the other side.

When the Water Ghost King and the others were shocked by the Straw Hat Pirates.

Five miles offshore from Hokkaido, there is a large sea rock on the seabed. The seabed here is not too deep, but it is not too shallow either. The depth is the limit depth at which sunlight can reach the sea.

Also for this.

The bottom of the sea looks dim, with a faint light, and a different kind of depth. Coupled with the strange rocks on the bottom of the sea, it looks like an entrance to hell.

at this time.

In the mouth of the largest rocky cave on the seabed, laughter came from time to time.

They were a group of monsters living in the seabed, most of them were water monsters. When they laughed, they often praised a water monster sitting on a stone seat made of a rock on the bottom of the sea.

compared to other monsters.

This water demon is so powerful that it has reached the ghost king level.

"Haha, every time we think of the water ghost king being beaten by us and running away in embarrassment, we want to laugh."

"Me too, I didn't expect that I would have the day to beat the ghost king violently."

"It's all thanks to the boss, without the ghost formation he stole from Yinyangliao, we wouldn't be able to deal with the Water Ghost King."

"Yes, it's all thanks to the boss."

"Old Dagao! Long live!"

The last words came from a kappa monster, and other monsters echoed.

To this.

The Water Demon King smiled from ear to ear, no one would not be happy to be flattered, and the Ghost King was no exception, but on the surface he still waved his hands and said:

"It's just a water ghost king. Do you think it's useful if you have strong strength? With the ghost formation, the younger brothers can also condense the strength of the ghost king. This is equivalent to two ghost kings sitting in the town. Not to mention the water ghost king, the monsters in the entire Hokkaido are not. Dare to provoke us."

The other monsters nodded in agreement:

"Haha, the boss is right, we are now the strongest ghost force in Hokkaido."

"To be honest, with the ghost formation, when the strength of the boss continues to improve and continue to expand, we will be the strongest not only in Hokkaido, but also in other regions."

"Yes, I think so too. Now that Shuten-douji's power has been wiped out, when we grow up, maybe we can replace Shuten-douji's strength and become the three major monster powers in the Sakura Kingdom."

"My Cao, it turns out I'm not the only one who thinks this way, and I really don't think it's impossible. Now that the boss has the ghost formation, don't you see that other ghost kings are afraid, and this time they are planning to come to visit the boss."

"It's not a meeting, it's a pilgrimage. Boss, let's take this opportunity to unite them. You ghost kings are combined. When Shuten-douji's power is gone, we can really become the new third largest power."

As soon as his words came out.

Many monsters around responded, agreed with this proposal, chatted non-stop, and the scene became heated for a while, until the water demon king signaled the monsters to be quiet, and they stopped.

The Water Demon King's eyes sparkled and said:

"I have thought of your proposal before, so after driving away the water ghost king, I spread the matter and invited other ghost kings from Hokkaido to the party. Calculate the time, they should come here quickly gone."

The words fell.

All monsters are exhilarated:

"Boss, is what you said true? Haha, you are indeed the boss! You have the foresight!"

"Look, I just said it, the boss is far-sighted, what we can think of, the boss can't think of it."

is talking.

Including the Water Demon King, all the monsters stopped talking abruptly, and then all looked out of the exit.

"Here they come."

The water demon king showed a smile and motioned all the demons to follow him.


Under the leadership of the water demon king, all the demons walked out of the seabed cave. As soon as they went out, they all saw that in the sea ahead, there were one after another terrifying figures approaching. Ghost king level.

That is the King of Ghosts from Hokkaido.

They were invited by the water demon king to come to the party.


The ghost kings meet the water demon king:

"Everyone, welcome to my territory."

The Water Demon King said with a smile.

"Water demon, your strength has become stronger again. No wonder you can get good things from Yinyang Liao. I heard that you almost killed a ghost king-level water ghost recently?"

A kappa king of ghost king level said.

At this moment.

Another rain girl monster king with an umbrella covered her mouth and smiled:

"It's true. I heard from my subordinates about it. Water demon, you are capable. Is this going to take advantage of Shuten-douji's death to rise strongly?"

Facing their words, the Water Demon King waved his hands and responded modestly:

"That's right, if I want to rise up strong, I, a water demon, is not enough, and I have to rely on everyone."

As soon as his words came out.

The ghost king and monster king present all nodded noncommittally.

They were invited by the Water Demon King. Before coming, the other party told them about their invitation, hoping to form an alliance with them and form the largest monster force in Hokkaido. Taking advantage of the power of Shuten Doji, they swallowed the idle monsters and ghosts in Shikoku and strengthened themselves. .

"Don't talk politely. This time, we are here for an alliance. Let's discuss the alliance earlier. We are not the only ones who want to replace Shuten-douji's forces. Youkai and ghosts in other regions are also ready to move."

The Rain Banshee King said that she was holding an umbrella in the sea, and her long hair was swaying with the sea.

The water demon king also had no ink marks, so he nodded and invited the five ghost kings into the cave to discuss.


Just when they were about to enter the cave together.

As if they sensed something, the water demon king and the other ghost kings were startled, their steps stopped abruptly, and they looked towards a place in the sea:

"Huh? This breath..."

"Water demon, besides us, you also invited ghost kings from other places?"

"Huh? It's not the ghost king? What is that? A boat?"

Far away in the sea.

A huge black shadow slowly approached here, very fast, and soon appeared in the sight of the monsters, revealing its appearance, it was a huge pirate ship with a cute lion bow, and its A flag with a skull and a straw hat was flying over it.


This ship was surrounded by a huge bubble, and it also relied on this bubble. It didn't drive on the sea surface, but drove in the ocean strangely. The trend continued, and it came straight to this side.

Also at this time.

After seeing the pirate ship clearly, the Water Demon King and the others were all dumbfounded:

"Isn't this the Thousand Miles of Sunshine?"

"Am I hallucinating? Why do I see the ship of "One Piece", it seems that there is Luffy on it."

Just when they were startled by Qianliyangguan.

Unlike other ghost kings, the water demon king was stunned, and said bluntly:

"No, that's not a hallucination, I can feel it, there is the breath of that water ghost king, that water ghost king that I almost killed before."

in words.

The Water Demon King had an ugly face. He held an invitation from the Ghost King here, but the Water Demon King actually came to find trouble in front of him. Isn't this a slap in the face, but it didn't get angry too much, and sneered as if thinking of something:

"It's just in time, and the other Hokkaido ghost kings are here, so take your life to stand up for me and let me take the lead in this alliance."


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