Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 532 Afraid Of Ghosts Of Hades——Sheng Xuan


The phone was connected, and before Patriarch Huang could speak, the first voice came from the phone:

"Hey, Master Huang, why did you find me? What happened to the old man of the Huang family?"

in words.

The other party didn't hide his surprise. You must know that the owner of the Huang family rarely looks for him, not necessarily once in a few months. After all, both parties are in high positions and have no time to chat. The second time was because Grandpa Huang was injured.

"It's not about the ancestors. The ancestors have been recuperating well recently and have stabilized their injuries. Thanks to the thousand-year-old medicinal materials sent by your Department of Health and Dao."

The owner of the Huang family did not hide anything, and said bluntly:

"I'm looking for Mr. Chen this time to ask you something. I don't know if Mr. Chen has read the latest list of veterans uploaded on the Department of Health Forum."

"Look, this time a newcomer Zhang Wei appeared on the veteran list. Now the whole forum is discussing it. I'm watching it right now. Just now, my Master Hu was my guest here, and he joked that Zhang Wei is amazing, not only on the list , and also squeezed your ranking down, Patriarch Huang, and got rid of the old eighth."

As Mr. Chen spoke, the owner of the Huang family obviously heard, and a laugh came from the phone.

It heard the sound.

It was headed by the Hu family, one of the five Northeast families.

To this.

The corner of Master Huang's mouth twitched, cursing:

"Don't let the surname Hu stop laughing. He's gonna lose his position soon. He's only seventh. Zhang Wei will overtake him soon. By then, he will be the number eight."

As soon as the sound came out.

The owner of the Huang family heard it, and the laughter on the phone stopped abruptly, and took Mr. Chen's phone, cursing and saying:

"Yo, ten thousand years old eight, are you impatient? If you are impatient, you say, you must be impatient. Could it be that you are looking for Mr. Chen for this matter? You think it's fine if you are ranked eighth on the veteran list. This time, you were completely overwhelmed by a junior, and you went to the old nine."

"Fuck off, you have body odor under your armpits, do you also have body odor in your mouth now, stop spitting blood."

"Why am I so angry, before the list of veterans came out, every time it was updated, you never complained, I heard from your juniors, every time you update the list of veterans, you have to say a few words about the list of veterans, saying that you won't be promoted. "

Two Patriarchs of the Northeast Five Families quarreled on the phone, swearing at each other in a fluent Northeast dialect.

Fortunately, Mr. Chen was there to persuade them, so they calmed down.

Immediately afterwards.

Mr. Chen was afraid that they would start arguing, so he changed the subject and said:

"Patriarch Huang, why are you looking for me? I have read about the list of veterans."

"Cough...President Chen, I'm looking for you because it has something to do with the veteran list, but I'm not looking for faults, I just want to ask, who is this Xiaoxuan? The first-hand information he said about Zhang Wei, Is it true, I heard that Zhang Wei participated in the next ancestor's medicine collection."

As soon as his words came out.

President Chen was stunned for a moment, then said:

"Master Huang, who is Xiaoxuan, I can't say this, but I can be sure that the first-hand information about Zhang Wei he said is definitely correct."

The words fell.

Whether it was Patriarch Huang on the other end of the phone or Patriarch Hu who was by the side, they were all stunned.

"I said Mr. Chen is not enough. Do you still need to hide your identity as a junior from me? I'm not a big mouther. Besides, I'm not asking Xiaoxuan for trouble, I'm just curious."

Originally, Patriarch Huang was aiming to confirm Xiaoxuan's identity in order to confirm the authenticity of Zhang Wei's information, but unexpectedly, he did not expect that, based on his own identity, Mr. Chen would not even disclose it to him.

Don't say it's him.

Even Patriarch Hu was surprised. Although they are not real dragon guards, as the patriarchs of the five northeastern families, they have grandpas in command. Their status as patriarchs is absolutely comparable to that of real dragon guards, but the other party is unwilling to reveal the status of a junior to a real dragon guard. .

Can't help it.

Patriarch Hu also interjected:

"President Chen, this Xiaoxuan will not be your illegitimate son, right? Although I know that he keeps his information secret to ensure that the list is fair and not influenced by external forces, it won't even be hidden from us."

When Mr. Chen heard the words, he was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Patriarch Hu strangely:

"Patriarch Hu, what you said, don't talk nonsense. Xiaoxuan is not my illegitimate son, nor is it the illegitimate son of other Zhenlongwei. The reason why he kept it secret was his own request. Since it was his request, he said that I would say it. Just be impatient with me, I don't want to be impatient with him."

"You are Mr. Chen, the real dragon guard of Daxia, and the highest commander of the Department of Health and Dao. You are afraid of a junior who is impatient. Mr. Chen, you are so easy to talk about."

It was Patriarch Hu who spoke, and after Mr. Chen said something, even he was curious about Xiaoxuan's identity.

President Chen smiled:

"Xiaoxuan's name is Xiaoxuan, but he is not a junior, so I can only say so much, stop, I can only say that Zhang Wei's information is correct, as long as you know this."

As soon as the words came out.

can be seen.

Patriarch Huang and Patriarch Hu were both stunned, then they seemed to think of something, their faces changed suddenly, as if they knew it, they said in unison:

"I'll be good, it can't be...'Fear the Ghost of Hades'."

The King of Hades who is afraid of ghosts is the top existence of these Great Xias. The nickname given to a strong man is only because that strong man will be afraid of ghosts.

As the patriarchs of the Five Northeast Families, Patriarch Huang and Patriarch Hu are not stupid. Knowing that Xiaoxuan is not a junior, it means that Xiaoxuan is of the same generation as Mr. Chen. You must know that Mr. Chen is a real dragon guard. The only person who can be of the same generation as him is True Dragon Guard.

In this way.

Think about Mr. Chen's previous sentence again. I am afraid that the other party will be impatient. Just kidding. Mr. Chen is the current commander of the real dragon guards and Da Xia. Most of the real dragon guards have to give way to each other when they see each other. That is Shengxuan!

Think here.

Xiaoxuan's identity has been revealed, and he is definitely the "King of Hades who is afraid of ghosts" - Shengxuan.

the other side.

Facing their speculation, Mr. Chen smiled and did not respond:

"Don't ask, I won't tell, Master Huang, do you have anything else to ask me?"


Regarding Mr. Chen's answer, Patriarch Huang was more certain in his heart, but instead of asking, he nodded and said:

"This Zhang Wei and Sheng are...wrong, what's the relationship with Xiaoxuan? I heard from the junior just now that Xiaoxuan's report on Zhang Wei was very punctual, basically the first time to report..."

In the end.

Patriarch Huang added the last sentence in his heart:

"Shengxuan doesn't want Zhang Wei to be his heir..."

Patriarch Hu also spoke:

"Zhang Wei can't be Xiaoxuan's illegitimate son."

Mr. Chen glanced at Patriarch Hu, then said slowly to the phone:

"No blood relationship. As for why the report was on time, I don't know. I didn't ask about it. If I have a chance in the future, I will ask for you. Do you have any other questions?"


Patriarch Huang hesitated for a while, and continued to ask:

"You said that Xiaoxuan has nothing to do with Zhang Wei, but it seems that Xiaoxuan attaches great importance to Zhang Wei. If, I mean, if Zhang Wei participated in taking the medicine and died there, Xiaoxuan would not be angry."


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