Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 533 Huahua Wants To Make Trouble Again

Patriarch Huang's words stunned Patriarch Hu who was eavesdropping on the phone. Although Sheng Xuan was afraid of ghosts, he was actually the strongest. Sheng Xuan is angry, then...

at this time.

President Chen's voice came:

"Xiaoxuan is angry? I don't know about that. I've never seen Xiaoxuan angry."

As soon as his words came out.

Hu Jiazhu glanced at Mr. Chen, he knew what he meant, this was implying that Shengxuan had never been angry, the fact is true, no matter who they are, since they knew Shengxuan, they have never seen Shengxuan angry .

But exactly so.

Patriarch Huang and Patriarch Hu murmured in unison in their hearts:

"It's just that we haven't seen Shengxuan get angry, that's why we're worried."


Worrying is nothing to worry about, Patriarch Huang is just asking, Zhang Wei has not participated in taking the medicine yet, and the outcome is still unknown, so there is no need to worry about it.

After chatting for a while, Patriarch Huang hung up the phone.

Also at this time.

There was a knock on the door where Patriarch Huang was, and a half-human-tall weasel walked in with a tablet:

"Dad, here is the Zhang Wei information you want."

"Well, you can just put it on the table, I'll see later."

The owner of the Huang family put away his mobile phone.

The half-human-tall weasel nodded and put down the tablet. Before leaving, he hesitated for a while, but couldn't help asking curiously:

"Dad, have you found out Xiaoxuan's identity? Who the hell is he? He can make so many lists."

"Don't ask if you shouldn't."

Patriarch Huang frowned, and slowly replied.

Words come out.

The half-human tall weasel was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect his father to answer it like that. After all, it was just Xiaoxuan, so there's no need to hide it. Could it be that Xiaoxuan's identity is very special?


the other side.

Cherry Blossom Country, Wind and Family Yard.

Zhang Wei didn't know what happened on the forum. Although he had finished chatting with Lu Lianxue and the others and logged into the Department of Health and Justice forum, he went to the international section and searched for news about Thief.


After searching for an hour, there was not much news about stealing the country, except for the disappearance of the ghost exorcist, there was no other report, and even for that incident, there was only the content of the news he had previously known, and there was no latest development.

Click on the comments on the report of this event to see:

[Is anyone stealing the country? What's up with stealing the country recently? 】

【I'm here, the ghost exorcists disappeared recently, it rarely happened, but I think, it's not stealing the country and doing things quickly, it's just that things happened, so many ghost exorcists didn't come, so naturally there will be fewer incidents】

[Haha, you upstairs are still stealing the country, aren't you afraid of disappearing too? 】

[Do you need to ask, he is not afraid, he must feel that he is not good enough to be arrested, such as me, I have such self-knowledge, I stayed in Thief. 】

【Me too! I felt that I was ugly, so after the incident happened, I took the initiative to go to Thief Country, because now the ghost exorcists of Thief Country must be in panic, and the ghost exorcists in my own country even fled abroad for asylum. There must be a shortage of manpower there, so I went there Exorcising ghosts at the same time can just raise the price to make money]

【Hold! Talent, why didn't I think of this, I'm not handsome, no way! I also need to go! 】

Look at the comments on it.

Zhang Wei smiled:

"Not to mention, what these people said is quite reasonable, so should I inform Zhang Chao and let him steal the country? With his appearance, he should not be able to reach the level of being arrested. You can also make money, and you can drive away ghosts and improve your strength."

"Thinking about it this way, I feel that stealing the country is the best training ground for Zhang Chao right now."

Say it and do it.

Zhang Wei clicked to open Super WeChat.

Just when he was about to send a message to Zhang Chao.

Ding dong.

There was a message on his mobile phone, and he picked it up to see that it was a message from the fat man:

【Fat Man】: Is Zhang Wei asleep yet?


Zhang Wei sent back a message:

【Zhang Wei】: I haven't slept yet, I was just about to fall asleep, why did the fat brother come to me suddenly, want to blackmail?

[Fatty]: I'm still in the country of cherry blossoms. I'll wait until tomorrow when I go back. Let's get down to business, Wo Ri, is Zhang a half-step real dragon guard for you?

【Zhang Wei】: Huh? Fat brother, are you so well informed? This is all for you to know.

[Fatty]: Well-connected ghost, there is nothing you don't know in the whole summer, haven't you read the forum, it's the number one in the hot search.


After being reminded by the fat man, Zhang Wei went to the forum and found out about the post.

[Zhang Wei]: Damn, the report is so fast, what is Xiaoxuan's report speed, I just talked to Xiaoxue and the others for an hour and a half.

[Fatty]: So you are really a half-step real dragon guard?

【Zhang Wei】: Yes, I made a breakthrough by luck.

[Fatty]: Wo Ri, it’s a fluke. How can a half-step true dragon guard be lucky? How did you become so strong? What should I do? I’m no longer strong in front of you.

【Zhang Wei】: Just kill and kill to become stronger, fat brother, you must have killed less.

[Fatty]: Uh... isn't it the end of the season recently? They're scoring points.

[Zhang Wei]: This is not possible, fat brother, your compulsion is gone, quickly improve your strength, don't let me open the gap, crooked mouth dragon king jpg

[Fat Man]: Don't worry, I'll definitely catch up. I'm going to improve soon. With the help of a tailor, I can do more with less.

[Zhang Wei]: Fat Brother, what you said made me feel crooked. Please be sure to tell me in detail how the tailor assists you, at least 10,000 words or more in detail.

[Fatty Man]: Shit, don't slander me, I just rely on the tailor's soul-calling flag to practice, I don't want to talk to you about it, Zhang Wei, I just want to tell you, what did you talk to Huahua about, Huahua is too black-hearted now, Ha ha.

Immediately afterwards.

Fatty said when he learned that Huahua directed and acted in the Sakura Country incident:

[Fatty]: Now that Huahua has made you happy because of this, she is planning to go to the beautiful country to make trouble.

【Zhang Wei】: Huh? real or fake?

[Fatty]: Really, Huahua told me personally that she wants to go to two places to make troubles, one is the beautiful country, and the other is the stealing country. She said that she is chatting with you and knows that you don’t like these two countries. .

[Fatty]: You don't know, just now Huahua told Glasses not to be promoted in the Sakura Country, and now about Sen Luosi, let Yinyang Liao be vigilant and kill him casually, go to other places, Glasses feel that What Huahua said makes sense, and she is going to take Huahua to the beautiful country.

After this message was sent.

Fatty also sent a photo later.

In the photo, the glasses are standing in line at the boarding gate of the airport, and Huahua is yawning on its small suitcase:

[Fatty]: Now the guy with glasses is boarding the plane to the beautiful country, going overnight, laughing out loud jpg

【Zhang Wei】: Huahua is a cat who does great things, thumbs up jpg

[Fatty]: Although I don't know what Huahua wants to do, but it is now lobbying the glasses, asking the glasses to notify the embroidered shoes, and tell the friend of the embroidered shoes, the succubus Joan of Arc, so that the other party can call it a good name with the help of the beautiful country, To prevent things from happening in Sakura Country, I suspect that Huahua is going to make a big deal out of it.

[Fatty]: Because I just told Huahua secretly that Joan of Arc is also from our side, and she was excited when I saw Huahua.


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