Look at the message sent by the fat man.

Zhang Wei was stunned, with strange eyes. He recalled his chat with Huahua. Since the incident of Sen Luosi in Sakura Country last time, Huahua often chatted with him when he was free. He popularized some historical knowledge and the like.

"Great love Huahua is not because he likes history, but because he wants to ask me, which countries do I hate?"

Think here.

Zhang Wei was a little bit dumbfounded, Huahua also took great pains for herself.

at this time.

The Japanese-style sliding door opened, and Yu Xiaoqi came in from the door:

"Brother Wei, let's go tomorrow... huh? Brother Wei, what's wrong with you? Why do you have this expression?"

Just as Yu Xiaoqi was about to say something, he noticed Zhang Wei's expression and couldn't help asking curiously.

To this.

Zhang Wei looked over and said casually:

"Nothing, just thought of something."

"What's the matter?"

"I was thinking, it's really nice to have a cat that clings to the owner. Not only can I pet the cat, but it can also help me with work."

"Huh? Work? What kind of work can cats help with? Be cute?"

"Such as blasting mountains, or taking revenge."



the other side.

At the Tokyo airport.

The fat man waved goodbye to the glasses and flowers and said:

"Be careful on the road, don't get beaten up this time, but if you get beaten up, it's fine, we Sen Luosi are not afraid of trouble."

Glasses pushed presbyopic glasses:

"I said fat man, don't be so crowed, this time in Sakura Country was just an accident, I won't let this kind of thing happen again."

Huahua also nodded swearingly when she heard the words, licked the cat's paw and responded:

"Meow~ My strength has become stronger. It is not so easy to besiege and kill me again. It is impossible for something like this to happen again."

As soon as his words came out.

The fat man looked dazzled, and said with a hey smile:

"Indeed, Huahua has become stronger, and her improvement is much faster than expected. It can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. Shuten-douji's flesh and blood is a great supplement, and I have also improved a lot. It's really cool."

"So it's a pity. I was thinking that Huahua would get beaten up a few more times for you. Let's find a place for you so that you can drink some tonic soup again. This time it should be impossible. After all, you are in contact with the succubus." Yes, that succubus is very powerful in the beautiful country, with her taking care of you, you will not be besieged."

just now.

After Huahua's pua, Glasses felt that what Huahua said made sense. In order to avoid the situation of being besieged, the succubus was dispatched in advance, so that if Glasses couldn't provide immediate support, the succubus could bring the ghosts to arrive as soon as possible.

So the glasses called the embroidered shoes and asked the embroidered shoes to say hello to the succubus in advance.

I still remember.

At that time, after listening to Huahua's suggestion, the glasses were very satisfied and pushed the reading glasses:

"Your thoughts are very thoughtful. It seems that you are no longer the violent cat ghost who can only kill people. You are also more cautious. That's good. This is what Senluosi's senior management should have."

at the same time.

Glasses didn't talk much with Fatty, and took Huahua straight to the plane.


After a few hours.

Beautiful country, New York airport.

at this time.

The exit was full of people, whether it was people waiting to pick up the plane or passengers walking out of the exit, they all stopped and their eyes were fixed on a beautiful figure.

That's the succubus Joan of Arc.

Not long ago, Zhang Wei learned that Huahua was going to the beautiful country, so he called Joan of Arc and told Joan that Huahua belonged to Sen Luosi, but he was also his partner.

To this.

The succubus Joan of Arc was immediately interested. Originally, she learned from the embroidered shoes that a high-level executive from Senluosi was coming to the beautiful country. The embroidered shoes asked Joan to get acquainted. Joan didn't care much, and she just planned to deal with it casually. But when he learned that the follower Zhang Wei was one of his own, he immediately took heart and came to pick up the plane in person.


At the exit, Glasses came out dragging the small suitcase, while Huahua lay lazily on the small suitcase.

This strange combination of human and ghost immediately attracted the attention of the succubus Joan of Arc:

"Cat ghost? She is the Huahua that Zhang Wei said, she is chubby, so cute, she deserves to be Zhang Wei's first partner."

He muttered softly.

Joan raised her slender legs and walked towards the glasses.

at the same time.

Glasses walked out of the airport and was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect so many people in the pick-up hall, but he didn't have time to think. He noticed a beautiful figure walking towards him. Immediately, he understood the reason. Hey, recognized his identity.

"Meow~ Is that the succubus Joan of Arc? She looks beautiful, even better than embroidered shoes and tailors."

Huahua also noticed the succubus Joan of Arc.

Immediately afterwards.

When the two sides met, the succubus Joan greeted the glasses casually, then looked at Huahua with a smile:

"This is what the embroidered shoes told me, the Senluosi staff Huahua who needs to be taken care of more? She looks so cute."

"Meow~ Thank you for the compliment, you are beautiful too."

"Where is it, I am only because of the succubus, and the succubus is not born ugly."

"Meow~ I'm not the same, cats rarely look bad."

Watching Joan of Arc and Hua Hua's cheerful conversation.

The glasses on the side nodded with some satisfaction.

As expected, Huahua is my favorite. Embroidered shoes have said that Joan of Arc is very cold, like an ice cube. She greets me coldly, but she doesn’t know Huahua. Sure enough, Huahua’s cat identity is a woman who likes it very much. very good! This will help to draw Joan to bind us to Sen Luosi.

Think here.

The glasses pushed the presbyopic glasses, and said to himself:

"I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected harvest. It seems that it is correct to let the embroidered shoes call Joan to contact us. In addition to the embroidered shoes, there will be another member of the Senluo Division who has a good relationship with Joan."


At the end of the chat, Joan immediately hugged Huahua and stroked her hair, and Huahua was lying in Joan's arms enjoying herself:

"I've booked the hotel for you, I'll take you there now."

"Meow~ I'm tired."

"You're welcome, you should." Joan raised a smile that surprised everyone.

The glasses also said at the right time:

"sorry to bother you."

As soon as his words came out.

Jeanne glanced at her glasses, nodded casually, and hummed in response.


The glasses are a bit dumbfounding. This succubus seems to be a cat slave, but he didn't care about it, and continued to ask:

"By the way, did the embroidered shoes tell you, let you help us spot some ghosts or exorcists, and improve Huahua's strength."

"I have asked my subordinates to look at me, and I will give you a list tonight, and don't forget what you have to do."

"Of course I won't forget, you help the colorful candidates, and I will help you catch some powerful ghosts to complete the deal between you and us Senluosi."

Glasses said and pushed the presbyopic glasses, and said with a smile:

"I think the ghost's ability is still very good. I guarantee that the ghost selected for you will become a good member of our Sen Luosi. After all, I personally found Huahua."


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