Not just other ghost king horrors.

The Shuigui King who was still on the Thousand Miles of Sunshine was also dumbfounded, gulped and said:

"Is this the ostentation Mr. Zhang Wei was talking about, Wori?"


The Water Demon King and the others were brutally beaten by the Straw Hat Pirates, whether it was Nami or Luffy.

[Third gear! 】

[Armed color domineering! 】

【Rubber machine gun! 】

I saw Luffy firing a rubber machine gun and blasting at the water demon king. In response, the water demon king hurriedly distanced himself from confronting Lu Fei, and prepared to remotely control the sea water to attack Luffy. At the same time, he did not forget to remind:

"Little ones, quickly use the ghost formation!"

The voice did not fall.

It yelled at the other ghost kings again:

"Follow someone to help me. Both Luffy and Chopper are devil fruit capable users. If you knock out their bubbles, you can lose two combat powers, and we will have an advantage."

Its sound echoed in the sea.

However, before the ghost kings could respond, it was Luffy's voice that responded:

"Armed and domineering!"

"Titan Tomahawk!"

Luffy watched the Water Demon King distance himself, and had experienced the training of Nether King Rayleigh. His battle experience was no longer two years ago. He swelled his foot into a titan foot, and then raised his foot like a battle axe. Titan's foot smashed hard at the water demon king.

Titan feet are too big.

It spanned a distance of more than ten meters, split the surrounding sea water, and hit the water demon king directly.


The water demon king was hit by the battle axe, his whole body was smashed into the soil of the seabed, and he spit out a lot of blood.


"Hurry up, form an formation and burst Luffy's bubble."

The ghosts of the Water Demon King immediately formed a ghost formation, and they wanted to use the ghost formation to suppress Luffy and burst its bubbles. As the monsters of the Sakura Kingdom, they are familiar with the One Piece animation and know that people with devil fruit abilities like Luffy, Most afraid of sea water, once the body touches sea water, it will lose its ability to move.


Great idea, but just ready to act...

The Water Ghost King hastily shouted:

"Be careful! That ghost formation is very powerful, it can display the power of a ghost king in an area."

Voice out.

Luffy had already sensed their intentions, and looked at those monsters, and then a terrifying aura burst out of his body at this moment.

at this moment.

Luffy is like a king, exuding the majesty of a king.

Immediately afterwards.

The monsters around who were just about to form an formation, like dominoes, rolled their eyes one after another starting from the one closest to Luffy, foaming at the mouth and passing out one by one.

【Ding! Monsters... not good! It's the domineering and domineering character of One Piece, which is very buggy in the early stage and rotten in the later stage! 】

[Host obtains system points +2000]

"Get out of the way, that's domineering, don't get close to Luffy."

The Kappa King roared, raising his hand to control the sea water to pull other monsters out of range. He knows that the ghost formation of these monsters is the most capable of destroying the bubbles on Luffy and Chopper. After all, within the formation, it is a field.

But at this time.

A deafening monster-like voice came:

"Don't try to hinder Luffy!"

The Kappa King looked up, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a huge palm covering the sky appeared on his head. Looking intently, it was Chopper who ate the rambo ball and transformed into a huge monster.

can be seen.

When Chopper raised his hand, the seawater poured back, driving tens of thousands of tons of seawater to surge, and smashed down. The kappa king wanted to resist, but he just raised his hand, and there were knifes around him that could cut steel and even seawater. Mount strikes.

"Don't come to hinder our captain's hands."

That was Sauron's move.

He is like an Asura demon god, with three knives in his hands, and he displayed his most impactful moves:

"Three Swords Style Three Thousand Worlds!!"


The Kappa King wanted to hide, but Sauron's knife was too fast. It avoided the fatal blow and was cut off half of its body. Then Chopper slapped him down, and the Kappa King was promoted as if he had been hit hard. Half of the body flew out.

【Ding! Before the Kappa King died... I was blown away by Chopper? No, where's my lower body? 】

[Host obtains system points +130]

Looking at the lower body falling in the distance, and then at his upper body:

【Ding! The Kappa King died with regret...I knew I would not come to the party]

[Host obtains system points +140]

"Kappa King!"

The water demon king's eyes were tearing apart, and there was horror on his face.

They couldn't beat the Straw Hat Pirates before, but now that the Kappa King is dead, the situation is even more unbeatable. For this reason, with the death of the Kappa King, other ghost kings can no longer sit still.

【Ding! Ghost Kings... Damn, why are they so strong? This is the Straw Hat Pirates that Shiping hasn't joined yet. If Teacher Kaido finishes training this, how strong would it be? You have to leave here, you can't beat it! 】

[Host obtains system points +1000]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Including the water demon king, all the ghost kings turned around and ran away.

To this.

Luffy and the others immediately discovered:

"Want to run?"

Usopp took out his slingshot and used the magic seed of the slingshot to intercept it. Chopper also opened his big hand to intercept it. Zoro and Sanji also swam over. Although this is in the sea, there is a geographical advantage for the water demon king and the others. , but Luffy and the others stopped them with their own abilities.

"Damn it, water monster, think of a way."

Yu Nu opened her mouth in embarrassment, half of her life was almost gone after being beaten by Nami and Robin, and said while supporting her injured body.

The other ghost kings also looked over:

"This is your territory. You are familiar with this place. Quickly take us to a sea canyon or something, and get rid of them. In the sea, we always have an advantage over them wearing bubbles."

Face their words.

The corner of the water demon king's mouth twitched:

"This is near the sea. The deep-sea canyon you mentioned is at least ten miles away, but you can try it. Let's work together to contain it and see if we can escape. In addition, I will pass on the ghost formation to you. Let's work together to display the ghost formation." , with the strength of our ghost kings, together we can reach the top ghost kings."

Under the crisis of life and death, the water demon king couldn't care less, and planned to use the ghost formation to fight.


The other ghost kings were a little helpless:

"Where is the time to join forces with the ghost formation now? They can't give us time to look at the formation. We should join hands to see if we can escape to the deep sea canyon. The terrain over there is easy for us to go..."

is talking.

A deafening roar resounded through the bottom of the sea, not to mention the ghost kings, even the Straw Hat Pirates who were chasing them were stunned, and followed the sound to look at the roar.


【Ding! The ghost kings stared wide-eyed... I am Cao! what do i see ! Aquaman? 】

[Host obtains system points +1200]

Huge creatures in the distance made ear-shattering roars and wandered towards this side. They are too huge, at least hundreds of meters long, as if they want to occupy the entire ocean, just swinging their tails, hundreds of tons The sea water is pouring, the scene is shocking, and it is unforgettable for a lifetime.

That's a Neptune!

Whether it's Luffy or the ghost kings, they all opened their mouths wide, especially the ghost kings felt that their brains had lost their thinking:

【Ding! Ghost kings... Drafting, this must not be Hokkaido, it must be the great waterway, right! Nima's water demon king, your territory is actually in the great channel? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +1300]


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