this moment.

All those who saw Zhang Wei entered the top ten were shocked, as if they had seen hell. Although they were in different places in Daxia, they all knew that Zhang Wei had entered the top ten of the veteran list, and they all said in unison:

"Zhang Wei entered the top ten of the veteran list?"

"Hey! Top ten?! Am I dazzled, I missed Zhang Wei's previous ranking?"


They couldn't help but look back at the list, carefully checking whether they had misread it, but after looking it over and over again, they still didn't see it, and they confirmed that Zhang Wei was in the top ten.

When realized this.

Many people were boiling, and even went crazy, breathing quickly:

"Top ten... Doesn't that mean that Zhang Wei...he has half a step of true dragon guard strength?!"

"A half-step True Dragon Guard, Zhang Wei is a half-step True Dragon Guard?"

"...fuck! Is this why Xiaoxuan eliminated Zhang Wei, damn it, is... Zhang Wei a human being."


Everyone knows what it means to be on the veteran list. It means that the entrants must have at least a half-step true dragon guard, because the top ten candidates on the veteran list are half-step true dragon guards. They are all the top giants of the Great Xia, famous all over the world.


It is such a top ten position that Zhang Wei has entered.

next moment.

With a deep shock, even the grandpa of the Huang family looked at the top ten list, and finally found Zhang Wei's name in the top ten list!

[Eighth place: Zhang Wei, the youngest half-step true dragon guard in history, identity: uninitiated, occupation: ancient wizard]

Look at Zhang Wei's ranking on the top ten list.

at this moment.

There were gasps one after another in Da Xia:


Even though it has been confirmed that Zhang Wei is in the top ten, everyone is still shocked when they see Zhang Wei's name:

"eight place……"

"It turned out that I was wrong. Now that Daxia can defeat Zhang Wei, it's not that there are only fifty people besides the real dragon guards, but eight people?! Can't even reach two digits?"

"How many years have passed since ancient wizards entered the top ten."

"Xiaoxuan is right. It is correct to exclude Zhang Wei from the Rising Star List. It's too damn shocking. I worked so hard to get into the top 50 of the Rising Star List, but Zhang Wei is in the top 10 of the Veteran List?"

"Zhang Wei seems to be the same age as me..."

can be seen.

With the knowledge of Zhang Wei's ranking, the number of comments on this veteran list post has increased exponentially, and this time, all the comments are all about Zhang Wei. Even if there are several candidates for the veteran list, the ranking is quite high Candidates are missing.

But no one cares.

All attention is on Zhang Wei.

Same time.

The news about Zhang Wei's achievement as a half-step true dragon guard was reposted wildly, not only in Daxia, but also abroad. In less than half an hour, he rushed to the top ten of the International Ghostbusters Forum post, rushed into the top five in one hour.

As in the case of Da Xia, when foreign exorcists saw this post, their reactions were equally crazy, even worse:

[My God, is this true or not? Are you kidding me, at such a young age, you are only half a step into a true dragon guard? 】

【Haha, it's Zhang Wei! I just knew that Zhang Wei must be very powerful. ! 】

[I assure you, this must be a lie, it must be Daxia's campaign, after all, it wasn't Daxia's ghost forces that beat up the Sakura Kingdom recently, it was to avoid being sprayed, and deliberately made something to attract attention]

[+1, I think so too, look at that profession is still an ancient wizard, I remember that the ancient wizards in Daxia have been extinct for a long time. 】

[It's not impossible, Zhang Wei, I remember this person, some time ago in the beautiful country, he helped suppress a beach supernatural incident, and there were several ghost kings in it]

[Above, how much money did you take to wash it, count me in, everyone who has money can earn together]

[Actually, I think this may be true. There have been a lot of ghost exorcists in Daxia in recent years. I have been to Daxia several times. There are a few young ghost exorcists there who are very powerful. One is called Wu Nian is very strong, and it is said that Zhang Wei is stronger than Wu Nian]

[There are so many state-level ghost exorcists in Daxia Town, it's obvious that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. 】

can be seen.

Overnight, Zhang Wei's post caused a shock, and also sparked discussion among overseas ghost exorcists. Many people thought it was a fake, and there was no other reason.

the other side.

A port in the beautiful country:

"Lord Joan! Look at this news. You said that there is a very powerful Zhang Wei in Daxia. Is it Zhang Wei? I saw his news on the forum."

I saw a ghost exorcist running towards a glamorous beauty.

Although the beautiful woman has a curved horn, not only does it not conceal her beauty, but adds a strange beauty to her, making her look more coquettish, especially her pair of loving eyes, which makes her look more restless, even Chicken is frozen.

She is the succubus Joan of Arc, Zhang Wei's new partner in the beautiful country.

at this time.

She was bored and scrolling through the international version of Douyin, and when she heard the news about Zhang Wei, her lazy face glowed:

"Where? Come on, show me!"

Immediately afterwards.

Looking at the introduction of Zhang Wei's news post on the international forum, the succubus Joan of Arc raised a glamorous smile:

"As expected of Zhang Wei, has he reached the half-step True Dragon Guard? This is a man."

in words.

The succubus looked at their exorcists and monsters like licking dogs one by one in front of them and said:

"Have you seen that, this is a man. You have to work hard like you, otherwise you won't even be qualified to carry my shoes. Forget it, no matter how hard you work, you can't compare to Zhang Wei. He can't even A man that even my succubus power can't compete with."


She glanced at her subordinates in disgust, and muttered:

"A bunch of trash."


the other side.

Northeast, the ancestral land of the Huang family.

"Who is this Xiaoxuan? Is what he said about Zhang Wei true?"

Master Huang said, pointing to the post of the veteran list. This time, the veteran list released by Shengxuan not only updated the ranking, but also focused on introducing Zhang Wei, a newcomer to the list, and told what he did recently. The king of dead ghosts.

But when faced with his questions, no one in the clan could answer them.

"Don't you know about Xiaoxuan? Don't you all work in the Department of Health and Dao? This Xiaoxuan must have a high status to get information about Zhang Wei in the first place. He probably works in the Department of Health and Dao. You don't even know."

Patriarch Huang looked at the clansman a little speechlessly, then shook his head and said:

"Forget it, let me ask. Zhang Wei's strength is related to the treatment of the ancestors. I have to ask clearly."


Huang Jiazhu looked at himself, who was ranked ninth on the veteran list, and Zhang Wei, who was ranked eighth above him, and then called the Department of Health.


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