Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 523 Are We In Hokkaido, Or In The Great Channel?

Do whatever comes to mind.

The Water Demon King is about to make a move to deal with the Water Ghost King driving the 'Thousand Miles of Sunshine'.

next second.

The water demon king left a sentence for the ghost kings and rushed out:

"It seems that some ghosts are just looking for death. Just right, everyone, we will kill a ghost king today to add to the fun of our alliance."

Although it is confident that it has a ghost formation, it can beat the water ghost king, but it didn't get carried away, and encouraged all the ghost kings to kill the water ghost king. After all, the water ghost king was beaten away by him before, and now he dares to come, he must be prepared come.


The water ghost king found the wrong timing, even if he was prepared, so what, besides himself, there are five ghost kings here, the other party counted his ghost formation, but never counted that he invited five ghost kings today Come to the party, thanks to the fact that I invited five ghost kings.

Think about it.

The water demon king who rushed out smiled, and said bluntly to the incoming pirate ship:

"Do you think that you are the overlord of this ocean when you are driving the ship of One Piece? Do you think you are Monkey D. Luffy? I let you escape last time, this time you will give me..."

The words are not finished yet.

"Are you calling me? What are you calling me for?"

On the Thousand Miles of Sunshine, Lu Fei jumped onto the bow of the lion boat and said to the Water Demon King.

It's not loud.

But its appearance was seen by the water demon king and other ghosts.

【Ding! Monsters... am I dazzled? I think I saw Luffy]

[Host obtains system points +2500]

The water demon king was also stunned, he was the closest to the pirate ship, not only saw Luffy, but also heard what Luffy said.

But it didn't wait for it to react.

Lu Fei made a movement first, and saw him beckoning to the Water Demon King behind him, pointing at the Water Demon King and saying:

"Did that guy hit you?"

"Yes, that's it."

Shuigui Wang nodded his head, looking like a child who was beaten in elementary school and asked his parents to complain, pointing at the student who beat him and saying, "Dad is the one who beat me".

As soon as his words came out.

Luffy covered the straw hat with one hand, grinned and said:

"Then I'll beat it up for you, Minna (everyone) don't fight me."

His words did not fall.

Luffy directly turned his whole body towards a bubble, opened his mouth to bite the outstretched thumb, and blew suddenly, the palm of his hand was blown up like a balloon, and then he was thrown back suddenly, the hand the size of a titan also transformed at this moment To paint black.

[Third gear! 】

[Armed color domineering! 】

next moment.

Under Luffy's roar:

"Rubber elephant gun!"

The huge rubber fist wrapped in the armed color, like a steel titan fist, rushed out at the speed of a rocket, and hit the water demon king directly. The powerful impact force shocked the surrounding sea water, making a sea explosion-like sound.

【Ding! The water demon king... is it a draft, just kidding! ? 】

[Host obtains system points +120]

The sudden rubber elephant gun made the water demon king's eyes pop out in fright. He thought it was just a fake Luffy playing tricks, but in the end he really used Luffy's moves.


It was too late to think about what was going on.

The water demon king hastily exerted the power of the monster, controlling the seawater to condense into a seawater wall in front of him, trying to stop the rubber elephant gun coming.

next moment.

Boom! ! ! !

Like the impact of a bell, the rubber elephant gun hits the sea wall, and the entire sea wall condensed by the naked eye creates terrifying ripples in circles at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was overturned.

Round after round of impacting air waves, like a tsunami under the sea, centered on the impact point, rippling in all directions.


Accompanied by a bang.

The rubber elephant gun, with its huge black fist, shattered the sea wall and hit the water demon king.


The water demon king screamed, feeling like a large freighter being loaded into a container, facing the impact, his body rolled 360 degrees continuously in the sea, and flew into the rocks on the seabed, smashing a piece of rock, pears came out A crack in the rock.

for a while.

The bottom of the sea is full of sand and dust, and the sea rocks and gravel are flying around.

Deathly silence.

Both the ghost kings and the monsters of the water demon king were stunned.

The next second came back to God.



"Hey, is there something wrong with my eyes? Isn't that horse riding Luffy's third gear rubber elephant gun?!"

"Armed color domineering? Third gear? Then Luffy... is it true?"

Just when the ghosts were shocked.

A voice came:

"Hey! Luffy, why did you make the first move? Didn't you agree that I would come? I haven't killed a ghost yet."

"These ghosts seem to be more than what you said in advance. The five monsters look similar to the water monster. Your information is wrong."

Words come out.

【Ding! Ghosts...huh? Why do these voices sound so familiar? 】

[Host obtains system points +2600]

The ghost kings didn't have time to think, and subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound, which was at the bow of the thousand-mile sunny boat.

I don't know when.

A few figures walked out beside Lu Fei, and it was these people who spoke.


"My Cao?! Sauron?"

"Is that Nami? Robin?"

When the ghosts looked at these people, they all looked moved, as if they had seen a ghost.

【Ding! The ghosts were stunned... Are you sure the water demon king is the water ghost king? Not One Piece? 】

[Host acquisition system +2700]

Also at this time.

I'm afraid that after Luffy has finished fighting, Sauron and the others can't sit still, they all make a move, put on bubbles, and face the other five ghost kings.

"The woman holding the umbrella will be handed over to Nami-chan and Luo Bing-chan. I won't hit women, and the other four will be handed over to me."

"Go away, stinky cook, those are mine."

Sauron pulled out three knives, put one in his mouth and bit it.

To this.

Sanji replied directly:

"Green algae head, get the hell out of here, I can do it by myself, no, I can do it with one foot."

"Then one finger is enough for me."

"Then I have a toe"

"Stinky cook, are you finding fault?"

Zoro punches Sanji head-on.

Sanji bit his cigarette, and said angrily:

"You're the one finding fault."

The two were bickering, but they didn't stay idle. They were afraid that the other party would steal their prey, so they all rushed out.

[Three swords style · one hundred and eighty troubles! 】

[Devil's Wind Foot·First-Class Ground Meat! 】

Don't give the five ghost kings a little backhand, and the two of them will use their special skills as soon as they come up.


Sauron held two knives and one knife in his mouth. With his body twisting, the three knives created a terrifying tornado. Even in the sea, the sea water was rolled into a sea tornado.

Sanji stepped on the seawater with both feet, and quickly approached Kappa King and another ghost king. His feet were burning like flames, one left and one right, and kicked towards the abdomen of the two. The scorching heat of his feet made the surrounding sea water evaporate. You have to sneer.

at the same time.

The system prompt sounds:

【Ding! Ghost kings... are we really in Hokkaido? Still in the great channel? 】

[Host obtains system points +600]


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