Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 528 Department Of Defense: Zhang Wei Has Restocked

in words.

Zhang Wei glanced at the system panel:

【Host】: Zhang Wei

[System Points]: 32690

【Exorcism】: ghost back pattern

[Props]: Forty-meter broadsword, infinite yellow talisman, one-time ability 'temporary endowment', fallen angel spear and other equipment, demon heart, super Saiyan figure...

His eyes fell on the column of system points.

Can't help it.

Zhang Wei raised a smile on his face:

"This trip to the Cherry Blossom Country has earned me more system points than I expected. Now, even if I encounter ghosts and people at the level of real dragon guards, I have the power to fight."

That's all for words.

In addition to leaving 1 system point for each of the Neptunes and Straw Hat Pirates, Zhang Wei added all the points to himself. With more than 320,000 system points synchronized by himself, the 320,000 system points on the system panel also Added at this moment.

When the own system points reached 600,000 points.

that moment.

Zhang Wei could feel an indescribable terrifying power growing in his body, that power was too powerful, it was not in the same order as the top ghost king, it was much stronger.

"Is this the strength of a half-step true dragon guard?"

Feel the power of the body.

Zhang Wei is sure that even if there is a top ghost king with a strength level of 590,000 system points, Zhang Wei can easily kill him.

Think here.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but murmured:

"It seems that my prediction is correct. When it reaches 600,000 system points, it is a half-step true dragon guard. This strength is similar to that of old man Liushu."

at the same time.

Although Zhang Wei restrained his strength, at the moment half of his foot stepped into the True Dragon Guard, even though his strength was restrained, the changes in his aura and temperament made Yu Xiaoqi and the others stare sideways:

"An illusion? Why do I feel... Brother Wei seems to have become more handsome."

Yu Xiaoqi, who is an ordinary person, scratched his head, not knowing why, he just felt that something happened to Zhang Wei, which caused him to look, but when he looked over, he didn't see anything. He is more handsome than before.

Not only him.

Feng and Meizi's siblings are also puzzled, with doubts, they look at Zhang Wei, the only one who notices a change in Zhang Wei, only Feng Hezhengren, as a child, is different from adults in thinking, and often sees things in the most pure way. It can be seen that Zhang Wei has changed.

"Miss Meizi, Zhang Wei big brother looks like the old Liao Zhang grandfather now."

"Huh? What did you say, my lord?"

Fenghe Meizi knew who the grandpa Liaozhang was talking about. He was the previous Liaozhang of Yinyang Liao, a town-level onmyoji, and she was a little puzzled. Zhang Wei connected.

To this.

Feng Hezheng blinked his big black eyes and said:

" is Zhang Wei big brother. Looking at him now, he is as comfortable as the old grandfather of Liao Zhang."

the other side.

Zhang Wei also noticed Yu Xiaoqi's eyes and said with a smile:

"Why are you looking at me like this? What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

"No, I just think you seem to be handsome, Brother Wei."

"As you said, I have always been handsome."

Just when Yu Xiaoqi was about to respond.


A splash of water splashed from the sea nearby, and the Water Ghost King jumped out of the sea, carrying several corpses of ghost kings, and landed beside Zhang Wei.

can be seen.

The Water Ghost King's face was full of excitement, and he said excitedly:

“Mr. Zhang Wei, I’m back, thank you for your…huh?”

【Ding! Water ghost king... what's the matter? Is Mr. Zhang Wei wearing makeup? Why does it feel like he has become handsome, no, it seems to be because of his temperament, uh, I am too excited, is it an illusion? 】

[Host obtains system points +100]


Zhang Wei asked with a smile.

The Water Ghost King came back to his senses, nodded quickly, and handed the keychain to Zhang Wei:

"Thank you Mr. Zhang Wei for your help. The matter has been perfectly resolved. I think I can run amok now in Hokkaido. Thank you for the condolences."

"You don't need to return it to me, that was originally a condolence item for you."

Zhang Wei waved his hand and didn't go to recycle the keychain. He is different from the Water Ghost King. The Water Ghost King will continue to monitor the Sakura Kingdom in the future, and he may encounter ghosts in the future. If he has the keychain, he can collect wool at any time.

To this.

The Water Ghost King, who didn't know the truth, thanked:

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang Wei, I will definitely keep it safe."

"You're welcome, we Daxia people are away from home, so we can't lose our momentum. In the future, if we can't beat them, we should boldly confront them, no matter what kind of ghost it is." Zhang Wei hinted.

"Haha, good good."


We chatted for a while again.

Seeing that it was late, and everyone had been fishing for a while, Zhang Wei and the others didn't stay long, so he took back the keychain of the sea king and asked the captain to sail back.

"Goodbye, Mr. Zhang Wei."

The Water Ghost Dynasty waved to Zhang Wei, and waited to see Mr. Zhang Wei go. Then he picked up the phone and dialed the number of the Department of Health and Dao.


Call connected:

"Huh? Water ghost, why did you call here? Do you have anything to report?"

"Yes, I have something to report. I met a ghost king-level monster in Hokkaido recently. Originally, it was only one and I could deal with it, but later the other party found five ghost kings, and I couldn't beat it..."

"Five? So many? I see, you should leave Hokkaido first, and go to other explorations first..."

"Wait a minute, captain, I haven't finished my sentence yet. Although I can't fight, I have fought now, and I have killed all six ghost kings. Now the corpse is in my hands. I want to inform the captain. Find a time to come and bring the body back."


There was a momentary silence on the phone.

Next second:

"What are you talking about? You killed all six ghost kings?? Are you sure you're not joking?"

"Hey, I'm not kidding, but I didn't kill it. It's just that I did my best, but the six ghost kings are indeed dead, and the corpse is here. If you don't believe me, come and get the corpse."

" did you do it? Water ghost, you said you were just doing something, so who did you help?"

"This is what I called, and I was going to tell you, captain, Captain, don't count these six corpses on my account, count them on Zhang Wei's account. I assisted him and helped him kill the six ghost kings."

"Who are you talking about????"

After confirming the cause of the matter, the phone fell into silence again.

For a long time.

The Water Ghost King obviously heard it, and a whisper came from the phone:

"Who said it on horseback? I heard that Zhang Wei traveled to the country of cherry blossoms. Didn't this nima go to the country of cherry blossoms to buy goods?"


The Water Ghost King heard it again. The captain on the phone heard the sound of running. It seemed that the other party hurried to an office. He opened the door with a creak, and then yelled at the person in the office:

"Hey, Zhang Wei has restocked. Hurry up and get to work. This time I went to Sakura Country to pick up the goods, hahaha."


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