others were dumbfounded, and the Water Ghost King was even more stunned:

【Ding! Water Ghost King... Oh my God! 】

[Host obtains system points +130]

at the same time.

Zhang Wei reached out and patted the Water Ghost King on the shoulder, and said with a smile:

"How about it, it's enough pomp. As a ghost of Daxia, you can't go on foot when you go to make trouble. Of course, you can't go alone."

That's all for words.

Zhang Wei signaled the Water Ghost King to look at the upper deck of the ship.


Together with Yu Xiaoqi and others who hurried over to inquire about the situation after discovering the ship, they followed the Water Ghost King and left with their attention.

I saw figures appearing at the railing of the deck of the Thousand Miles of Sunshine, a man wearing a straw hat, a man with three knives pinned to his waist, a curly eyebrow, a beautiful woman in a bikini top, and a black-haired beautiful woman. , and a man with a long nose.


There are also three strange figures, a short cute 'little monster' with antlers, a cyborg man in briefs, and a skeleton drinking coffee.


Those figures greeted Zhang Wei and the others below. Among them was the man wearing a straw hat. He put one hand on the straw hat on his head, squatted halfway on the railing, waved his hands and grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth. He shouted enthusiastically :

"Hi everybody!"

The voice fell.

call out!

The man in the straw hat moved, flung out one hand, his arm was as elastic as rubber, stretched infinitely, stuck a distance of more than ten meters, and caught on the fishing boat of Zhang Wei and others, and then stretched out the other hand, wrapping around his side His companions, with a whoosh, ejected over.

"Wow~ Luffy!!"

"Wait, wait, Luffy!!"

The pupils of his companions shrank suddenly, and just about to speak, they were already led by the straw hat man.

This scene.

The Water Ghost King pinched his cheeks:

【Ding! Water ghost king... I am not dreaming, Luffy, is that Luffy? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +140]

Yu Xiaoqi and the others were equally sluggish.

Whether it's the straw hat man, other people, or that ship, they are all too similar, no, they are exactly the same. Isn't this horse the Straw Hat Pirates in "One Piece"!

Also at this time.

The number of bangs sounded.

Luffy landed on the deck of Zhang Wei's fishing boat, Zoro and the others were caught off guard by Luffy, fell there one by one, Nami got up and beat Luffy up, shouting:

"Luffy! Can you remind me next time, you are going to die."

"Gobaa Nasai (sorry)"

Luffy, who was beaten into a pig's head, responded with a sausage mouth open.

the other side.

While Luffy and the others were fighting, Water Ghost King and the others finally came back to their senses, looked at Luffy and the others at close range, and listened to the familiar fights of Luffy and the others, they finally confirmed that they were not hallucinating, that they really Luffy and his friends in One Piece.

"My God, the character of One Piece has already materialized? Should I report this?"

Feng and Miko covered their mouths and whispered in their hearts. She didn't see the water ghost king throwing the keychain, and thought that Luffy and others were urban legends.

at this time.

Sensing the gazes of Kaze and Miko, Nami, who is in the category of "normal person" on board, coughed first:

"Sorry, I made you laugh, our captain likes to mess around like this."

Also at this time.

Luffy raised his hand to greet the Water Ghost King and the others:

"Hey, hello, my name is Monkey D. Luffy, and I am the man who is going to be the One Piece!"

It's not loud.

But like the sound of a bell, it pierced everyone's ears like thunder.

Immediately afterwards.

Waiting for everyone to react.

Luffy played his extremely familiar character, and his eyes fell on the shoulder of the water ghost king:

"I have heard what you said just now. Where is the guy you said you were going to beat? I will avenge you."

The voice did not fall.

Usopp on the side also came up, patted the Water Ghost King on the shoulder, and said magically:

"Don't be afraid, it's just a bunch of ghosts. I, a sea warrior, will avenge you. When I faced hundreds of thousands of ghosts, I fought them all. I can easily deal with these ghosts."

"Wow! Really?! Usopp! Have you met hundreds of thousands of ghosts? Si Guoyi!"

It was Chopper who spoke, his eyes widened with surprise on Usopp's face.

Sauron held up a piece of iron and said calmly:

"I haven't hacked the ghost yet, tell me where those guys are, let me chop it up and see."

Also speaking, there was Sanji, who smoked a cigarette and exhaled, and said slowly:

"I don't know if Miss Ghost is in there, but they are definitely not as cute as Nami-chan and Robin-chan."

In the end.

Immediately, Sanji's feet turned into whirlwinds, and his eyes were filled with love, circling around Robin and Nami.

To this.

Robin covered his mouth with a smile and said:

"thank you."

"Hehehehehe, Nami-san and Robin-san are really cute, so can you let me admire your panties."

Brooke, who looked like a skeleton in a gentleman's suit, smiled and said something.

As soon as his words came out.

Although he is familiar with Brooke's personality, Yu Xiaoqi also subconsciously protects Feng and Miko beside him. At the same time, like the Water Ghost King and others, he is 100% sure that the one in front of him is definitely the Straw Hat Pirate King. His tone of voice and character were exactly the same.


They didn't have time to care about these things, their eyes were all fixed on the Water Ghost King.

They all heard what Luffy said before, it seems that the Water Ghost King knows the Straw Hat Pirates.

One thought here.

Yu Xiaoqi was shocked...Wori, what Junfei said was right, Brother Wei's friends are definitely not simple. I thought this water ghost king was very ordinary, but I was wrong.


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