Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 526 Sea Kings: One Ghost King At A Time


Seeing the sea kings swimming towards this side quickly, the water demon king was stunned for a while, and at the same time, it felt that other ghost kings were looking at it.

"Did we cross over, or did One Piece pass through?"

"Are we sure we're in Hokkaido?"


Before they had time to answer, the sea kings had already swam over and opened their bloody mouths.


The sea kings, hundreds of meters in size, opened their mouths so big that they could swallow an adult whale in one gulp. As the sea kings opened their mouths and sucked, a huge vortex was formed with its mouth as the center in an instant, swallowing dozens of whales. tons of sea.

With the huge suction force, the Water Demon King sucked them in immediately.

【Ding! Ghost kings... It's not an illusion, real Nima has sea kings! 】

[Host obtains system points +1300]

Feel the horror suction.

The water demon king and the others were sure that the sea kings in front of them were not hallucinations, they were real, and quickly used their monster power to avoid being swallowed by the sea kings.

Same time.

The water demon king even raised his hand to control the sea water, turned into a half-hundred-meter-long sea water sword, and slashed at the sea kings, intending to split the sea kings in half.

It was a loud bang.

Water Ghost King: "????"

I saw the Neptune shaking his head, and was slashed by the big knife of the sea, without any damage, as if he had been tickled.

【Ding! Water ghost king... what's the matter? So meaty? 】

[Host obtains system points +130]

Not just the Water Demon King.

The other sea kings also opened their mouths to bite the other ghost kings at this moment, and they all attacked, but without exception, they attacked the sea kings one after another, without any damage.

"Are you kidding me?"

The Rain Banshee Queen exclaimed.

【Ding! The ghost kings are is it different from the one in One Piece? I think the pirate navy cuts up the sea kings, it's the same as cutting melons and vegetables. Why are we cutting them over? It's useless at all]

[Host obtains system points +1400]

Also at this time.

The sea kings bit a ghost king, and the ghost king made a move, but even if it used all means, the sea kings did not hurt at all, and opened their mouths to swallow the ghost king.

"help me!!"

The ghost king begged for help terribly.

The Water Demon King and the others wanted to rescue them, but they couldn't do so. Being restrained by other sea kings, they could only watch the Ghost King being swallowed.

This scene.

Seeing the Water Demon King, their scalps were numb.

【Ding! Ghost kings... the manga is really deceiving, the sea kings are not weak at all, I now understand why the sea kings can control the sea kings, and they will be called the three ancient weapons]

[Host obtains system points +1500]

In their view, the reason why the Neptunes look weak in One Piece is that the strong ones in the Pirates are too strong, making the Neptunes look weak, but in fact, the Neptunes are terrible, otherwise it is impossible to control the Neptunes The Neptune is one of the three major weapons.


Compared with the Kappa King who was killed by the Straw Hat Pirates before, now the Ghost King is killed by the Sea Kings, the Water Demon King and the others don’t have ugly faces. Instead, their eyes shine and they look at the Straw Hat Pirates behind them:

"Everyone, there is a way to escape from the Straw Hat Pirates."

The Water Demon King spoke first.

"You mean the sea kings?"

The Umbrella Banshee Queen responded while avoiding the bite of the Sea Kings.


Not only the water demon king, but other ghost kings also thought of this. Recalling that in the One Piece anime, Luffy and the others often encountered sea kings. At the beginning of the theatrical version, the sea kings messed up the route and went to other places. place.

Do whatever comes to mind.

The water demon king and the others looked at each other, their heads were all on their foreheads, and they made a decision in a flash, no longer fleeing, and headed towards Luffy and the others, and wanted to lure the sea kings to Luffy and the others.


Neptune and Luffy meet.

The Water Demon King and the others leaned towards Luffy and the others without saying a word, and used the power of monsters from time to time to attract the attention of the Neptunes to Luffy and the others.

can be seen.

Luffy and the others who were chasing them were startled, realizing their intentions of the Water Demon King.


Usopp, Nami, and Chopper were terrified, showing the classic expressions in anime with protruding eyes, opening their mouths and sticking out their tongues in fright.


The Water Demon King and the others sneered:

"Let you chase us and face the sea kings with us, huh? What's the situation?"

in words.

The Water Demon King seemed to have a sense, looked behind him, and couldn't help being stunned, and found that the sea kings who were swimming seemed to have noticed Luffy and the others, and then the Sea Kings stopped, not attracted by the Water Demon King and the others. And to attack Luffy them.

The opposite of.

It is obvious that the water demon king attracts the Sea Kings and hits the coming Thousand Miles of Sunshine. The movement trajectory of the Sea Kings will definitely hit the Thousand Miles of Sunshine. After all, the huge size of the Sea Kings does not care that they are like toys. Thousand Miles of Sunshine.

But the fact is not as the water demon king thought.

see you...

When the Neptunes saw the Thousand Miles of Sunshine, they swung their tails, and the straight-line swimming trajectory became a convex shape. They deliberately turned around in front of the Thousand Miles of Sunshine, and continued to chase after the Water Demon King.

Ghost kings: "????"

Luffy and the others: "????"

Not only this sea king, but also other sea kings, deliberately bypassed Luffy and the others one after another. Obviously their huge eyes fell on Luffy and the others, apparently noticed Luffy and the others, but also Just watching, not attacking.

【Ding! Ghost kings... what's going on? illusion? It seems that the Neptunes don't attack the Straw Hat Pirates? 】

[Host obtains system points +1500]


Something even more outrageous happened.

Seeing that Luffy and the others were stunned by the sea kings and did not chase after the water monster king, the sea kings who swam past turned their heads straight, picked up Luffy and the others, and the Qianli Sunshine, and then went straight to catch up with the water monster king and the others.

【Ding! Ghost kings... don't play like this! 】

[Host obtains system points +1600]

To this.

Luffy directly raised his hands, stood on the sea king and cheered:

"Wow! Si Guoyi! Chase! Catch them for me."

Usopp folded his arms around his chest, and said confidently:

"Hehe, everything is in my plan, these sea kings were intimidated by my aura and surrendered."

in words.

Usopp completely forgot how he almost peed in fear before.


The Neptunes carried the Straw Hat Pirates on their backs and started chasing the Water Demon King for thousands of miles.

for a while.

The system beeps continuously.

【Ding! Ghost kings...why is this happening]

[Host obtains system points +1200]

【Ding! Ghost kings... The IQ of the sea kings that they agreed is touching. Why do these sea kings seem to have a high IQ? Is it a draft? It can’t be that these sea kings were called by Shirahoshi, it must be Shirahoshi, these sea kings obey Shirahoshi King, that’s why we won’t attack the Straw Hat Pirates.]

[Host obtains system points +1300]

【Ding! Ghost kings... Water demon king, what does the water ghost you provoked have to do with the Straw Hat Pirates?]



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