the other side.

On the coast of Hokkaido, the nearby Yinyangliao station.


The onmyoji located in the Yinyangliao resident patrols on a daily basis. Due to the time of the night walks of the ghosts a few days ago, the Yinyangliao in Hokkaido has recently stepped up inspections to ensure that they can know whether there are any ghosts walking at night again in the first place.

It was noon.

Several onmyojis who came out to patrol saw the meal time. They were going to eat, but they were just about to set off:

"Look, the Onmyoji has responded."

An onmyoji with an onmyoji in his hand said in surprise.

When the other onmyojis heard the words and looked, they all saw the onmyoji swinging violently in one direction, to such a degree that the entire onmyoji trembled, and the hands were about to fall apart at any moment.

"Hundred ghosts at night again?!"

The head of the Onmyoji changed color, and the reaction of the Onmyoji was that there were a lot of fluctuations in demon power. In other words, there were at least ghost king level ghosts there, and even Hyakki Yaxing. Only the overall strength of Hyakki Yaxing could have this kind of reaction .

Immediately afterwards.

An onmyoji looked in the direction of the pointer, opened the map, and couldn't help swallowing:

"Hey, hey, that seems to be the direction of the coast."


"Hiss, it is indeed the direction of the coast."

Knowing that it was the direction of the coast, all the onmyoji present were horrified, and the leading onmyoji even twitched his mouth and said:

"It can't be so unlucky, Sen Luosi is here again?"

Pretending to be.

They all remembered that not long ago, Sen Luosi came to Shikoku. At that time, Sen Luosi entered from the coast, and now there is a reaction on the scale of Hyakki Yakura, and they subconsciously thought of Sen Luosi.

"Hurry up and notify Yin Yang Liao, and say that you have received a response from the scale of the Hyakki Yakura. Also, Kishida, please go and drive over here. Let's go to the coast to see the situation."

Although the heart is afraid.

But the leading Onmyoji finally decided to go to the coast.

On the way.

In addition to reporting the matter, they did not forget to pay attention to the changes of the Yin-Yang instrument at all times, and found that the pointer of the Yin-Yang instrument turned rapidly.


They are a little confused:

"Why is it moving so fast? Is this still at sea? Is this a speedboat?"

"It's not so fast to drive a speedboat."

"Unless you're riding a rocket, the speed can't be so fast. These ghosts can't come here without boats, right?"

In discussion.

They soon arrived at the coast where the pointer was, and then they were all puzzled.

On the coast, there is nothing, it is empty, and no ghosts have landed on the shore, but the Yin-Yang instrument still can't move the pointer.

Just when they were wondering.

"Look at the sea, there seems to be something."

An onmyoji squinted his eyes to look at the distant sea level, and vaguely saw that the extremely distant sea seemed to be tumbling, and there was something swimming.

As soon as his words came out.

All the onmyojis hurriedly looked over and brought binoculars from the car.

This look.

They all froze, as if they had seen a ghost, rubbing their eyes vigorously over there, and looked in that direction again and again, and then the expressions on their faces ranged from astonishment to surprise, then to shock, and gradually to the point where they lost the ability to manage expressions .

"Am I dazzled, what is that riding horse? It's so big, with a bull-headed fish body? What kind of fish is this?"

"Hey, is that a monster? Why do I feel that those monsters look... so much like the sea kings of One Piece."

"Look at the back of that huge sea monster, there seems to be something, it's a ship, it seems that someone is on it, Cao! I'm dreaming, is that Luffy??"

"Thousand Miles of Sunshine?"

"Sea kings? Pirate ships? And Luffy's? Wait, those sea kings seem to be chasing something."

"Wori, it's the Water Demon King! That's the Water Demon King! And isn't that the Rain Queen Demon King!"

through the telescope.

They saw a scene that they will never forget. For them in Hokkaido, several ghost kings who were the most wanted targets appeared, but they could not become a threat at the moment, because they were being chased and killed by a group of sea kings on the sea. One of them On the sea kings, there are also straw hat pirates riding a pirate ship.

This curious sight.

Everyone is dumbfounded.

Just when they were full of confusion.

Jingle Bell.

A mobile phone rang, and it came from the mobile phone of the head Onmyoji. He picked it up and saw that it was a call from the headquarters of Yinyangliao.

After learning that it was suspected that Sen Luosi had come again and landed in Hokkaido, the headquarters of Yin Yang Liao attached great importance to it. As soon as possible, they called up the manpower, held a video conference, and then called the leading Onmyoji. According to calculations, The leading Onmyoji and the others should have arrived at the scene.

to this end.

"How's the situation? Is Sen Luosi here?"

The new head of Yinyang Liao asked about the situation, but the voice asked, and he didn't get a reply immediately. At one time, the senior management of Yinyang Liao thought that they were discovered at the scene, and then they were silenced.

Fortunately, after asking several times in a row, I finally got a response.

Hearing the question from the leading Onmyoji, he hesitated for a while and said:

"Not Senros."

As soon as his words came out.

The new head of Yinyang Liao breathed a sigh of relief, regained his composure and asked:

"What is that? Is it the night walk of the ghosts? I have sent an onmyoji here..."

"It's not the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts, it's the Water Demon King, the Rain Queen Demon King, the most wanted ghost king in Hokkaido, and they're all gathered together."

"Huh? Is this an alliance plan? Damn it, it seems that Shuten-douji's death really made the ghost kings everywhere want to move."

"No, Chief Liao, listen to me. I don't know if they are gathered together. I don't know if they form an alliance, but it's definitely not an alliance now, because...they are being hunted down by a group of sea kings, my Cao! The Water Demon King was bitten off half of his body."

Immediately afterwards.

Accompanied by the head of the Onmyoji speaking, the senior officials of the Onmyouliao at the meeting began to listen to what sounded like neurosis:

"My Cao! The upper half of the water demon king was swallowed by a sea king, and the lower half was shot by a rubber machine gun from Luffy on the sea king."

"The Straw Hat Pirates on the Neptune class are actually real?"

"Oh my god, is that armed domineering? Sauron stood on the head of the sea kings and used the three-sword style to chop off the head of the Rain Queen..."

"I, Cao..."

"I am Cao!!..."

A string of horrified remarks came from the hands-free phone at the meeting.

can be seen.

Every high-level executive of Yinyang Liao who connected to the conference video was stunned:


They thought that Onmyoji was crazy at first, but soon they realized that it might be the materialized One Piece. For a while, the high-level executives in the conference room were as crazy as Onmyoji, but they were crazy because of excitement. The onmyoji took photos and evidence.


the other side.

Another sea in Hokkaido.

at this time.

Zhang Wei didn't know what happened in Yinyangliao. He was fishing while sensing the movement of the water demon king.

As the system prompt sounded in my mind.

【Ding! The ghost king died with regret]

[Host obtains system points +140]

The last ghost king was killed.


Zhang Wei showed a smile:

"Today, the fisherman caught not only fish, but also a lot of system points."


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