Post title:

[About Zhang Wei's absence from the list of potential new stars, a must-see! Quick look! look! ! 】

When seeing this post, many people were taken aback, and quickly clicked in to read, wanting to know the reason.

Click to enter.

The content of the post is simple:

[Guys, everyone must be wondering why there is no Zhang Wei in the updated potential new star list. First of all, I did not forget Zhang Wei to be included in the ranking. , the error rate is 0.

The reason why Zhang Wei was not included in this update is that I learned the latest news about Zhang Wei, which is his current strength! !


Zhang Wei's current strength, after I knew the situation, I thought twice and decided to remove Zhang Wei from the list of potential new stars, because...the list of potential new stars is no longer qualified for Zhang Wei to move in. Don't leave him alone.

As for why.

It's because I ranked the list of potential new stars to serve as an encouragement, so that I, the younger generation of Daxia, can know the strength of my current generation, and I won't sit back and watch the sky. , My big summer is powerful.

And this is why I removed Zhang Wei from the Rising Stars list. The Rising Stars list is used to motivate each other, and there is pressure to be motivated. However, Zhang Wei’s strength can no longer motivate the younger generation, it can only be a blow!

In fact.

As far as Zhang Wei's current strength is concerned, not to mention hitting the younger generation, it will make the younger generation far behind, and even the older generation will be ashamed, so I considered it carefully and decided again and again, no longer ranking Zhang Wei in the potential new star list, but choose Ranked on the list of the older generation.

So everyone look forward to it!

I will release the latest Daxia seniors list later, let everyone see Zhang Wei's ranking on this list.

friendly reminder.

The latest news proves that Zhang Wei killed six ghost king-level ghosts in one go, and the news is 100% accurate, because the Secretary of Wei Dao is on his way to 'pick up the goods', hahaha.

in addition.

I also warn students who are on the potential new star list not to be discouraged. I hope that everyone will take Zhang Wei as the list and no longer focus on the potential new star list, but hit the potential new star list, and at a young age, join the older generation. 'Veteran list'. 】

The content of the post is very long.

But everyone read the content of the post word by word. The more everyone read, the more they dared not let go of any word easily, for fear of missing important information.

Immediately afterwards.

The number of comments on this post is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. It is refreshed every second, and the number of comments is beating. The content is shocking:

"Are you kidding me, Zhang Wei is on the veteran list?"

"If I remember correctly, isn't Xiaoxuan's list of veterans only counting the older generation who are over 60 years old? Those who can enter it are all top Qilin guards."

"Killing six ghost kings in one go, it's no wonder that Nima was eliminated from the potential new star list. Whoever can do it on the new star list, let alone the new star list, even those who are selected for the veteran list may not be able to do it."

"Fuck! When will the veteran list be updated! I want to see Zhang Wei's ranking, ahhh! I can't wait!"

"Xiaoxuan, please update quickly. My roommate wants to see the update of the veteran list before he dies. You should update quickly."

can be seen.

Half of the content in the post was urging Geng Xiaoxuan to quickly update the veteran list.

Same time.

The news of the post, like a reminder, spread like crazy.

this night.

From children to the older generation, everyone is looking forward to the update of the "Veteran Ranking".

The juniors don't know about Zhang Wei's strength, and they are all looking forward to Zhang Wei's ranking. Although the older generation knows about Zhang Wei's strength, they are also looking forward to the ranking. They want to know how Zhang Wei's current ranking is. Which level you will be in, you can know exactly how powerful Zhang Wei is.


Northeast, the ancestral land of the Huang family.

at this time.

An old man was lying on the bed, sliding the tablet in his hand with withered fingers, watching the posts posted by Xiaoxuan on the Department of Health Forum.

After seeing the introduction of Zhang Wei's strength, and learning from the mouths of the juniors beside him about the news from the Department of Defense that Zhang Wei's strength has reached half a step of the real dragon guard, the old man couldn't help but said:

"Today's great summer, the younger generations are terrifying."

As soon as his words came out.

A middle-aged man present seemed to have thought of something, and cupped his hands;

"Old ancestor, this Zhang Wei is also one of the people invited to help you get the medicine."

Even though the middle-aged man is old and is the head of the Five Northeast Families, he can only consider himself a junior in front of the old man, because of his status... Five Northeast Families, Mrs. Huang!

Words come out.

Mrs. Huang looked over, laughed and said:

"Oh? Is this person also participating? Then it seems that I can still look forward to it."

The head of the Huang family was about to say something when he heard the words.

But at this time.

"Master, it's updated, the list of veterans has been updated!"

A junior looked at the forum on the phone and shouted.


at the same time.

Not only the younger generation of the Huang family noticed, but at this moment, all the ghost exorcists and ghosts who were paying attention to this matter were immediately updated to Xiaoxuan's updated veteran list.

[Update, veteran list! Unprecedented newcomers entered the list! must see! must see! must see! 】

Watch this posting.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat, even though they already knew the situation, they still couldn't help feeling hot, and clicked into the post with bated breath:

[Veteran List: For the purpose of counting the rankings of those who are over 60 years old in Daxia and whose strength has reached the level of a ghost king. Remarks - this list does not include True Dragon Guards. Until the appearance of this list, the new generation of true dragon guards have all been candidates for this list, without exception! 】

The content of the post is the same as before, introducing the wanted information rules of the list.

look further down.

It is a ranking table, which is the ranking of the 100 candidates for the veteran list:


Different from the previous ones, this time the table is in reverse order, starting from 100. Obviously, Xiaoxuan also took great pains to rank Zhang Wei this time.

To this.

Everyone can't wait to see the ranking.

When they saw the 100-50 list and found that Zhang Wei was not on the list, everyone was shocked:

"Wori, he was in the top 50 as soon as he entered the list. It's against the sky. This is even stronger than when he entered the new star list."

"Fifty, I'm Cao Cao, Zhang Wei is now in Daxia's older generation, and he is among the top 50? Doesn't that mean that apart from the real Dragon Guard, there are only 50 people who can beat Zhang Wei?!"

But it didn't wait for everyone to be shocked.

Continue to look down.


Not seeing Zhang Wei, everyone became short of breath.


Still not seeing Zhang Wei, everyone felt that their throats were burning fast, and their breaths were burning hot.


Still didn't see Zhang Wei, at this moment, everyone's heart was beating violently, and it felt like it was jumping into the throat.

"There is no Zhang Wei name yet!!"

"No. 20?! Zhang Wei is higher?! Oh my goodness."

"Hiss, I have witnessed history!"

With a boil.

Everyone went crazy, and their eyes fell on the list.



Still no ranking for Zhang Wei! !

this moment.

Even the older generation, even the grandpa of the Huang family were moved, and everyone was excited because they knew it at this moment... Zhang Wei ranked among the top ten in the veteran list.


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