at the same time.

Thirty nautical miles away from Hokkaido, a civilian fishing boat was parked on the sea.

Zhang Wei was standing on the deck, looking in the direction of the Water Ghost King and the Water Demon King, and with the system prompt sounding in his mind, he murmured:

"Is it already fighting? This system has more points than expected."

in words.

Relying on the system function, he can feel what is happening at the point of blessing the system, and for this reason, he knows that there is more than one ghost king over there: the water ghost king:

"The information about the water ghost king is not good enough. There are actually five more ghost kings. If this is the case, I need to get more wool, and I have to add oil and vinegar."


Zhang Wei touched another pocket and took out several keychains from it.

can be seen.

There are ornaments on those keychains, which are also the peripherals of "One Piece", but they are not pirate ships, but... sea kings.

In the world of the anime "One Piece", there are very few land parts, and most of them are oceans, which are divided into four seas, southeast, northwest, and the great waterway in the first half and second half of the center. Unlike the ocean of Blue Star, the ocean of One Piece is not only The weather is changing abnormally, and there are terrible creatures living in the sea.

These creatures are called 'sea kings'. They have different sizes, at least a dozen meters, tens of meters, or even hundreds of meters. They look somewhat similar to fish, and their attack power is terrible. Powerful, otherwise, once you encounter Neptunes, you will basically die.

Immediately afterwards.

While Yu Xiaoqi and the others were fishing, Zhang Wei took off the Neptune-like ornaments on the keychain.

Accompanied by the system to add some tips.

Zhang Wei threw the Neptune-like ornaments into the sea.


"Wow! Sister Meizi, Zhang Wei big brother, brother Xiao Qi, look, there are whales over there!!"

Feng and Masato pointed to the distance, while shouting in surprise, he did not forget to tug Feng and Miko's sleeves to remind him.

"Huh? Whale? My God, it's a whale."

Yu Xiaoqi and the others heard and looked, but they all saw a huge black shadow appearing in the distant sea. The figure was at least tens of meters tall. It swam across the sea, and under the sunlight, formed a shape A large shadow.

To this.

Yu Xiaoqi and the others subconsciously thought it was a whale. After all, the largest known marine creature in the world is a whale.

It can be next second.

Looking carefully at the area covered by the shadow on the sea surface, and then looking at the shape of the shadow, Yu Xiaoqi and the others were all stunned, even the well-informed captain stayed there.

" that a whale?"

"No, that fish looks at least over 100 meters long. Is there a whale with a length of 100 meters?"

"Is it my illusion, I seem to see... horns, whales have horns?"

Yu Xiaoqi and the others were dumbfounded.

As the shadow of the huge creature appeared on the distant sea, they felt their scalps tingling, and suddenly realized that the shadow area was huge, and there were too many whales exceeding the known longest of 33 meters.

"Captain, what kind of fish is that?"

Yu Xiaoqi hurriedly asked the captain out of curiosity.

Same time.

He did not forget to pick up the camera to shoot, but he spent tens of thousands of dollars to buy the camera, which has high pixels and can shoot clear things far away.

"I don't know. I've never seen such a big marine creature. It's bigger than a whale. Could it be that we've seen something we've never seen before?"

The captain was excited at the end:

"Did you take a picture? Let me see what that creature looks like. This may be the discovery of the century. We're going to be on the news."

As soon as his words came out.

Yu Xiaoqi and the others were also excited, and hurried to Yu Xiaoqi's side to see the photos he took.

However, the next second.

They were all petrified, their expressions stopped abruptly, and they stared at the photo in a daze:

"What is this..."

"Hey, is it my illusion? It's the first time I've seen this kind of creature, but I seem to have seen it before."

Just when Feng Hemeizi and the captain were puzzled.

Yu Xiaoqi's voice came over:

"Neptune, isn't this Nima the Neptune in One Piece?!"

His voice was unrestrained, and echoed clearly in Fenghemeizi's ears, and then Fenghemeizi's expressions changed, and they looked at the photo again and again, and their expressions became strange.

can be seen.

The picture shows the appearance of a huge shadow creature on the sea surface in the distance. Although it is in the sea, it was still captured by a high-power camera. The creature is huge, with a bull's head and a body with black spots on a white background, just like a cow.

"Isn't this the sea king brought by the murloc Aaron from the Great Channel in One Piece, the bullfish moo?"

Yu Xiaoqi said in astonishment.

at this time.

The sea surface was tumbling violently, and at the same time there was a roar coming from the distant sea surface, Yu Xiaoqi and the others followed the sound, and suddenly, one by one lost expression control:

"My Cao?!"

"It's really a sea king..."

Sight ahead.

The surface of the sea where Neptunes appeared earlier caused huge waves. They were two huge fish tails, which were too big. The fish tails with a size of more than ten meters slapped and set off huge waves. If they were not very far away and The fish-tailed creature swam far away, and the huge waves absolutely capsized their boat.

More than one Neptune class.

The two fish tails are obviously two different giant sea creatures, including the bull-headed sea king, there are at least three sea kings.

This scene.

Seeing Yu Xiaoqi and the others in a daze, Feng Hemeizi murmured even more in a daze:

"Not only is Luffy materialized, but even the sea kings are also materialized?"

Just when everyone was immersed in the shock of the appearance of Neptunes.


Kaze and Masato tugged Kaze and Miko's sleeve and said:

"Miss Meizi, those sea kings seem to be swimming in the direction of Zhang Wei big brother and his friend, which is the direction that the water ghost king left."


the other side.

In a seabed in Hokkaido, the territory where the water demon king is located.

at this time.

The Water Demon King and the Straw Hat Pirates fought against each other. Luffy, Sauron, and Sanji faced the Water Demon King and other ghost kings respectively. Nami waved the Diva Wand and joined Robin to deal with the Rain Queen.

Although the Water Demon King and the others had the upper hand in terms of numbers, they were still beaten by the entire Straw Hat Pirates.

"Rubber, rubber, rubber machine gun!"

"Three Swords Style Purgatory Ghost Slash!"

"Devil Wind Feet Cheekshot!"

The Straw Hats fought with all three forces, but the Water Demon King and the others had no strength to fight back. If it weren't for the Water Demon King and the Kappa King who had an advantage in the sea, the situation would have been even worse.


Even if there is no match against the three major powers, it is still painful to face the Rain Banshee King who is Nami and Robin.

Luo Bing crossed his hands and said:

"Eighty round flowers · Four trees · Steady!"

A total of eighty arms appeared, forming four huge hands as thick as the big trees in the sky, breaking through the defense of the Rain Queen Demon King abruptly, and grasping it in her hands.

Also at this time.

Nami waved the weather stick in her hand, and with the appearance of thunderclouds in the shape of 'black balls', she flew towards the Rain Banshee Queen.

"Thunder Cloud Staff!"

Accompanied by a soft drink.

The black ball burst out high-voltage lightning, and under the blessing of sea water, in an instant, there was a thunderstorm at the place where the Rain Queen was located, like a sea of ​​thunder and lightning, and the thunder light illuminated everything around it like daylight.


The Rain Banshee Queen screamed terribly.

Seeing this, the other ghost kings were all terrified:

【Ding! Ghost kings... Xi Kexiu (damn it)! Why are we not meeting the Straw Hat Pirates two years ago, but the Straw Hat Pirates two years after the top war! 】

[Host obtains system points +1000]


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