As soon as his words came out.

Both Joan of Arc and Huahua glanced at their glasses without any trace.


They left the airport together.


the other side.

Stealing the country, in the suburbs of Seoul, in a private and luxurious manor.

at this time.

A group of women dressed as maids are cleaning the manor. Although it covers an area of ​​more than a thousand square meters, they are cleaning tirelessly every day. If you look carefully, they are not only hardworking, but also very handsome. At least all of them are upper-middle class.

Moreover, after stealing the country's makeup, the appearance has been raised to another level. However, beauty is beauty, but if you look closely, each of these maids' eyes has lost their luster, and there is no look of happiness.

at this time.

Accompanied by a creak, the door of the main building was opened. As soon as the movement came out, the maids at the door of the main building stopped their movements in unison and looked towards the door immediately.

see you...

A glamorous beauty stepped on high heels and walked in.

"Master, welcome home!"

When the maids saw this man, they all bowed down respectfully to salute.

To this.

The glamorous beauties seemed to be used to it, so they waved their hands casually, let them continue to work, and said to a man who came up, wearing a housekeeper's costume:

"During the time I went out, how did the things I explained go?"

Like other maids, the butler is also good-looking, with a very friendly smile, which belongs to the kind of temperament and appearance that kills women of any age.


Even though the butler is very good-looking, but the beauty is not a nympho, she looked over coldly, because she found that the butler man hesitated after she asked.

Immediately afterwards.

The butler man knelt down and said:

"Master, there have been fewer foreign ghost exorcists stealing the country recently, and there are also fewer local ghost exorcists. The subordinates only found two who meet the requirements for appearance, and they are now locked in the basement."

"Only two? A bunch of trash!"

The glamorous beauty suddenly looked, her voice was undisguised and cold.


No matter the housekeeper or the maid, they all knelt on the ground in fright, each and every one of them was terrified.

"If you can't catch them in the country of stealing, then go to the next door to the north country, or go to the country of cherry blossoms. I will keep you, but I don't want you to be vases. It needs to be useful."

"Yes, yes, the master is right, this subordinate will go now."

The butler man nodded, not daring to delay, and got up to fulfill the beautiful woman's request.


Leaning sideways at the leaving housekeeper man, the glamorous beauty's eyes fell on the maid present:

"What about you, have you completed what I arranged?"

As soon as his words came out.

A leading maid hurriedly answered and said:

"Master, we have done everything you arranged. The portrait you mentioned is cleaned once a day."

When the glamorous beauty heard this, she didn't say anything, and walked straight to her room. Although she asked routinely, she would not believe it directly. She had to go and see for herself to check whether the things she had arranged were completed.


The maids also understood what he meant, and when he walked to the room, they all followed him.

Not long.

The beautiful woman walked through the hall of the manor and the glass corridor, and came to a room. She pushed open the gorgeous white door, and a large room came into view. There was a classical Western-style bed in the room, with a curtain frame. In addition, every Every piece of furniture is luxurious.


The glamorous beauty didn't care about these things, she stared straight at the wall facing the bed in the room, to be exact, it was a huge painting hanging on the wall facing the bed.

The portrait occupies almost the entire wall, bigger than the bed, and it is the only wall decoration in the room, with a handsome man painted on it.

can be seen.

That man is handsome, in his twenties, with a bright smile...

If Lu Lianxue and Qiu Xiaolin were here, they would definitely be stunned when they saw this portrait. The reason is that the man in this portrait looks so much like Zhang Wei!

Not only them.

Even if Zhang Wei came, he would still be stunned, and not because the man in the portrait resembled him somewhat, but... Isn't this a photo of his sand sculpture father?

at this time.

The glamorous beauty looked at the man in the portrait, with a different expression on her cold face for the first time, revealing a touch of obsession, without concealing the admiration in her eyes, even if she got up and watched it over and over again every day, she still couldn't get bored:

"However, Zhang Ping, you are amazing, ah~"

The beautiful woman put her hand on the portrait, and even rubbed her face against it, as if she could get the warmth of the man by doing so, her body and legs trembled with excitement, not knowing whether she was peeing or spraying.

But before she could start spraying, the glamorous beauty was taken aback suddenly, as if she had caught something, she smiled obsessively, and then reached out to the gap in the frame at the lower left corner of the portrait, only to find a small strand of hair stuck there.

Then pick up that hair.

this moment.

The face of the glamorous beauty is no longer obsessed, and some are cold. The next second, Lei Ting stretched out his hand, as if his hands had a terrifying suction force, and he took the head maid from the air, pinched her neck, and said solemnly:

"This is what you mean by cleaning?! Show me what this is. Didn't I say it before? Clean me spotlessly, let alone hair, let alone dust. Look at what this is."

As soon as his words came out.

The leading maid panicked and begged for mercy:

"Master, I was wrong, give me another chance, I have checked again and again, after I should have checked, I was accidentally stuck on the floating card, I..."

The head maid was not given a chance to explain.

The glamorous beauty pinched his neck and lifted him abruptly, no matter how hard the maid struggled to break free, she even burst out with ghost king-level strength. It seemed that the leading maid was not only a maid, but also a ghost king-level exorcist!

But even a ghost king-level ghost exorcist, facing the glamorous beauty's hand, can only kick his feet there, unable to resist.

"Still want to resist?"

"No, master, I just subconsciously."

The leading maid trembled.

It's a pity that the glamorous beauty didn't listen to her explanation, she exerted force with five fingers, and a terrifying ghostly aura spewed out, strangling her to death.


Under the horrified and trembling gaze of the maids.

A huge figure of a gentle mother appeared behind the glamorous beauty, she reached out and grabbed the lead maid who was strangled to death, and threw it into her own mouth.

See this scene.

All the maids were comparable in strength to the head maid, but at this moment, they all knelt down, not daring to raise their heads.

Also at this time.

The glamorous beauty looked at a hair in her hand, and raised her hand to grab one of the maids from the air.

"Master, no..."

Without giving the other party time to speak, the huge figure of the mother behind her reached out and swallowed the maid.

Finish these.

The glamorous beauty then stopped, looked at the maids coldly and said:

"Who dares to put your disgusting hair and dander on my portrait next time, this is the end, let me remember."

"Yes! Master!"

The maids didn't dare to complain, they could only nod their heads respectfully in response.

The glamorous beauty nodded, pointing to one of the maids with ghost king-level strength:

"You become the new head maid, then go to the basement and transfer a woman to fill the vacancy of the servant."

"Yes! Master, I'm going right away."

"Go out, don't prevent me from being alone with Zhang Ping."

The glamorous beauty waved her hand and continued to obsessively paste her face on the portrait.


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